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Tab Me Out: Henrique and Sophia

Let the Wether see the Spoons

We're underway with Tab Me Out, and the first date this year was between Henrique and Sophia.

Henrique is a third year student at Uni Of, who is described as confident and can easily make people laugh. He was on the Youth Parliament so confidence clearly is a strong point!

Sophia is a second year who also goes to Uni Of, with "hilarious banter" and looking for someone who is tall, handsome, and "funny but not funnier than her." She applied for First Dates but didn't get on, so this is the obvious alternative.

They met up for a drink at Waterworks on Division Street on Friday night, so let's see how they got on.

Henrique on Sophia

Image may contain: Evening Dress, Fashion, Robe, Gown, Female, Phone, Mobile Phone, Electronics, Cell Phone, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

On paper, was Sophia your type?

Yeah, on paper she seems like the type of girl I would approach and try to spark a conversation with.

How did the date go overall?

I felt like it went really well, the conversations flowed really easily from start to finish. Nothing had to be forced.

What did you talk about?

We found out that we had some mutual friends which we naturally had a chat about but we ranged from what we're doing in Sheffield all the way to what we wanna do in the future. It was just a really relaxed conversation and natural about everything.

Were there any awkward moments?

I didn't feel like there was any, but I can often be oblivious to awkward moments.

What’s your favourite thing about Sophia?

The best about Sophia was the confident energy she has about her. The smiling, laughing. She has a very bubbly personality which I really liked.

If Sophia was a bar on West Street, which one would she be and why?

Errm. I'm gonna have to go with Tiger Works , visually a classy place where you can relax and chat but you can also just get hammered and have fun all the same.

Was the location a good dating spot in your opinion?

Well we were meant to go to Benjamin Huntsman, but we ending up going to Waterworks because Sophia felt like it was a better vibe and she was very much right.

Image may contain: Female, Man, Selfie, Photo, Photography, Portrait, Accessory, Accessories, Glasses, Head, Apparel, Clothing, Smile, Human, Person, Face

There was much better music and a livelier vibe in there but we could also just chat. Plus, who doesn't love a Spoons!

Did you go anywhere after?

We didn't end up going anywhere after as we both had plans for later in the evening.

Would you meet Sophia again?

Sophia was great company and I would do it again.

Sophia on Henrique

Image may contain: Outdoors, Pants, Finger, Flagstone, Sleeve, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

On paper, is Henrique your type?

Not really, I wasn’t necessarily attracted to him on that level. He is funny (but not funnier than me lol), really sweet, and we have loads in common. We got on really well, I just don’t know if he is my type.

How did the date go overall?

As dates go, it was really lovely. We went to a Spoons so it was really chilled. Henrique was easy to talk to and the conversation just flowed.

What did you talk about?

We’ve got some mutual friends so that helped. We mostly talked about where we go on nights out, and our same taste in music. We’re both from London and study law – so we had loads in common.

Were there any awkward moments?

No, it was good. We were both really chatty and there was loads to talk about.

What’s your favourite thing about Henrique?

He was just so easy to get along with! And he’s funny which deffo helped.

If Henrique was a bar on West St, which one would he be and why?

Players – lively, fun, and has decent taste in music.

Was the location a good dating spot in your opinion?

It was great (mostly because it was my idea). A Spoons is always a good shout and they played decent music, can’t complain.

Did you go anywhere after?

No, I had a friend’s birthday that night so I had to make it back in time.

Would you meet Henrique again?

I'll deffo be bumping into him in Roar at some point. If I was to meet him again it’ll probably be on more of a friends level.

To nominate yourself or one of your mates for a Tab Me Out date, fill out the application form here.