The SU will not take part in Trump protest due to organisers ‘connection to institutional misogyny’
The sponsors have alleged links to rape apologists
Sheffield Students’ Union will not take part in the Protest Against Trump March this Friday, after SU President Dom Trendall called out the event’s sponsors for misogyny.
In a letter posted on the SU’s Facebook page, the SU President declined the invitation to protest against the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the USA, expressing concerns over the march’s sponsor ‘Stand Up to Racism’ and their links to the Socialist Workers Party.
“We take seriously the testimony of survivors of sexual violence and deplore the party’s connection to institutional misogyny and rape apologism.
“The specifics of the allegations, pertaining to ‘Comrade Delta’ are well known. Therefore, we do not feel that taking part in this rally would be in any way appropriate.”
Further in the letter, Trendall asks the Green Party’s Councillor for Broomhill and Sharrow Vale Magid Magid to reconsider his own attendance at the march, emphasising that he is a representative of a many students in Sheffield.
“As a councillor that represents a great number of students, you have a responsible to take on board these concerns and not indulge in political activity with groups that clearly have an issue with institutional misogny and rape apologism.”
Ending his response, the SU President stated that Sheffield Students’ Union condemns Donald Trump and regrets the result of the American Election, but feels ‘the best way to stand up to misogynists is not to stand with other misogynists’.
Since the letter was posted on Facebook, Councillor Magid has now responded to Dom Trendall and said: “Like you, I am entirely opposed to any organisation that has issues with institutional misogyny and rape apologism: in my view these have no place in our society, much less in any organisation that claims to be working for a better world.
“I respect the Students’ Union’s right to not attend this demonstration, but I would ask that you not jump to conclusions about those who are organising it and what they stand for.
“The event tomorrow has not been organised by the Socialist Workers Party; I know this because I am one of the organisers.
“In doing this I have sought to represent the views of those residents of my ward who have expressed their concerns with the words and behaviour of Donald Trump.”
(We would like to apologise for misquoting Councillor Magid in our previous edit as saying “the event tomorrow has been organised by the Socialist Workers Party”, it was not organised by this party. We have rectified the edit)