Forget your deadlines, it’s Sussex Clubbers of the Week
You lot really can’t resist
With this being the last week of teaching for most, and shorter than usual thanks to a wonderful bank hol weekend earlier this week, it's hard to accept that exam season is slowly but surely creeping up on us all.
Dissertations, essays and coursework are being handed in and those dreaded exams are looming, but this weather is too beaut to resist taking a day off from the library.
"One last night 'out out' before I get my head down and actually start doing some work" we hear you say. But as we all know, Brighton is simply too hard to resist.
Here are the best of this weeks clubbers.
Girl grind of the week
Runners Up
Suited and Booted of the week

They scrub up nicely
Runners Up
Booties of the week

Shake that
Crazy hair of the week

We wish we were as cool as her
Pizza pals of the week
Runner Up
Album droppin' soon of the week

3,2,1 pose
Gal Pals of the week
Sesh legends of the week
Runners Up

Gotta love David
"Say cheese" of the week
Nip lick of the week

Runners Up
Squad of the week
Cheeky chappy of the week
Shades of the week

Blockin out the haters
Feelin' the beat of the week
Threesome of the week
Inventive snog of the week
Everybody get low of the week
#sexyselfie of the week
Twerker of the week

Shake that booty
Boozer of the week

Down it fresher
Longest arms of the week

Seriously how?!
Photo Credits
Fat Poppadaddy’s and Secret Discotheque photos courtesy of The Haunt
Trash Mondays photos by MXL Media
Epik Wednesday's courtesy of Pryzm
Donuts photos courtesy of Green Door Store