Lacrosse girls are the fittest on campus
Hattie actually goes to the gym
Maybe its because they’re posh. Maybe its because they actually go to the gym. Maybe its because they could definitely beat you up. Or maybe it’s all three.
But something we can all agree on is that lacrosse girls are painfully attractive. Effortlessly floating between lectures in either their uni sports stash, or uniform of North Face puffer, skinny jeans and Air Maxes, they are guaranteed to turn heads.
There’s something magical about them
They’re posh
They first picked up a lacrosse stick at their all-girl private school and with names like Kitty and Bunty, they’re probably rather posh. Add to this the fact that statistically, everyone with a double-barrelled name is more attractive than you, and you have a match made in heaven – or Surrey.
They actually go to the gym
If you see them wearing sports kit around campus, chances are, they will be going to the gym, not just pretending to. Their intimidatingly perfect physique has taken time, all of which has been worth it. And if you get on the wrong side of them, they could do you some serious damage. It’s the sense of danger, the risk of a lacrosse stick across your face, that makes them even more alluring.
There just is something strangely intriguing about a girl who spends her free time running around a field hitting people with sticks. How very ‘50 shades’.
They still look good when they exercise
They really have perfected the post-workout look. No make-up, red cheeks, messy hair and the faint smell of BO can’t detract from their natural beauty.
They’re loose
Despite knowing they look good, they don’t take themselves too seriously and love nothing more than dressing up in ridiculous fancy dress and getting white-girl wasted on a Wednesday sport night. They weave around the club, VK in hand, harassed by rugby boys at every opportunity, yelling at the photographer for “one more photo.”
Truly irresistible.
They’re always busy
Lacrosse girls don’t miss their 9ams. They do proper subjects and have already secured an internship for next summer. They cycle home from campus to prepare their super food salad before cycling back for their tutor’s office hours, followed by two hours of training.
How they manage to do all of this while having a thriving social life, and looking perfect, we will never know.