Sussex’s BNOC of the Year 2018: Round Two
Who will you crown Sussex royalty?
The biggest and most prestigious competition of the year is here and it's that special time of year where you get to vote for who you think deserves to be crowned Sussex's biggest name on campus.
The entries have flooded in and, having carefully sifted through your nominations, we have managed to shortlist some of the messiest, craziest contenders, ranging from famous freshers to oh so familiar fourth years.
In the second round we'll take a look at six UoS students, pledging for your votes, and of course that all-important place in the BNOC of 2018 final.
Em Sunderland, Second Year, Philosophy with German
Possibly one of the coolest gals on campus, Groovy Em is full of many talents. "She is the vice captain of the Netball first team, which means you are guaranteed to catch her in Pryzm groovin' on a Wednesday"
Her talents carry through to her academics, as "she may not be able to down a pints she can submit essays in 45 mins on modules she never attended which is pretty phenomenal".
Em is full of bad life choices like that one time "she made the #classic student decision to go to Volks the night before a 9am flight" (she missed the flight). Not to mention "she went on a gap yarrrr and that automatically makes her x10 cooler than you". Wow, you sound pretty cultured bruh. Em appears to have it all. Does she have your vote, though?
Tom O'Doherty, Second Year, Business Management
When asked why he was deserving of our hallowed title, Tom reminded us of his name. He has been proudly sporting the Facebook handle of 'Tom Bno'certy' for over 18 months of his uni career and tells us he "hasn't looked back once". BNOC is in his blood.
Tom believes he is worthy of winning this prestigious title due to his undoubted fame on campus. Even walking across library square is a challenge as a simple task as this is "fraught with delay due to the sheer amount of people he must greet as most passers-by will be in the realm of my BNOC-ery and guaranteed to want to have a chat with the Big Name himself". His nominators also describe him as a nightmare on a night out because "he knows literally everyone and literally everyone knows him".
A man of many talents, Tom is a captain for hockey and a promotor in town, showing that there really isn't a territory in which he can't extend his socialite skills.
Marco Tsang, Second Year, Finance
If you've ever attended Skint you will know Marco. If you have ever been to East Slope you will know Marco. If you have ever been to Sussex, you will know Marco.
Marco has a huge selection of qualifications that make him deserving of BNOC of the year. He's Squash first team captain, President of Table Football Society and Pool Society and even auditioned for Britians Got Talent in 2017. His nominators also recognised that "he's got a leaving party that is trending on Facebook with over 300 people interested" which proves just how much Sussex loves him. Marco assures us that his instagram account, chihinmarcotsang, is a must-follow for any Sussex student. You don't want to miss out on Marco-fever.
William Elliot-Mills, First Year, Sociology
Will's nominators described him as "an absolute king legend". Both a king and a legend, impressive stuff. Clearly a man of many talents, he is "an indestructible kid who is always the last man standing, slept with the most girls alive and smells like George Clooney's musk.
"Will is guaranteed to be spotted in a room, with a strobe light and a laptop. You can't even finish a conversation with him before somebody nearby is already trying to chat to him".
Maddie Gillborn, First Year, Social Work
In true BNOC style Maddie literally knows EVERYONE. Unfortunately, this is a hassle for her friends, as "you can't go on a night out or walk anywhere without her bumping into someone she knows".
Maddie's also been initiated on tour and even got a tattoo to prove her dedication to Sussex Cheer. "Not to mention she has the loudest voice on campus so everyone can hear her even if you don't actually know her". Will you cheer on Maddie in the race for BNOC of the Year?
Massimo Casali, Second Year, Geography and International Development
A true sport and sesh monkey and as Rugby Social Sec, Mass really is the most qualified man for the title. He's never fully sober, as he describes himself as "always high on life". To prove his wild ways, when asked for a funny story of BNOChery standard, Massimo simply told us this:
"So this one time I lied about my age and got into a club and got really drunk and they found out I wasn’t 18 so kicked me out". Enough said. Legendary.