

Sussex students tell us their biggest first year regrets

One word. Flatcest.

If you want to start tackling rape culture at Sussex Uni, start with sports societies

Why we need to stop saying ‘boys will be boys’ and start holding people accountable for their actions

Voices from the rent strike’s virtual picket lines

A reflection of the thoughts and feelings of rent strikers

I’m not forcing you to be vegetarian, but the #NoBeef movement makes a lot of sense

Sacrificing the odd beef burger could make more difference than you think

Every subject deserves a reading week and here’s why

It’s not just humanities students who need a week off

‘There’s a chance I’ll go home for Christmas’: Sussex students on staying in Tier 1

Students have mixed opinions about staying at ‘medium risk’

‘More teaching failures by Sussex University’: Lecturers are playing pre-recorded content

Sussex students are livid with the standard of teaching

I’m done with Sussex Uni refusing to acknowledge that my course is fully online

What does your Autumn term schedule look like?

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


We’re the international students paying 22 grand a year and we are sick of strikes

How do the strikes impact our international students at Sussex?

Did anyone even know The Globe has reopened? It’s so tragic

Talk about a glow down

I’m a student, and this is why I’m happy to give up my hours for the sake of my tutors’ pensions

Four weeks of disruption for us is worth it for saving our lecturers’ futures.

Strikes: Stop demanding a refund, demand the education you came for

A refund won’t make a difference to your future, education will

The Sussex picket line is cutting off the entire campus – what gives them the right?

Campus is more than a lecturer’s workplace

If you leave your submission to the last minute and Study Direct crashes, you’re part of the problem

A deadline is a limit for submitting your work, not a target

Students of Brighton and Sussex: Do not buy the One Pass card

We’ll show you how to save money for free

Unfair-Ground… Anyone else bored of the SU’s NSS campaigning?

£800 for a ‘unfair-ground’ against tuition fees? Bit rich…