Journalism lecturers go on mad one at Pop Tarts

One lecturer lost her shoe

Journalism lecturers, Mark and Lisa Bradley, were spotted getting down to our SU’s beloved ‘Non-Stop-Retro-Pop’ on Saturday night.

The duo hit Fusion and Foundry after the end of year blowout at the Journalism Ball and were seen dancing the night away, and downing numerous jaeger bombs with their students.

Speaking to Lisa, in light of her mad one, she said: “I haven’t been to Pop Tarts since I was a student here 16 years ago. It hasn’t changed! (From what I can remember…)”

Asking what she thought of the legendary club night, Lise said: “I couldn’t tell you what I thought of it, I’d had quite a few by then and all the students were buying us shots. However, I could have been anywhere with those lot and had a great night.”

“We nearly weren’t let in though, so thanks to my third years who swung it for us! Kind of a bit of a role reversal.

“I danced all night, so I clearly had a good time. And I lost a shoe”.

We asked what her favourite pop classic is, but Lisa said: “I’m not really a pop girl myself, I am more into rock – but there was plenty to jump up and down to, so that’s all I need”

And talking to us about her usual tipple of choice she said: “I seem to recall being on the jaeger bombs. I’m normally a red wine drinker, but wouldn’t risk it there”.

We hope they start rocking the Pop Tarts merch to lectures. Pop tarts phone case anyone?