Meet your candidates for Sports, Societies and Events Officer 2020
The officer representing students in matters relating to active involvement in the SU, sports, societies, volunteering and other student-led activities
Lucy Edwards – ‘Pushing for Progress – Vote for Lucy’
If elected for the role, Lucy will aim to do whatever she can to “improve as many students’ experiences as possible”, particularly those “involved in sports, societies and student media…by making student groups more inclusive”.
Speaking to The Sussex Tab she says “I intend to create more visibility within the SU around what is available to students and student groups. My experience within the SU and sports at Sussex are what make me an ideal candidate for the role”.
Read Lucy’s full manifesto here.
Annie O’Connor – ‘Done with the norm? Vote Transform!’
Annie’s priority will be “mobilising student groups to fight against proposed cuts to SU funding”. This means “creating a closer community within student activities, increasing participation with events and giving students easy access information about how their SU works”.
Speaking to The Sussex Tab she says she hopes to “foster a closer community in student activities, prioritse increasing participation in the Union and organising lots of other fun events like comedy night, a club night on campus and hosting a ‘climate awareness’ month”.
Read Annie’s full manifesto here.
Assaad Salameh – ‘Fun, Funded, Friendly societies/teams & events’
In his campaign, Assaad intends to “focus on issues raised by students themselves and focus on the direct interest of students by promising to provide more fundings, more spaces for training and events and organising more events”.
Speaking to The Sussex Tab he says, if elected, he would like to “focus on issues raised by students themselves and focus on their direct interests”. He hopes to “provide more rooms and spaces for events and give more exposure to societies and sports teams”.
Read Assaad’s full manifesto here.