In defence of going to York St John
Just hear me out
You go to University of York? Great. Fantastic. Splendid. Well believe it or not, some of us go to York St John and we literally adore the place.
Yeah, there’s loads of banter between YSJ and UoY, but is it really justified? If you’re at UoY and you’re chatting shit about YSJ, then good for you… we’re busy working towards our degree.
Let’s get to it. What’s not to love about York St John?
At least York St John is actually in York
We don’t need a bus to get to York. Univeristy of York? Uhm, more like University of Heslington – which – is – not – york – so – the – name – doesn’t – even – mean – shit.
Harry Potter-y buildings vs ugly buildings.
What is that bloody spaceship? YSJ has some beautiful buildings, be it The Quad (Quidditch anyone?), or our amazing new SU – there’s no asbestos/cardboard /mud huts in sight here.
Credit: Ollie Evans. A game of Quidditch in The Quad?
Literally, graduation in the Minster… what’s not to love?
THE. FUCKING. MINSTER – this bad boy of a building is right in our skyline, so the first thing we see is this, and the last thing we see when we walk home is also the Minster. Plus, we graduate there.
Work, work, work, work, work.
We get the best of uni and work – because that’s what matters. Be it all the work placements we do, or the flexibility of being able to study, get a first, and still have a part time job, which, again, is in the city. We also have plenty of opportunity for a cheeky Starbucks and Instagram from the new SU.
Credit: Asha Matthan-Rogers.
We’re down – to – earth (just like Scarlett Moffatt, Queen of the Jungle, WHO WENT TO YORK ST JOHN).
Snobs just aren’t here. “Ooooh we go to York, it’s in the Russell Group” – yeah, and that’s about the only good thing there.
Our library is simply better.
Our library is just the shit – 3 floors of academic goodness, computers everywhere, helpful staff, and a friendly security guard when you’re blasting out that 2,500 word essay at 3am, deadline day.
Walk out of Fountains Library, and you’ll be met by DeGrey.
But the main point…
Please, guys, give YSJ a break. We’re not York. We’re not snobby. We don’t go to uni about 5000 hours a week. We are York St John, and the simple fact is, we’re just better.