We spoke to the beardy Coventry boys taking part in Movember this year
The month where not trimming your face bush is actually for a good cause
From deadlines limiting razor-to-face time, to sporting a lumberjack aesthetic for the ladies during cuffing season, November is the time for some serious beard action.
It's not uncommon for students to be seen sporting some weekend face scruff or a full-on Santa beard (not advised) during this time of the year.
Yep, the time of the face scarf is here. More importantly, it's the time for awareness. Some prostate, testicular and mental health awareness.
Hasan, First Year, Mechanical Engineering

Jazz up your Movember by adding (optional) flower decorations to your beard
Hasan says he'd probably wait until he's 40 before he gets someone else's finger up his bum for a prostate check up… but growing out his beard for the month isn't out of the question. He says now that he knows about Movember, it's easy to take part and just keep letting the beard grow to it's full potential.
"I'll walk around like a vagabond" – if that's a thing. He also encourages others to take part as it's good to be open with others about men's health. "If you're a man and you've got a prostate – (it's safe to say that most men do) – you should look after it and look after others."
Joe, Second Year, Journalism
For Joe, Movember is a fantastic cause. He mentions how talking about Movember is "an excellent way of teaching young men about their bodies and it educates them about the risks of prostate cancer. It even encourages those who might have it to get a check up, or get officially diagnosed".
Adam, First Year, Photography
Adam comments on how even though Autumn is the peak of beard popularity, Movember doesn't fade into the background. "People will bring it up and even if they say no, people are still talking about Movember."
He states that although growing a beard is harder than it looks "it's still a good visual way of representing the charity". What better way to highlight that Movember is men's charity than a brown cloud of bristles hovering over your face.
Muhammad, Second Year, Economics
Muhammad thinks Movember is a great cause because "it raises awareness of men's health and mental health, two things which aren't talked about enough."
He adds: "It encourages men to be more open about prostate cancer and the risks they face, which is necessary when so many men are reluctant to talk about being unwell, and they're less likely to go for check ups too."
Alex, First Year, Spanish

Don't forget to alternate your Movember looks, perhaps by adding a splash of glitter one day
Alex has also seen more beards and moustaches around the Coventry campus, in particular "one chap with a particularly curled moustache in Rock Society."
He states that Movember is important as it helps cover "the gap in awareness to particular men's health issues."
He continues: "It doesn't take much to do it" and that it shows support for those with family members or friends who've been affected. "Maybe someone in your family or even you might need it one day so it's best to start supporting the charity now."
Cas, First Year, English and Journalism
Cas says Movember is great because it's not that hard to grow a beard or a moustache (for some people at least) and that this helps raise a lot of awareness by opening up the discussion about Movember.
"It's natural to grow a beard, and it's quite easy to try and participate at least… all beards and moustaches count. "
Taking part in a good cause is fab, so join in and wear that facial fluff with pride.