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For eight months I felt like I was fighting this huge battle all by myself
Sooooooo Brighton
It has been confirmed that the fire started from a bin outside the shop.
Tea, cake, and a safe place to share your feelings.
The beloved shop, hidden away in the Lanes, has now closed
Amongst the officers, there were two successful re-elections
Ally already has Presidential experience with as the founder and former President of DragSoc
This follows a report published last August suggesting bullying dynamics had ‘become endemic to the Sussex culture’
The graffiti says that university is ‘stressful and unsupportive’
Uni is stressful enough without having to worry about landlords
Removing part of Sussex’s unique history has been met with criticism
The campaign has been branded as ‘sexual harassment’
The incident occurred right next to one of the most popular student areas in Brighton
And yes, he’s actually coming this time.
The Tab Sussex chats to Sophie Pester
They’re always happening on campus – but what ARE they and why do they matter?
Ignorance truly is bliss
“We will be halting construction for as long as it takes to force management to meet our demands. No capitulation!”
Student run, student led housing – no more landlords!
Four weeks of disruption for us is worth it for saving our lecturers’ futures.
The strikes have already caused immense disruption to students
Yehsung Kim was maliciously bottled in the face back in October 2017 and suffered extreme dental damage, including a broken tooth.
East Slope will be missed in more ways than one
Cast your vote for the most dashing dude at Sussex
And that kids, is why you don’t leave things till the last minute – literally.
The discussion will be one of many inquiring the scope of free speech at universities
The man claimed to be collecting data on attitudes towards nudity
Trust us, it’s way more than Michael Farthing
There is more happening at Sussex than meets the eye.
Ladybirds, rats and broken fire alarms, oh my!
Time to ask Tickell the questions you’ve always wanted to
When asked why they threw the bottle, the attackers responded: ‘Because you are fucking Asian’
What is the meaning behind these weird names?
A terrifying start to Friday the 13th
Grab your smart devices and get snapping
And you’d expect nothing less in Brighton
The Student Union certainly tea-livered a fantastic evening
West Street was taken over
The event that focuses on gender equality through equalising body parts
It’s fair to say a few people were “cheesed off” by the significant lack of that golden goodness this weekend
What do you think of the line-up?
What was once a useful tool now has an underlying threat
This will be the second time he has run for an MP position
Khalid Masood attended Sussex between 1994-1997
Find them and help raise money for charity
Non-violent and direct action preventing the killing of animals for sport – meet Brighton’s unsung animal welfare heroes.
The tour last year provided powerful accounts and experience of what living with HIV/AIDS is like.
Park Village is so bad no one even talks about just how bad it is, that changes now
“Even Umbridge wouldn’t up the fees”
Here, there and everywhere; TravelSoc is the society that culture lovers of Sussex need to be part of.
15,000 people attended the march in London
Lewes is the bonfire capital of the world – pyromaniacs unite.
It’s not a beneficial use of my time
New measures are being implemented to encourage the safety of students