Sussex students tell us their biggest first year regrets
One word. Flatcest.
As the spring term comes to its end, many of us are thinking about our future plans. Whether you’re graduating this summer or picking modules for the next academic year, there’s something we all have in common, being a fresher. There’s no doubt that first year was a highlight for most of us out there. Hardly any academic stress, living with new friends and experiencing all the fun and exciting things that uni has to offer. Amongst all of that excitement, there are some things that we all regret doing, or not doing. Here are some of Sussex student’s regrets.
‘Spending all my money’
Theres no denying it, uni is expensive. First year is the first time that many of us have lived on our own, and it comes with its responsibilities. Paying your own rent and having to pay a ridiculous amount to do your washing (looking at you circuit laundry) is definitely a shock to the system. We’ve all been there, counting down the days until that next student finance payment drops and the endless bowls of pesto pasta can finally be replaced with something a little more nutritious. Let’s be honest, that next payment will still be spent on nights out with new friends and Aldi’s own brand Tamova vodka. But hey £14.39 for a litre? It would be crime not to.
‘Not getting with a rugby boy’
For some, rugby boys are the total package, but those initiation stories are hard to ignore.
‘Getting with my flatmates’
The phrase “don’t shit where you eat” comes to mind with this one. Probably the one piece of advice that all freshers should follow, do not commit flacest. Remember you’re going to be living with your flat for the best part of nine months, any flatcest will have the whole flat walking on egg shells. Trust me on that one.
Maybe this person could be your soulmate but more than likely they’re not. When things start going wrong, it gets awkward for everyone involved. So save yourself the hassle and awkward kitchen encounters and look a little further afield.
‘Prioritising work over fun’
It’s worth noting that first year doesn’t really matter. As long as you get that 40 per cent then you’ll be fine. Being a fresher means meeting new people and experiencing new things. Realistically, missing a few lectures isn’t going to be detrimental to your degree so missing out on doing stuff with friends will only have negative consequences.
‘Getting a second year house with the first people I met’
Trying to get a house for second year is always chaotic. Having to decide who you’re living with, where you want to live and your budget all come into play. If you take anything from this article, let it be this. Do not sign for a house in the autumn term and be picky about the people you live with. No matter what the letting agents tell you, you will not miss out on getting a second year house. I can guarantee that.
January to February is the perfect time to pick out a house. This is when friendships become more stable and when the most houses become available. Some more advice, choose to live with people who live in a similar way to you. If you’re a relatively clean person then choose other clean people to live with. But if they’re the kind of person who leaves their half eaten food to become mouldy and plays music until all hours of the morning its best to avoid them.
‘Not joining a society’
Societies are hands down the best way to meet new people. Joining a society that you’re interested in will introduce you to others who share those interests. It’s totally understandable to find it intimidating, but joining a society is definitely worth it. Most societies also have socials, a sure way to meet new people and expand friendship groups. Whether you’re into sports or something a little less physical, there’s something for everyone.
‘Not having sex with a uni lecturer’
Gotta get those grades up somehow.
‘Staying in my room and not socialising’
The thought of living with six strangers can be overwhelming and staying in your room can seem like the safest option. Once you move in you soon realise that everyone else is in the same boat and meeting new people takes a lot of effort.
The easiest way to tackle this is knocking on your flatmates doors and inviting them to do something. Someone has to make the first move and the best time to do so is during Freshers’. Maybe ask them if they want to go out for a drink, or something even simpler like going for a walk. If you don’t get along with your flatmates then branch out to people on your course or people who are part of the same societies as you.
‘Shagging a Tory’
Yikes. That’s a tough one to come back from.
‘Nothing. It was a sick year’
Being a fresher is one of the best years and hard to beat. Remember first year doesn’t entirely matter, but take that with a pinch of salt. To all the first year readers, don’t worry if you’re guilty of doing some of these things because we’ve all been there.