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Lord Blunkett’s dog has passed away

It’s a sad day in Elmfield

It's emerged that Lord David Blunkett, former Sheffield MP and professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield, has unfortunately had to say goodbye to his guide dog, Cosby.

Cosby, a labrador-retriever cross breed, sadly had to be put down after they found he had an inoperable live tumour. He was just seven years old.

The dog, a favourite in the Elmfield building, was seemingly fine the week before, but then Blunkett noticed something was up when Cosby was off his food.

Blunkett commented, "How I will miss Cosby's ever-wagging tail. Above all, I shall remember his incredible bravery in those last few days, including walking unaided into the veterinary hospital.

"And, even at the last, giving us a wag of his tail as he sniffed one of his favourite tennis balls, which smelt of the woods where he spent many happy hours.

"So thank you, not so old friend. I shall miss you, and so will many others."

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It's since emerged that it may take up to six months for a replacement guide dog to be found.

Blunkett was offered professorship at the University in 2015, having been a student at the University as a young adult, balancing working in the Elmfield building with being a Lord in Westminster.