The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The boys are raising money for local charity Look Sussex.
I guess they’re right, all good things come to an end.
It’s about time the gulls got the recognition they truly deserve
Ensuring that each and every student has adequate support for any issue they might encounter and proactively representing students’ rights on and off campus
The officer representing students in matters relating to active involvement in the SU, sports, societies, volunteering and other student-led activities
Democracy is not cancelled
Andorra resorts have closed for the remainder of the season due to COVID-19
They said they felt it would be irresponsible to go ahead with their scheduled shows
The company felt they have been left with no other choice
Maybe we’ll have to make a trip to the Marina?
The University have confirmed that campus will continue to open as usual.
The site is expected to remain closed for 4 hours
“Anything we can do to provide solidarity we must do it without question”
The student was admitted to hospital to be tested for the virus
The student review site plans your day so you don’t have to
It’s that time of the year again
The DJ duo will be performing at the venue in March
It’s the first time a UK university has done this
The entire hotel and all the guests had to be evacuated
The event will take place in Wild Park with a brand new theme
The School have now developed a clear policy
Sussex are covering all costs
The organisers have asked permission to use Wild Park
It’s about more than just the moustache
The legal advice from two Sussex students helped win the case
Use of the word left students ‘noticeably unsettled’
The best worst night out Brighton has to offer
After all, who doesn’t love a gossip?
Wow, you lot scrub up well
Introducing, The Good Night Owls
You really don’t need booze to have a blast
Setting sail this September
Tired of the same events, in the same places with the same people?
Gunshots were heard on Birdham Road
Adam Tickell claims urgent action is needed
Your BNOC King has been crowned
The extreme weather conditions forced event organisers to cancel today’s event after high winds ripped through the main event tent
Let me introduce you, to my party people
Who will take the crown?
You lot aren’t giving up boozing for Lent that’s for sure
Start the month as you mean to go on
The game has been called off due to a ‘difference in standards of the teams’
Summer? In FEBRUARY???
It’s going to be bonkers
Kicking off second term off in style
The night is called ‘Big Night On Campus’
You lot have certainly been up to snow good
It is the most wonderful time of the week
You lot are already partying like it’s the holidays
The hall of fame is back for another week
This week went off with a bang
You better not kill the groove DJ
Alcohol is the best from of procrastination
Political or party animal? Head down south…
The coolest kids in Brighton
Who will be crowned the biggest name on campus?
Did you make the cut?
You lot really can’t resist
Another week, another dose of crazy clubbers
There’s a tequila shack, rum bar and gin station
Sussex has fallen six places and is now ranked 25th in the country
Deadlines were not met by external companies
It wasn’t quite Varsity, although there was a flare
Sussex University has voted in favour of bringing back the event for 2019
Check out these bunnies
SASS brings you Holi 2018, the biggest colour festival of the year
Holi Festival, an East Slope International Lip Sync Battle, World Street Market and much much more
Sleep all day and party all night
“We’re paying all this money and we don’t even get double beds”
Volks on a Wednesday anyone?
Even the Arctic temperatures didn’t stop these sesh legends