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A video game museum has opened in Sheffield

The National Video Game Museum opened today

A brand new video game museum opened in Sheffield today, celebrating the history and future of video gaming.

The National Video Game Museum is moving to Sheffield from its previous location in Nottingham, where it spent three and a half years. It is hoped that the museum will bring up to 50,000 new visitors to Sheffield every year.

Museum director, Iain Simons, told The Sheffield Star: "In Nottingham we were the National Videogame Arcade but this will be the first time we will be a museum – but we want to be a different type of museum.

"Here there are no glass cases and you will be able to use everything and see how it works. It is a museum you can touch – and if it breaks we can fix it."

There will be 80 playable games in the new museum, which will be located inside Castle House, with plans to expand this number in the future.

Simons added: "How we approach it is that the museum is alive – it will never be finished and it will always be changing. When people come back they are going to discover something different every time."

The museum will be open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and daily during school holidays.