‘I genuinely care about the role Activities can play in our SU’: An interview with Martha Evans
Student wellbeing focused and increasing opportunities for all
Martha-Daisy Evans is running for the position of Activities Officer this year. As a third-year Biomedical Science student, she has been involved in a number of societies since arriving in Sheffield and believes this has given her a great perspective on what societies at Sheffield really need.
What inspired you to run for Activites Officer?
It’s something I’ve thought about since helping someone else campaign in first year; as I became more involved in Societies and the SU throughout my time at University, I realised areas that I wanted to improve and areas that could run more efficiently.
I had seen the amazing work that our SU has done and how it has changed so much in my time at University. As my manifesto shows though, I know this can change for the better but crucially too, how to actually implement these changes.
What are your unique selling points?
As a Society Committee member (President & Social Secretary) and Working Committee member, I have lots of experience of SU processes and worked closely with support staff in SGS (Student Groups Support). If I were elected Activites Officer, I would be starting from a strong position to implement policies centred for Sheffield students.
My manifesto is well thought through as I have been planning to apply for a while. It addresses key areas affecting students, it’s feasible, and every point has a method for how it will work. I’m running this campaign because I genuinely care about the role Activities in our SU can play for enhancing student university experience, as it did for me.
If you could summarise your ethos and the ethos of your campaign overall in 15 words, what would you say?
Student wellbeing focused and increasing opportunities for all in Activities around Sheffield.
What do you think the key issues facing students at the moment are?
Employability is definitely a massive issue facing students, especially post Brexit. Skills gained through Activities in Societies and Volunteering give students the opportunity to develop their CV along with all the other benefits of making friends and improving general wellbeing!
Finances is another huge issue for students which is why as Activities Officer, I want to work hard to further publicise the Participation Grant for students.
Give us one highlight of your time at Sheffield.
I have many so it’s difficult to choose! I particularly enjoyed Assistant Producing ‘The 24 Hour Musical’ earlier this month which raised money for the wonderful Cavendish Cancer Care. In 24 hours, the hit show ‘Grease’ was completely staged; rehearsed and everything. It was by far one of the most overwhelming things I have done at uni, but watching it all come together during show time was a real highlight.
Where do you hope to be in a year or two's time?
Definitely more travelled and hopefully studying paediatric nursing.
What's your favourite place in Sheffield?
Foxhouse pub out in the peaks – I love that we can get a cheap bus fare out to such a beautiful spot from the heart of Sheffield. In first year when I went with friends, we had a great walk followed by a roast in pub.. and managed to just miss the bus home. Given it was a Sunday with only one bus running an hour, we had to head back into the pub!
To vote for in the SU elections go to www.sheffieldsu.com/vote .
Voting closes Thursday 28 February at 5pm.