How many rich kids do you live with

Under ten percent of residents in most halls went to a private school

Thanks to a recent Freedom of Information request, The Tab Stirling can now reveal the number of privately educated students in your halls. 

Despite the Uni’s attempts to turn campus into a luxury resort, Stirling students are much more likely to have come from state school than private school.

And six halls of residences had absolutely no residents who were privately educated, including Bayne Street and John Forty’s.

Spittal Hill boasts the most posh residents, with 17 percent hailing from fee-paying schools.

The next highest unsurprisingly came from Beech and Willow, with 8 percent and 5 percent respectively.

Geddes Court, which was recently voted Stirling’s worst halls, had an unusually high proportion of private schooled residents, with 7 percent.

Maybe their parents are trying to teach them the value of money or something?

Alexander Court, Fraser of Allander and Union Street all only had 1 percent of private school kids sleeping in their beds.

Stirling Uni attracts a variety of people, but it would appear it’s especially attractive to the commoners among us.