People shouldn’t assume there’s something ‘wrong’ with me because I choose not to drink
Just not keen on the sesh
“Wait…you don’t drink? Like, ever?!”
This has to be one of the most common things people say to me when I meet them. The idea of being a sober first year student at university is something most people can’t comprehend, and I suppose I can’t blame them. With the (mainly justified) reputation of students for being massive boozers who only care about the sesh, it must be a shock for people to meet someone who chooses not to drink alcohol.
There are a few reasons why I made this decision. I’ve never really been a ‘big’ drinker, but about two years ago I started suffering from acid reflux and alcohol made me feel really ill, really quickly. I started having panic attacks about being sick in public places and it just didn’t seem worth it to risk drinking much. I also started getting really anxious and I found out that alcohol was bad for anxiety, so the logical explanation was just to cut it out altogether.
Since I stopped drinking, going out hasn’t really appealed to me. I don’t fancy the idea of being completely sober, surrounded by people who are exactly the opposite. It’s a decision that I’ve made my peace with and I’m now much happier with staying in, drinking tea and wearing pyjamas and slippers instead of heels, but that’s not something that many people understand.
I am constantly stereotyped and judged for my decision. One of the things I am commonly asked is “what’s wrong with you?” Well, quite a lot if I’m being honest, but why do people assume there’s something wrong just because I choose not to drink? Lots of people assume I’m boring, and I suppose to them I might be, but I’m happy with how I am and I don’t think that should be a problem.
There are some great things about not drinking that have made the decision so much easier though. I don’t lose days to chronic hangovers, I can save the money I would spend on nights out and spend it on new clothes and makeup instead, and the calories I save from not drinking mean I can have double helpings of my favourite foods.
The main thing I have learnt is that drinking is not the most important part of university life. It has taken me a long time to be comfortable with my decision not to drink, but I finally feel confident about it and I know there is more to life. I can still have fun, and I know that anyone worth having in my life will be able to look past the ‘t-total’ label and accept me for who I am.