Best nights on campus
Campus life can offer a surprisingly fun alternative to going out in the town every night. Here is our run down of the best nights out on campus.
Monday night – Open mic night
Every other Monday East Slope bar opens up its stage to the best performers on campus, as well as those who had taken full advantage of happy hour and think they are suddenly a poet. This shindig kicks off at 8pm and I actually have nothing bad to say about it. Admittedly the talent ranges from future Jack Whites to Rebecca Blacks, but there is no better way to start your week than a healthy mix of booze, talent and a couple classic sing-a-longs.
Tuesday – Skint
The problem with Skint, at East Slope bar, is that happy hour starts at 5, until 8, then Skint starts at 8, and keeps drinks at £2 until the bar closes at 2am. That’s 9 hours of dangerously cheap drinks. This night can only be described as the bastard offspring of an expats pub in Magaluf and Oceana on a Wednesday. Nonetheless, you must go at least 3 or 4 times a term.
Wednesday – Winsday
Winsday day is, if you haven’t already worked out, a joke, because you win… on a Wednesday. Past this awful pun, Winsday means that every hour is happy hour at Falmer Bar on a Wednesday. This day is as dangerous for your liver as Ian Duncan Smith is to grannies. The positive is that for some unknown reason, you always feel classier getting paraplegically pissed in Falmer than East Slope.
Thursday – Cocktail night
This is the best night ever. You have not lived until you have had a Vanilla in the Sky (with extra raspberry) served by the bar staff at Falmer Bar. I will go here every single Thursday until I die. If Cocktail night ran for parliament I would vote for it, if it made me only eat egg and cress sandwiches for the rest of my life I’d buy a chicken, if it wanted me to be a surrogate for its baby I would make twins.
Brings out the best of us all
Friday – Postgrads it’s Friday!
Although it is hard to follow the greatness of Cocktail night, Falmer Bar tries by offering all postgrads and researchers 50p off all pints. This night is just a convenience for the more mature students, whilst the first years head off into town for the night. Every other Friday also sees live music at Falmer Bar.
Saturday – Save on Saturdays
Saturday’s at East Slope are a great night when the mid-term budget comes into effects. Drinks are happy hour prices all night. This night is always a classic, authentic, traditional piss up and the convenience of not having to trek it back from town is a rare delight.
Sunday – Quiz night
Quiz night at East Slope bar kicks off around 8pm and there are some cracking quiz topics coming up this term; my personal favourite was last year’s St. Paddy’s day Irish quiz (not wanting to boast but we totally won that). Quiz night always goes hand-in-hand with a great atmosphere, some hilarious team names, and a really unhelpful amount of alcohol for a Sunday night. I would try to get down to East Slope bar for the quiz at least once or twice a term.