ROAR’s competition for ten free tickets has descended into utter chaos

If you thought trying to get a Pop Tarts ticket was bad, then hold onto your hat

With the Christmas Roar just one week away, the chaos surrounding tickets has reached a fever pitch with many sports societies not getting enough tickets for the crowds eager to party Wednesday night away.

In an effort to help out some of the societies that need tickets, the union kindly created a poll to work out who most deserved the coveted ten guest list spots, and it has all gone to hell in a hand-cart.

Who knew competition could be like this?

Roar’s simple act of kindness has created carnage and the poll itself has absolutely taken off, with the Swimming and Water-polo team attracting nearly 1, 500 votes and the wildcard Korfball team getting 1,200, which is bordering on obscenity.

Many spectators from other universities have been forgiven for thinking that this poll decides the fate of the modern world but nay, this red mist has descended and sad reality that remains is ten tickets to Roar.  With families and friends enlisted to help the cause and dignity has been forfeited, you’ve got to hope its all worth it.



With aggression levels rising it is a blessing in disguise that the poll closes this Thursday, giving the winners ample time to gloat and the runners up time to sell their dignity in some other way in order to assure their attendance at the sporting social event of the season. Perhaps via the medium of PowerPoint.

Laura Bell, an English Literature finalist described the situation as “absolute madness” and asked  “what is the world coming to?”

Even at the bottom of the poll, chaos ensues with Harambe (let it go already), Boaty McBoatface and the Donald Trump Appreciation Society beating out both Cycling and Fish society. Drat, there’s always Corp?

Boaty McBoatface makes a storming come back.

If nothing else can be learnt from this, it is that unbridled chaos comes from pitting already competitive people against each other in the fierce battle for priority roar access.