- Being gay in a Muslim family
- We had a chat with Nick Clegg about why weed should be legal
- If US cities were your ex-boyfriends
- Babes that need to run for president in 2020
- I used a vibrator alarm clock to wake up and it was truly magical
- Love Actually is literally the worst film of all time
- The house boy haircut is an abomination and it must be stopped
- These suffragette posters show the way we talk about feminism has barely changed in 100 years
- Carolina fans pledge money to Flint, MI in response to insensitive Duke sign
- Congrats ESPN, you’re officially every dumb frat guy ever
- Why does Victoria’s Secret market so hard to men?
- A white Berkeley student told my friend: ‘Black people are inferior’
- Skinny is beautiful, but beautiful is not skinny
- Living with emetophobia: ‘It’s more than just slightly hating puking’
- Mojo Kojo: Making us forget how cold it is this winter
- The universities spending the least on mental health counselling
- Women in London protested for Free the Nipple on Sunday
- Sorry gals. The gender pay gap still exists in the UK
- The alt-right isn’t a political belief. It’s an excuse for young white men to get more attention
- Diplo and RL Grime put on impromptu show at Phi Sigma Kappa
- ‘Girl punched’ and police on the scene as Edinburgh ball ends in carnage
- King’s Uni Challenge team vows to include women, trans or non-binary students
- Getting ready for a night out using only Instagram beauty hacks
- Nerves of steel: Meet the UVA fourth-year cheerleading against the odds
- Suspect killed following knife attack at Ohio State University
- Workers’ oppression and environmental abuse: The companies the NUS supports
- Rejoice, STEM gals! Women are closing the maths gender gap
- I asked my grandmother about fleeing Castro’s Cuba. ‘I just hope God pardons him’
- Everything that happens when you get really drunk with your best friend
- #GreySweatpantsChallenge is the latest fuckboy trend and it’s too good to be true
- How Austin Harrouff’s journals turn his story from a horror to a tragedy
- We spoke to Cuban-American students celebrating Castro’s death
- Someone set up an Instagram for pictures of girls in Leeds wearing a green puffa
- Asking King’s boys: When was the last time you cried bro?
- The night we took in a fugitive who escaped from prison
- People are leaving thank you messages at Hillary Clinton’s house for Thanksgiving
- Durham netball team dressed as ‘chavs’ for social
- The worst people in your tube carriage, illustrated
- Babe report: Half of female students say they’ve been sexually assaulted
- The future of birth control: Every male contraceptive currently in development
- ‘Challenging homophobia is more important this year than ever’: We sat down with the Warwick Rowers
- The bitchiest lines from Milo Yiannopoulos’ Tab reviews
- Three freshers have committed suicide in Bristol this term alone, and the uni says nothing
- My week on a girl’s beauty regimen
- Nearly a third of students say they’ve been spiked on a night out
- Norwich SU plans to sell white poppies next year as they think red poppies can be offensive
- I wore heels for a day and I don’t know how some girls do it
- How to get into an Ivy League school, according to an expert
- Stop fetishizing minority students as superhuman poverty survivors
- But actually, here’s who Donald Trump should appoint to his Cabinet
- Meet Jewell Jones, the youngest ever Black elected official
- The Affordable Care Act saved my mom’s life
- Men who are misogynistic or tell sexist jokes are more at risk of depression, says new study
- Who really needs a winter boyfriend when you have fur coats like this to keep you warm
- We spoke to teen moms about parenthood, family, and judgment
- Colin Kaepernick is on UC Berkeley campus
- We pranked our exes by telling them we’re coming to their Thanksgiving dinner
- EXCLUSIVE: Tila Tequila says people need to chill out over her Nazi salute
- Everything your girlfriend doesn’t want for Christmas
- 56 per cent of students say consent classes should be compulsory at university
- We asked students why they attended the National Demo
- These were the best signs at the National Demo
- 15,000 people attended the National Demonstration yesterday
- I got drunk with Lib Dem politician Lembit Öpik in Bristol
- This grad burnt his degree to protest Falmouth’s decision to suspend the Art Foundation course
- 91 per cent of female students say they’ve been groped on a night out
- This diehard #TrumpCup supporter doesn’t get what you’re so upset about
- ‘Therapy Wall’ constructed for students to share post-election emotions
- Clueless bros shout ‘Trump 2016’ at sexual assault awareness event
- How Hong Kong became a hedonistic playground for privately educated Brits
- Someone created a ‘National Registry of White Males’ and it is savage
- What to say to your friend if they’re depressed
- I went to a Geology class as a Fine Arts major
- Columbia Wrestling Team apologizes for lewd and racist messages
- Who are you trying to impress by sending angry tweets about train suicides?
- One of the best UK unis for journalism just banned the Sun, Mail and Express
- Fabric is in ‘advanced talks’ to reopen
- Honestly though, does anything sum up life as a woman in your twenties better than ‘also me’?
- UConn student finds note saying ‘All chinks should be raped’ with swastika drawing
- It’s time to stop judging women’s bodies for ‘science’
- The eight types of girl roommate you’ll have in your life
- Why can’t a famous woman go bare-faced without people freaking out?
- Liverpool Pro-Life society speak out: ‘This is how each of us began our lives’
- An obituary to New Balance, the ‘official shoe of white people’
- Exclusive: Did the FA just swap the faces of the two black players in a photo?
- On the inside: The realities of being a psych ward inpatient
- The Warwick Naked Rowers have been banned from YouTube
- In reality Trump’s supporters had one thing in common – now she’s gone
- It’s time to end archaic practices of drinking societies
- Rutgers professor forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation after tweeting about Trump
- ‘Demand for IUDs is up 900 percent since last month’: I spoke to a Chief Medical Officer at Planned Parenthood
- The Obama and Biden tweets that prove friendship’s everlasting bond
- The nail polish which can tell if your drink is spiked is coming in 2017
- Write for The Tab’s Voices of Color: A new reporting series examining race in America
- At-home abortion pills are being tested in four states
- Shutting down the ‘Pro-Life Society’ isn’t liberal — it’s the exact opposite
- I escaped Afghanistan as a refugee and I view this world as borderless
- I’m a third generation immigrant and I’m not afraid for this country
- Glasgow grad to be extradited to US for hacking the FBI, NASA and the army
- A petition has been started to ban Liverpool pro-life society
- We should have listened to Kylie Jenner about 2016
- Our unquenchable love for Prosecco is causing a health crisis in Italy
- There’s now a helpline for victims of mansplaining. Because 2016
- As a queer woman, I can’t concentrate on classes knowing Trump is president
- UVA student calls out three douchebags for dining and dashing at Boylan
- Trump’s victory doesn’t give you a pass to be an asshole
- No, you can’t touch my hair
- ‘This is a he said, she said thing’: Horrible comments left on Alabama rape news story
- There is now a gin advent calendar so you can drink gin literally every single day
- Life in your twenties, as told by the bobcat from last night’s Planet Earth
- Volunteers write an open letter criticising people who abandoned their drunk friend
- ‘Together we are strong’: New Yorkers are filling their subway with inspiring anti-Trump notes
- Meet the man behind Stop Funding Hate, the campaign tackling racist tabloids
- Queens’ drinking society holds initiations outside church on Remembrance Sunday
- ‘New York hates you’: Thousands march on Trump Tower
- I invited two homeless men into my dorm hall
- As a woman of color, Trump’s victory was heartbreaking, but it won’t break me
- I donated to Planned Parenthood in honor of VP-elect Mike Pence
- Don’t tell me he deserves a chance
- Don’t tell me he deserves a chance
- The Rich Kids of Instagram, ranked by how much they sponge off their parents
- What a Trump presidency means for trans America
- New Balance praised Donald Trump, so people are burning their trainers
- Did Farage really just make a joke about Trump groping our Prime Minister?
- There’s a change.org petition to try and prevent a Trump presidency and it’s going mega-vi
- We’re way too quick to dismiss drug deaths as ‘stupidity’
- Being a young person with OCD is far different to just organising your desk
- Watching the end of the world with Ohio’s super conservatives
- Paxman denies ‘sexist’ comments made to a University Challenge team
- Have faith – this is how the future of America voted
- Dear Donald Trump: I am not the ‘other’
- Bernie says Trump ‘tapped into the anger of a declining middle class’
- As a Latina, I’m afraid for the future
- My entire family voted for Trump except me
- I am not a bad person just because I voted for Trump
- BREAKING: Campanile protest joins undocumented students demonstration
- BREAKING: ‘Trump!’ graffiti found on door of Muslim prayer room on campus
- We may not have a female president, but some good things did happen last night
- Viral photo of Trump supporters walking across an NC bridge isn’t the KKK
- UChicago professors are canceling class today after the election results
- The full transcript of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech
- Huge protest at UCI after Trump wins presidency
- ‘Do you think they’d let me send letters from the conversion camp I’d be sent to?’
- What GCSE history questions will look like for the next generation
- Hillary Rodham Clinton: The patron saint of over-qualified, overlooked women
- BREAKING: Black Lives Matter chalk found on buildings across campus
- No, that Simpsons picture didn’t predict Trump’s presidency
- The most heartbreaking tweets from women who can’t believe Trump is president
- Reading students are boycotting University Challenge because Paxman is ‘sexist’
- Not our President: College students fight back after shock Trump election
- BREAKING: Donald Trump is the next President of the United States
- Tonight, we aren’t just annoyed — we’re scared shitless
- I heard chants of ‘white power’ outside my window in Tallahassee tonight
- I heard chants of ‘white power’ outside my window in Tallahassee tonight
- Donald Trump was elected by people too embarrassed to admit it
- Every girl knows how Hillary Clinton feels right now
- You must be kicking yourself that Bernie’s not the Democratic nominee right now
- BREAKING: Trump takes Florida in shock result
- Hillary’s midnight rally: The final show before the polls opened
- ‘Point and laugh at Trump Tower’ Facebook events are popping up worldwide
- It has never been a more important election for People of Color to vote
- Pantsuit Nation is the space we all needed, and the future we all want
- A word of advice from a Brit who didn’t vote: I thought Brexit couldn’t happen
- Eric Trump really screwed up this time
- Every person you’ll see on the internet this Election Day
- On the brink of making history at Hillary’s Get Out The Vote event in Philly
- Ex-Cambridge student Rurik Jutting locked up for life over double murder
- Canadians respond to the Americans planning to move if Trump wins
- ‘Wine drunk’ is only a thing in your head, apparently
- ‘Insane’ turnout in Florida as Latinos race to the polls to ensure a ‘Presidenta’
- Sorry Vogue, my cleavage is here to stay
- Obama’s final message to America: Don’t vote for Trump
- What it’s like being a gay Mormon in the Southwest
- What it feels like to be Puerto Rican during the presidential election
- I was at Ataturk Airport when the terrorist attacks happened
- Meet the women giving away free ‘Trump Pussy Protectors’
- In the most predictable twist ever, the meninist tampon guy now says the whole thing was a hoax
- An interview with Paul Joseph Watson
- Bindi bans, teetotallers and ‘revolutionary socialists’: When did university become so serious?
- How dangerous is laughing gas for you, really?
- Endometriosis is more than just having a low pain threshold
- Thank you David Attenborough for giving us something good to cling to in 2016
- I’m trading my vote for Hillary – so that she wins
- UK students now have more debt than Americans
- I dress ‘for men’ – and it doesn’t make me any less of a feminist
- Working class students have got more to worry about than chav socials
- A calm conversation with Joe Walsh, the man grabbing his musket if Trump loses
- The awful guys you’ll meet on Tinder before you ditch men altogether
- How to spot fake Yeezys
- Durham student dressed as the tampon tweet boy for Halloween
- Jill Stein is polling at four percent. But she says she’s staying in the race
- Boy, bye: Trump is probably the last 50s man to run for President
- babe is with her: An endorsement for Hillary Clinton
- Buy-to-sell culture has ruined high street collaborations
- Is it just me, or is everyone you meet at uni from Surrey?
- The UoL netball team went as ‘Chavs and Fags’ for AU night
- Choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, slut-shaming, revenge porn. Choose (millennial) life
- Pro-choice graffiti appears on York St as supreme court hears NI women are ‘second class citizens’
- It’s not just men. Female on female rape exists too
- Exasperated women told us how they felt about the male contraceptive trial being halted
- Nate Silver’s blog said a Trump victory was more likely than the Cubs winning from 3-1 down
- Khizr Khan’s emotional visit to UVA
- Here’s everything you missed at Obama’s ‘Early Vote’ event
- Makeup is the greatest form of self-love
- Professor Green: ‘Men shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about their mental health’
- Crucial moments in the history of feminism which were greatly improved by the presence of Bono
- My sister’s death should have broken me, but instead it taught me not to hold back
- Anne Hathaway is on campus right now
- There’s a game helping Hillary smash the ultimate glass ceiling, literally
- How ‘looooooooooooooool’ became the new lol
- Things I’ve legitimately heard Bristol students say
- Emily Doe named Glamour’s Woman of the Year
- The reaction to Dr Yaron Brook’s talk shows that we can’t handle free speech
- You can’t dress as ‘rape victims’ for Halloween – there is no stereotype
- The Autumn vintage editorial
- An elephant’s suffering is not worth your Instagram likes
- I’m not a fleece-wearing nerd just because I do Engineering
- A guide on sliding into a girl’s DMs when she doesn’t match you on Tinder
- Dear America, please don’t let us down on Trump. Love, Britain
- The Warwick Women’s Rowing 2017 naked calendar is here
- Take this quiz to find out what trainers you should be wearing, according to your personality
- Meet the girl who gets paid to sext
- The most forgettable Made In Chelsea characters of all time
- This Liverpool student dressed up as Trump groping her for Halloween
- Spending 12 hours at the best college bar in America
- Put down the ibuprofen. Here are all the natural remedies which reduce period pain instead
- Killer Clown barges into Cambridge formal dinner
- Durham is just an extension of boarding school
- Looking at other people’s selfies makes us feel ‘miserable and worthless’ says research
- The on-campus Trump table was attacked…again
- Meet the adorable puppies rocking their Halloween costumes better than you
- I wore a ‘Grab It’ sign and cat ears for Halloween