Which is the best Chaser on The Chase?
Don’t you dare choose the minus offer
It’s a known fact that The Chase is something of an institution amongst Sheffield students. At 4.40 pm, you'll often see hoards of students running out of the IC, Western Bank and Adsetts so they can get back to their student digs to watch Bradley Walsh and his guests take on the Chaser.
Yet, The Chase would not be The Chase without it’s Chasers – it's deity like figures sitting atop their thrones, commanding respect in a way Theresa May could only dream of.
But which Chaser is the best? Take a look at our handy guide to the Chasers and vote for your favourite below.
Anne ‘The Governess’ Hegerty
In early episodes of The Chase, Anne Hegerty is a nightmare, she was like that lecturer that keeps emailing you asking why you didn’t show up to your seminar today, always looking for an opportunity to make life difficult for you.
In later episodes, however, she’s mellowed. She has a laugh with the contestant, she smiles, she doesn’t take it to heart when she gets an answer wrong. She’s like a bouncer, but not the kind of bouncer that looks at your ID, then you, then back at your ID, then back at you, until you start questioning your own identity.
No, she’s the kind of bouncer that smiles, that is always willing to help, the kind of bouncer that begins to stop ID’ing you because you come here so often they remember you, but not in a judgemental way, not like that cashier in Sainsbury’s who looked at you funny because you bought a bottle of wine, a ready meal, and a bag of Haribo Tangfastics all for yourself.
In short, be more like Anne Hegerty.
Paul ‘The Sinnerman’ Sinha
Paul Sinha is a trained doctor, a comedian, and a Chaser with a quite frankly incredible pun to go with it. On one occasion, Paul Sinha went through the whole episode without getting a question wrong. And if that wasn’t enough, he even turned up at a student house party in Birmingham. Get yourself a man like Paul Sinha.
Shaun ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Wallace
Aside from the casual racism of the nickname ITV apparently settled on, there isn’t anything in particular you can say about barrister and Chaser Shaun Wallace. The moodiest of all the Chasers, rarely willing to joke, or indeed smile, he, like many of the other Chasers, has never gone to a house party in Birmingham, and that just about says it all really.
Jenny ‘The Vixen’ Ryan
It is impossible to say anything bad about The Chase, and it would be unfair to have a go at any of The Chasers. They’re all incredibly smart individuals in their own right and have forged a career out of something that can only be described as niche.
But, let's be honest, The Vixen is the worst of all The Chasers. If The Chase was a tub of Celebrations, she would be Bounty. The problem is that she is a parody of the show. If you watched every episode of The Chase (that’s the dream) and created an amalgamation of the personalities of each Chaser, you would get The Vixen, a pretend Chaser, the equivalent of a guy named Luke, probably from Surrey, going to university and all of a sudden deciding he likes grime. He looks the part, he talks the talk, but at the end of the day you know he’s just a guy named Luke from Surrey.
Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett
Here is an anecdote I have about Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett:
I went to New York. I visited the Empire State Building. At the top of the Empire State Building there are photos of famous people, people like former Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki Moon, David Beckham, and Emma Watson, among others. There is also a photo of Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett.
That’s right, Mark ‘The Beast’ Labbett has cracked America. I think we know who the best Chaser is.
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