The Leadmill faces one year eviction notice from landlord
It’s arguably Sheffield’s most iconic venue
Sheffield’s most cherished and loved venue, The Leadmill, has been handed an eviction notice, telling them to leave the premises in a year’s time.
The news was shared by The Leadmill on the 31st of March, and since then thousands of messages of support have been shared to try and prevent the eviction.
The hashtag #WeCantLoseLeadmill has gained national attention, with acts like Arctic Monkeys and radio station Radio X all showing their support towards the venue, and denying the eviction.
The current owner, team, and all of the staff are likely to lose their jobs, after 42 years of business.
Dominic Madden, the building’s landlord and owner of Electric Brixton, is looking to take over. In an interview with The Sheffield Star, Madden said: “We haven’t bought Leadmill to knock it down or mess it up. We’re there to celebrate its heritage, invest in it and hopefully upgrade its facilities. Judge us by what we do and our track record.”
The Leadmill has commented on the issue, posting on Twitter: “If the landlord gets their way then there will be NO more Leadmill. Everything that currently makes our venue what it is will be gone. The sign will go, the staff will go and the building will be stripped of everything that makes it unique, including our name.”
The Leadmill is home to three different rooms, playing music of different genres.
Sonic Saturday, a heavily popular night, includes Room 1 – Indie, Room 2 – Funk & Soul, and Room 3 – Punk Rock.
Other nights include Leadmill Fridays, boasting cheap drinks offers and a variation of music genres. The venue also hosts nights such as silent discos, comedy shows and gigs from upcoming bands and artists.
The devastating news has spiralled across the city, and The Leadmill has released an official petition to raise awareness and increase support, in order to stop the eviction. You can access and sign the petition here.
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