28,000 trips have already been made using Ofo bikes in Sheffield

Their most popular locations are on University campuses

It's hard to walk around Sheffield, especially around the student areas, without seeing these bright yellow bikes everywhere.

The bikes belong to a Chinese company called Ofo, and costing only 50p for 30 minutes, the Ofo app allows users to pick up or drop off bikes anywhere around the city, locking and unlocking them with only their smartphone.

Just one month after its launch in Sheffield, Ofo has revealed that 28,000 trips were made and 6,000 people have joined the service since January.

Students and locals are set to see more yellow bikes around Sheffield as Ofo has decided to expand its coverage in the city, with the service saying it will introduce another 300 bikes.

Sheffield was also the first Northern city in which the bikes were launched.
Calling itself “the world’s first non-docking bike sharing app”, the service has proven popular in Sheffield since it was fully rolled out after a free trial period in early January.

The bikes scheme is also set to be introduced to Leeds later this year.