Image may contain: Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure, Drawing, Art

The Freshers’ Breakup Ball is coming to Sheffield

For when sleeping with their best mate just isn’t doing the trick

Imagine the scene: it's the third night of Freshers' Week, you're stumbling along West Street with some randomers you found in Tiger Works; still emotionally exhausted from crying over your ex in the Soyo toilets two hours ago.

Then, in a mirage-like fashion, a flyer appears ahead of you.

In your VK and A-Bomb induced state, you hobble towards the pink paper sinking into a puddle and retrieve it, like Arthur removing the sword from the stone.

After brushing off the ominously coloured water, you take a closer look.

The flyer reads: "I will survive! The world's greatest breakup anthems", and you know, from now on, everything is going to be alright.

Introducing the newest club night on the Sheffield scene: The Freshers' Breakup Ball, coming to the O2 Academy on Saturday 22nd September.

Image may contain: Trademark, Logo, Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure

With all your favourite post-breakup tunes from Taylor Swift to Adele, there's no better place to be this Freshers' Week.

To make your night even more memorable, there will be "Breakup Makeup" to make "looking the worst, the best" and a "Heartbreak Cinema" to remind you that even Keira Knightley doesn't always get her happy ending.

So if you're looking for a place to mend your broken heart this Freshers' Week, head down to the O2 Academy and enjoy the best cheesy breakup anthems Sheffield has to offer.