Sheffield is the sixth most swiped right university on Tinder

Does this mean we’re fit or desperate?

A recent study has revealed that Sheffield University has the sixth most right-swiped men and women in the country on Tinder.

Tinder has done some digging to find out which universities have the best Tinder game, calculating how many swipes right on average girls and boys have amassed.

Impressively, Sheffield was consistent across the male and female categories, coming in at sixth in each. London stormed to victory across both genders, being the top university for swipes right in each.

Second place for male swipes right was the posh boy haven of Oxford, and for girls was the edgy and evidently good looking Leeds.

And they say romance is dead

Clearly residents of the Steel City prefer the ease of browsing from the comfort of their own beds to prowling the dance floor of Corp, or chirpsing on the Hope Works sofas.

Though it beggars belief that Sheffield ranked so highly after we had a little snoop around the city’s hottest bachelors’ Tinder profiles, and we were less than impressed. We just want to know if this means Sheffield Uni students are really hot or just loose.

Second year Lewis Eyley, studying Business Management, was impressed at the findings and said: “Well it looks like everyone here is keen to get their end away”

Meanwhile Third year journalist Matt Matkin, commented: “My swipes right must have got lost in the post then”