- Carrie Fisher’s most inspirational quotes about mental health
- Cornellian accused of calling Black student ‘n’-word on Tinder
- Finally, Durham has an officer specifically for sexual assault
- Exclusive: Sussex are enforcing a gender neutral language policy across the SU
- ‘I’m terrified it’s only the beginning’
- Meet the young doctors rowing from Australia to Africa in shark-infested waters
- We asked staff at Pret how to get a free coffee
- Breaking up with 2016, and moving swiftly on
- ‘My home was bombed and I lost my best friend’: A Syrian refugee’s story
- The scariest thing about the Berlin attack? We’ve become numb to it
- These cockapoos reenact Christmas scenes every year and I’m so happy for them
- No, Oxford University isn’t ‘banning’ the use of Mr and Mrs prefixes
- Consent to be taught in sex education classes at schools
- We need to change the stigma around drug related deaths
- Obama has inspired a generation of black Americans – now we need to fight for his legacy
- Watch Gandalf warn students they ‘shall not pass’ at UAlbany’s University Library
- Literally just a list of sexist headlines from 2016
- Landmark report on racism in the NUS exposes ‘institutional failings’
- We spoke to Tommy Robinson ahead of his talk in York next month
- Black activists will continue Obama’s legacy under Trump
- An English Lit student analyses first messages on Tinder
- Everything you learn about life when you grow up ugly
- The treatment of Imperial Women’s Rugby shouldn’t surprise you
- These students created a film to eliminate the stigma around girls’ pubic hair
- Bestival will move to a smaller location because people don’t want to go anymore
- Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer says his whites-only state could be ‘on the Moon’
- Every type of girl you are on social media
- It wasn’t all bad: Here is every single meme of 2016
- Should the British government be ashamed of its treatment of Syria?
- Cher’s Twitter is the only pure thing left in this world
- What it’s like being a feminist in a Southern sorority
- Cornell student attacked and called ‘racist bitch’ for being Republican
- This genius girl brought an air mattress to the library for finals
- You can still contribute to The Tab’s mental health survey
- Let’s be honest, Carrie Bradshaw is the worst
- Hotdog meme Southampton student speaks out about newfound fame
- How to look better than literally everyone else at your Christmas party
- University inquiry launched after staff allegedly called female rugby team ‘fat girls’
- I tried taping my toes on a night out to see if it makes heels less painful
- Don’t panic, but here are the things that turn 10 years old in 2017
- Six months after the Orlando massacre, the survivors are still struggling
- Every kind of kiss you could have on New Year’s Eve
- ‘Pro-life extremists’ are confronting women in London as they go for an abortion, so I spent the day with them
- I wrote an article on being nonbinary and was told I belong in an ‘asylum’
- ‘People are scared about the next four years’: Wake Forest’s LGBTQ community fears Trump’s presidency
- Milo donates $17.76 to MSU protesters, calls them ‘commies’
- I rewatched the first episode of MIC and realised how the world has changed
- Am I a special snowflake, or do I just have opinions?
- Queen’s students told not to wear short skirts or show cleavage at graduation
- Queen Mary’s SU wants to ban tabloid newspapers being sold on campus
- An ode to Lisa Simpson, everyone’s first feminist role model
- My white liberal professor accused me of cultural appropriation
- My white liberal professor accused me of cultural appropriation
- ‘Bristol University is sweeping student mental health problems under the rug’
- Meet the man fighting to save Strathclyde’s Pro-Life society
- How to tell if you’re in an emotionally manipulative relationship
- ‘I was consumed by getting pills’: On the frontline of America’s opiate epidemic
- Who are the middle-aged journalists obsessed with ‘snowflake’ students?
- Ringside at Trump’s victory speech with General ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis
- This empowering quote from Hillary Clinton’s concession speech is the most retweeted political tweet of 2016
- I visited Facebook HQ and they basically told me how to ace any final
- I’m an ‘enby’: One of 225,000 nonbinary people in the UK
- The things people genuinely say to me as a mixed-race woman must surely be a joke
- Nothing will ruin your Christmas more than working at Primark
- Swastikas are appearing at colleges across America – but how worried should we be?
- Take The Tab’s mental health survey
- Pink, patches & PrettyLittleThing: A babe photoshoot
- A Durham student has pledged to defeat ISIS and build a 217 ft statue of Malia Bouattia
- This man is walking 3000 miles to conquer his depression
- Strathclyde’s SU have banned a Pro-Life group
- An SU banned orange juice with bits in response to unis banning tabloids
- The ultimate guide to being a decent dude
- The Tab is raising money for GOSH to help children in their care this Christmas
- We tried the crazy new technology that scans your face and tells you what to eat
- Buy-to-sell culture has saved our students
- ‘I stand by my article,’ says student in Mike Yenni sexting scandal
- We spoke to Brooke Essick, the girl whose fish played dead to make his great escape
- Half of reported rapes at Florida State occur at frats, new map shows
- A polite letter to the friend who gets way too drunk at pregames
- Revealed: Every university to have banned a newspaper from its campus
- ‘They raped girls of eight or nine’: An interview with a woman who escaped ISIS
- We spoke to the guy invited to the wrong Thanksgiving by a grandma
- Is this the end for UEA’s most controversial politician?
- What you wearing tonight? Probably just jeans and a nice top
- Former student arrested in arson attack on Royal Holloway campus: What we know so far
- Five years after graduating women will earn one fifth less than men
- In defence of being an outfit repeater
- Meet Owen Shroyer, The Cuck Destroyer: The golden boy of alt-right media
- ‘One gone is one thousand gone’: Women protecting women at Standing Rock
- Inside the courtroom: John Doe’s hearing v. Cornell University
- ‘Same-sex marriage will break down the country’: A delightful evening with Rick Santorum
- Every reason bralettes are better than bras
- MDMA is going to be used to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Being gay in a Muslim family
- We had a chat with Nick Clegg about why weed should be legal
- If US cities were your ex-boyfriends
- Babes that need to run for president in 2020
- I used a vibrator alarm clock to wake up and it was truly magical
- Love Actually is literally the worst film of all time
- The house boy haircut is an abomination and it must be stopped
- These suffragette posters show the way we talk about feminism has barely changed in 100 years
- Carolina fans pledge money to Flint, MI in response to insensitive Duke sign
- Congrats ESPN, you’re officially every dumb frat guy ever
- Why does Victoria’s Secret market so hard to men?
- A white Berkeley student told my friend: ‘Black people are inferior’
- Skinny is beautiful, but beautiful is not skinny
- Living with emetophobia: ‘It’s more than just slightly hating puking’
- Mojo Kojo: Making us forget how cold it is this winter
- The universities spending the least on mental health counselling
- Women in London protested for Free the Nipple on Sunday
- Sorry gals. The gender pay gap still exists in the UK
- The alt-right isn’t a political belief. It’s an excuse for young white men to get more attention
- Diplo and RL Grime put on impromptu show at Phi Sigma Kappa
- ‘Girl punched’ and police on the scene as Edinburgh ball ends in carnage
- King’s Uni Challenge team vows to include women, trans or non-binary students
- Getting ready for a night out using only Instagram beauty hacks
- Nerves of steel: Meet the UVA fourth-year cheerleading against the odds
- Suspect killed following knife attack at Ohio State University
- Workers’ oppression and environmental abuse: The companies the NUS supports
- Rejoice, STEM gals! Women are closing the maths gender gap
- I asked my grandmother about fleeing Castro’s Cuba. ‘I just hope God pardons him’
- Everything that happens when you get really drunk with your best friend
- #GreySweatpantsChallenge is the latest fuckboy trend and it’s too good to be true
- How Austin Harrouff’s journals turn his story from a horror to a tragedy
- We spoke to Cuban-American students celebrating Castro’s death
- Someone set up an Instagram for pictures of girls in Leeds wearing a green puffa
- Asking King’s boys: When was the last time you cried bro?
- The night we took in a fugitive who escaped from prison
- People are leaving thank you messages at Hillary Clinton’s house for Thanksgiving
- Durham netball team dressed as ‘chavs’ for social
- The worst people in your tube carriage, illustrated
- Babe report: Half of female students say they’ve been sexually assaulted
- The future of birth control: Every male contraceptive currently in development
- ‘Challenging homophobia is more important this year than ever’: We sat down with the Warwick Rowers
- The bitchiest lines from Milo Yiannopoulos’ Tab reviews
- Three freshers have committed suicide in Bristol this term alone, and the uni says nothing
- My week on a girl’s beauty regimen
- Nearly a third of students say they’ve been spiked on a night out
- Norwich SU plans to sell white poppies next year as they think red poppies can be offensive
- I wore heels for a day and I don’t know how some girls do it
- How to get into an Ivy League school, according to an expert
- Stop fetishizing minority students as superhuman poverty survivors
- But actually, here’s who Donald Trump should appoint to his Cabinet
- Meet Jewell Jones, the youngest ever Black elected official
- The Affordable Care Act saved my mom’s life
- Men who are misogynistic or tell sexist jokes are more at risk of depression, says new study
- Who really needs a winter boyfriend when you have fur coats like this to keep you warm
- We spoke to teen moms about parenthood, family, and judgment
- Colin Kaepernick is on UC Berkeley campus
- We pranked our exes by telling them we’re coming to their Thanksgiving dinner
- EXCLUSIVE: Tila Tequila says people need to chill out over her Nazi salute
- Everything your girlfriend doesn’t want for Christmas
- 56 per cent of students say consent classes should be compulsory at university
- We asked students why they attended the National Demo
- These were the best signs at the National Demo
- 15,000 people attended the National Demonstration yesterday
- I got drunk with Lib Dem politician Lembit Öpik in Bristol
- This grad burnt his degree to protest Falmouth’s decision to suspend the Art Foundation course
- 91 per cent of female students say they’ve been groped on a night out
- This diehard #TrumpCup supporter doesn’t get what you’re so upset about
- ‘Therapy Wall’ constructed for students to share post-election emotions
- Clueless bros shout ‘Trump 2016’ at sexual assault awareness event
- How Hong Kong became a hedonistic playground for privately educated Brits
- Someone created a ‘National Registry of White Males’ and it is savage
- What to say to your friend if they’re depressed
- I went to a Geology class as a Fine Arts major
- Columbia Wrestling Team apologizes for lewd and racist messages
- Who are you trying to impress by sending angry tweets about train suicides?
- One of the best UK unis for journalism just banned the Sun, Mail and Express
- Fabric is in ‘advanced talks’ to reopen
- Honestly though, does anything sum up life as a woman in your twenties better than ‘also me’?
- UConn student finds note saying ‘All chinks should be raped’ with swastika drawing
- It’s time to stop judging women’s bodies for ‘science’
- The eight types of girl roommate you’ll have in your life
- Why can’t a famous woman go bare-faced without people freaking out?
- Liverpool Pro-Life society speak out: ‘This is how each of us began our lives’
- An obituary to New Balance, the ‘official shoe of white people’
- Exclusive: Did the FA just swap the faces of the two black players in a photo?
- On the inside: The realities of being a psych ward inpatient
- The Warwick Naked Rowers have been banned from YouTube
- In reality Trump’s supporters had one thing in common – now she’s gone
- It’s time to end archaic practices of drinking societies
- Rutgers professor forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation after tweeting about Trump
- ‘Demand for IUDs is up 900 percent since last month’: I spoke to a Chief Medical Officer at Planned Parenthood
- The Obama and Biden tweets that prove friendship’s everlasting bond
- The nail polish which can tell if your drink is spiked is coming in 2017
- Write for The Tab’s Voices of Color: A new reporting series examining race in America
- At-home abortion pills are being tested in four states
- Shutting down the ‘Pro-Life Society’ isn’t liberal — it’s the exact opposite
- I escaped Afghanistan as a refugee and I view this world as borderless
- I’m a third generation immigrant and I’m not afraid for this country
- Glasgow grad to be extradited to US for hacking the FBI, NASA and the army
- A petition has been started to ban Liverpool pro-life society
- We should have listened to Kylie Jenner about 2016
- Our unquenchable love for Prosecco is causing a health crisis in Italy
- There’s now a helpline for victims of mansplaining. Because 2016
- As a queer woman, I can’t concentrate on classes knowing Trump is president
- UVA student calls out three douchebags for dining and dashing at Boylan
- Trump’s victory doesn’t give you a pass to be an asshole
- No, you can’t touch my hair
- ‘This is a he said, she said thing’: Horrible comments left on Alabama rape news story
- There is now a gin advent calendar so you can drink gin literally every single day
- Life in your twenties, as told by the bobcat from last night’s Planet Earth
- Volunteers write an open letter criticising people who abandoned their drunk friend
- ‘Together we are strong’: New Yorkers are filling their subway with inspiring anti-Trump notes
- Meet the man behind Stop Funding Hate, the campaign tackling racist tabloids
- Queens’ drinking society holds initiations outside church on Remembrance Sunday
- ‘New York hates you’: Thousands march on Trump Tower
- I invited two homeless men into my dorm hall
- As a woman of color, Trump’s victory was heartbreaking, but it won’t break me
- I donated to Planned Parenthood in honor of VP-elect Mike Pence
- Don’t tell me he deserves a chance
- Don’t tell me he deserves a chance
- The Rich Kids of Instagram, ranked by how much they sponge off their parents
- What a Trump presidency means for trans America
- New Balance praised Donald Trump, so people are burning their trainers
- Did Farage really just make a joke about Trump groping our Prime Minister?
- There’s a change.org petition to try and prevent a Trump presidency and it’s going mega-vi
- We’re way too quick to dismiss drug deaths as ‘stupidity’
- Being a young person with OCD is far different to just organising your desk
- Watching the end of the world with Ohio’s super conservatives
- Paxman denies ‘sexist’ comments made to a University Challenge team
- Have faith – this is how the future of America voted
- Dear Donald Trump: I am not the ‘other’
- Bernie says Trump ‘tapped into the anger of a declining middle class’
- As a Latina, I’m afraid for the future
- My entire family voted for Trump except me
- I am not a bad person just because I voted for Trump
- BREAKING: Campanile protest joins undocumented students demonstration
- BREAKING: ‘Trump!’ graffiti found on door of Muslim prayer room on campus
- We may not have a female president, but some good things did happen last night
- Viral photo of Trump supporters walking across an NC bridge isn’t the KKK
- UChicago professors are canceling class today after the election results
- The full transcript of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech
- Huge protest at UCI after Trump wins presidency
- ‘Do you think they’d let me send letters from the conversion camp I’d be sent to?’
- What GCSE history questions will look like for the next generation
- Hillary Rodham Clinton: The patron saint of over-qualified, overlooked women
- BREAKING: Black Lives Matter chalk found on buildings across campus
- No, that Simpsons picture didn’t predict Trump’s presidency
- The most heartbreaking tweets from women who can’t believe Trump is president
- Reading students are boycotting University Challenge because Paxman is ‘sexist’
- Not our President: College students fight back after shock Trump election
- BREAKING: Donald Trump is the next President of the United States
- Tonight, we aren’t just annoyed — we’re scared shitless
- I heard chants of ‘white power’ outside my window in Tallahassee tonight
- I heard chants of ‘white power’ outside my window in Tallahassee tonight
- Donald Trump was elected by people too embarrassed to admit it
- Every girl knows how Hillary Clinton feels right now
- You must be kicking yourself that Bernie’s not the Democratic nominee right now
- BREAKING: Trump takes Florida in shock result
- Hillary’s midnight rally: The final show before the polls opened
- ‘Point and laugh at Trump Tower’ Facebook events are popping up worldwide
- It has never been a more important election for People of Color to vote
- Pantsuit Nation is the space we all needed, and the future we all want
- A word of advice from a Brit who didn’t vote: I thought Brexit couldn’t happen
- Eric Trump really screwed up this time
- Every person you’ll see on the internet this Election Day
- On the brink of making history at Hillary’s Get Out The Vote event in Philly
- Ex-Cambridge student Rurik Jutting locked up for life over double murder
- Canadians respond to the Americans planning to move if Trump wins
- ‘Wine drunk’ is only a thing in your head, apparently
- ‘Insane’ turnout in Florida as Latinos race to the polls to ensure a ‘Presidenta’
- Sorry Vogue, my cleavage is here to stay
- Obama’s final message to America: Don’t vote for Trump
- What it’s like being a gay Mormon in the Southwest
- What it feels like to be Puerto Rican during the presidential election
- I was at Ataturk Airport when the terrorist attacks happened
- Meet the women giving away free ‘Trump Pussy Protectors’
- In the most predictable twist ever, the meninist tampon guy now says the whole thing was a hoax
- An interview with Paul Joseph Watson
- Bindi bans, teetotallers and ‘revolutionary socialists’: When did university become so serious?
- How dangerous is laughing gas for you, really?
- Endometriosis is more than just having a low pain threshold
- Thank you David Attenborough for giving us something good to cling to in 2016
- I’m trading my vote for Hillary – so that she wins
- UK students now have more debt than Americans
- I dress ‘for men’ – and it doesn’t make me any less of a feminist
- Working class students have got more to worry about than chav socials
- A calm conversation with Joe Walsh, the man grabbing his musket if Trump loses
- The awful guys you’ll meet on Tinder before you ditch men altogether
- How to spot fake Yeezys
- Durham student dressed as the tampon tweet boy for Halloween
- Jill Stein is polling at four percent. But she says she’s staying in the race
- Boy, bye: Trump is probably the last 50s man to run for President
- babe is with her: An endorsement for Hillary Clinton
- Buy-to-sell culture has ruined high street collaborations
- Is it just me, or is everyone you meet at uni from Surrey?
- The UoL netball team went as ‘Chavs and Fags’ for AU night
- Choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, slut-shaming, revenge porn. Choose (millennial) life
- Pro-choice graffiti appears on York St as supreme court hears NI women are ‘second class citizens’
- It’s not just men. Female on female rape exists too
- Exasperated women told us how they felt about the male contraceptive trial being halted
- Nate Silver’s blog said a Trump victory was more likely than the Cubs winning from 3-1 down
- Khizr Khan’s emotional visit to UVA
- Here’s everything you missed at Obama’s ‘Early Vote’ event
- Makeup is the greatest form of self-love
- Professor Green: ‘Men shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about their mental health’
- Crucial moments in the history of feminism which were greatly improved by the presence of Bono
- My sister’s death should have broken me, but instead it taught me not to hold back
- Anne Hathaway is on campus right now
- There’s a game helping Hillary smash the ultimate glass ceiling, literally
- How ‘looooooooooooooool’ became the new lol
- Things I’ve legitimately heard Bristol students say
- Emily Doe named Glamour’s Woman of the Year
- The reaction to Dr Yaron Brook’s talk shows that we can’t handle free speech
- You can’t dress as ‘rape victims’ for Halloween – there is no stereotype
- The Autumn vintage editorial
- An elephant’s suffering is not worth your Instagram likes
- I’m not a fleece-wearing nerd just because I do Engineering
- A guide on sliding into a girl’s DMs when she doesn’t match you on Tinder
- Dear America, please don’t let us down on Trump. Love, Britain
- The Warwick Women’s Rowing 2017 naked calendar is here
- Take this quiz to find out what trainers you should be wearing, according to your personality
- Meet the girl who gets paid to sext
- The most forgettable Made In Chelsea characters of all time
- This Liverpool student dressed up as Trump groping her for Halloween
- Spending 12 hours at the best college bar in America
- Put down the ibuprofen. Here are all the natural remedies which reduce period pain instead
- Killer Clown barges into Cambridge formal dinner
- Durham is just an extension of boarding school
- Looking at other people’s selfies makes us feel ‘miserable and worthless’ says research
- The on-campus Trump table was attacked…again
- Meet the adorable puppies rocking their Halloween costumes better than you
- I wore a ‘Grab It’ sign and cat ears for Halloween
- This guy dressed up as Tomi Lahren for Halloween
- Honestly though, would you even trust a guy to take the male contraceptive pill?
- Is dressing as Brexit for Halloween the most biting satire of 2016?
- ‘I had a really lovely time’, and other lies girls tell on dates
- Read the article from the student who accuses girls of crying wolf over sex they regret
- Brother of Osama bin Laden is a West End student landlord
- Being an introvert is good for your mental health, new study says
- If you dressed as Donald Trump for Halloween, congrats! You nailed 2016’s most basic costume
- Over 80 per cent of men say they would take a male contraceptive pill
- UK universities are ‘plagued by a culture of sexual harassment’ says new study
- Girls who save their friends from creeps in bars are true heroes
- Man in ISIS costume and ‘toy’ gun spotted on UMich campus
- These girls wore real texts from guys and went as fuckboys for Halloween
- Wisconsin fan wore Obama costume with noose to football game
- Last minute Halloween ideas: A shoot
- Finding feminists at a frat party
- Everything gluten free girls are tired of hearing
- We spoke to the students protesting Donald Trump Jr on campus
- We spoke to the students protesting Donald Trump Jr on campus
- Hundreds of people attended a candlight vigil for Harambe in Leeds
- Meet the cutest family in Edinburgh who all go to uni together
- Hell hath no fury like the people tweeting Southern Rail
- Sexually assaulting girls in clubs isn’t banter, it’s a crime
- What your social smoking habit is actually doing to your body
- Moments that make Londoners say ‘ah, the city we live in’
- It’s naive to praise London for its quality of life
- Police called to UCL following confrontation between Israeli and Palestinian societies
- My reality is not your Halloween costume
- A celebration of the life of Vine: The end of a sub-culture
- An impassioned defense of napping
- Why ‘cuffing season’ is a load of crap
- What guys’ names actually say about them
- Kenyon College has a Harry Potter Day and it’s literally magic
- We asked Selasi from Bake Off how he stays so chill
- Trump fans to protesters: ‘They must be homosexuals’
- Stanford alum Peter Thiel apologizes for comments on rape
- Cambridge may be the country’s gayest uni, but it’s still not easy
- It’s obviously paint
- How-to makeup looks that’ll guarantee you win Halloween
- What British people really think about the US election
- We asked for your reactions to Kent Union’s Black History Month gaffe
- We spoke to the trans student that drove away the Westboro Baptist Church
- MSU freshman’s racist post about black female kicker goes viral
- Black Mirror’s first episode is all of us right now, and that’s what makes it so terrifying
- The rise and rise of the woo girl
- Tim Farron speaks at Cambridge Union, talks Brexit and claims ‘Farage is into cheap lager’
- Why we should all be disappointed by the end of Art History A-level
- High school anti-bullying programs don’t work
- Police release video of Friday’s attack on Temple students
- I’m LGBT, and I understand Asher’s Bakery and their right to free speech
- Harvard finally reaches an agreement with HUDS workers
- What it actually feels like to have an abortion, and how it changes you
- We may be rioters, but PSU has the most passionate football fans you’ll ever meet
- Kent Union makes Zayn Malik and Sadiq Khan faces of Black History Month
- Badass female characters to dress up as this Halloween
- Everything you’ll undoubtedly experience on your Southern Rail journey
- This is what it’s like to be a young person with epilepsy
- A male contraceptive pill could exist as early as 2021
- Meet the raving ASU juniors saved from eviction by crowdfunding over $800
- Donald Trump used to really hate people claiming things were ‘rigged’
- QUIZ: What should your Halloween costume be based on your personality?
- Breaking: Harvard students walk out in largest numbers yet for HUDS strike
- The terrifying anti-Semitism of Trump voters
- What you might not understand about ‘chav-themed’ nights
- We messed up: an apology to the ‘7 legless’ students
- Why aren’t college parties more like kids’ parties?
- ‘The demand for trainers will only get bigger’: Inside Crepe City, Europe’s biggest sneaker event
- Bouncers turned me away from a club for being ‘too fat to fit through a hula hoop’
- Selasi from GBBO is opening a bakery in west London
- The meninist tampon tax guy has been dumped by his girlfriend
- UW-Madison students create Snapchat filter to promote consent
- ‘They started beating my head and back’: We spoke to the victim of a mob attack
- We spoke to the guy who proposed in the Lancaster library
- Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging shaped a generation of women
- White feminists are ruining feminism
- Student Union says roller coaster costume was not about Alton Towers
- I ate like Kim Kardashian for a week
- Understanding the Ched Evans case matters a lot – and most of us don’t
- This heartbreaking story from an Irish nurse shows the reality for young pregnant women in Ireland
- In theory ‘zero tolerance’ for sexual harassment at uni works. In practice it could be disastrous
- Every single person you’ll meet at pre-drinks
- Women on Twitter are sharing their stories of sexual harassment at uni
- Why don’t we teach young men how women’s bodies work?
- Women who experienced sexual assault react to Donald Trump
- Meet the only Trump fans at Manhattan’s anti-Trump rally
- All of the feminist slogan tees you need in your wardrobe right now
- We spoke to the meninist tampon tax guy who told menstruating women to ‘just hold their bladder’
- We all need this ‘Nasty Woman’ t-shirt in our lives
- Trigger warnings still have a place at UChicago
- Yes, every girl will dress up as Harley Quinn this Halloween. Who cares?
- Ladies, grab your wine: This is your Presidential Debate drinking game
- These vintage commercials show ads for feminine hygiene products used to be really, really weird
- In living color: A shoot
- A petition to ban the use of previous sexual history as evidence in rape cases has over 6,000 signatures
- The all-time best female empowerment songs
- Can we guess your drunk girl persona?
- Texan students storm out after professor says we’re all of African descent
- Meet the UCI pledge who got Venmo-jacked by a sorority girl
- I had a gun pointed at my head the day of the UMC ‘active shooter’
- Stop what you’re doing! Girls can’t do anything on their period
- Why do men grope women?
- BREAKING: NAACP wall vandalized with racial slurs
- What’s the most attractive girls’ name?
- A definitive ranking of the Trump family by how much I want to punch them in the face
- Idiot meninist says ‘women should control their bladders’ instead of getting tax free tampons
- I made John Podesta’s ‘creamy’ risotto, and I’m never going back
- The ultimate tutorial for easy, at home Halloween makeup
- Why alcohol causes you to blackout and forget your entire night
- I was kicked out of Zara for breastfeeding my baby in public
- A student is suing Brown for ‘badly mishandling’ her sexual assault case
- I’m not ashamed of my risqué photos – they’re empowering
- Head of the Charles Regatta: A complete guide
- Despite what the judge in the Ched Evans case said, drunk consent is not consent
- Why don’t we talk about sexual double standards in the South?
- Tell us your story: Take our sexual assault survey here
- Meet 12-year-old Jeremy Shuler: The youngest ever Ivy League student
- I ditched the pill and switched to the coil, now I’ll never look back
- I was sexually assaulted in halls. It took me two years to talk about it
- Tell me your coming out story Mr Turnbull: An open letter to the Australian PM
- Pamela Anderson at Oxford Union: Donald Trump’s comments about women are ‘absolutely sick’
- Bernie Sanders is taking on big pharma with the passion that sparked his huge campaign
- I was told my curly hair was ‘distracting’ at my office job
- Being Hillary Clinton is not easy – trust me, I tried it
- Make Our Rivers Safe: Sign the petition
- Milo Yiannopoulos at Vanderbilt: ‘Politeness hasn’t worked’
- There are many reasons #WhyWomenDontReport. This is why it’s important they do
- Josh Whitehouse wouldn’t answer our sexist questions – women shouldn’t have to either
- Bob Dylan and 10 other men won Nobel Prizes today. Women got a tweet
- I’m from Seattle, but it’s not my hometown anymore
- Why I started the national petition for free tampons
- The cultural appropriation quiz: How insensitive are you?
- I was born without a womb – but I’m no less of a woman
- Meet Seth Schneider, the NCSU freshman behind the legendary high-five selfie
- There is a petition to make tampons and sanitary towels free
- Planet Earth is back, so not everything in 2016 is awful
- It’s No Bra Day so we took our tops off in celebration
- THREE news outlets just published fresh claims about Trump’s treatment of women
- I was incarcerated and now I’m at Columbia
- Cute little old Penn State fan helps Hurricane Matthew victims
- Trump walked in on teen girls changing at a beauty pageant
- Obama’s legacy will be inspiring black Americans everywhere
- Living with Emetophobia
- Meet the college senior heading up Day of the Girl
- Cheerleading Society’s ‘chav themed social’ renamed for being classist
- Why National Coming Out Day needs to be rebranded
- If I didn’t grow out of being a tomboy, I won’t grow out of being bi
- Playing hard to get doesn’t actually work, according to science
- Milo Yiannopoulos is considering a ‘Mattress Girl’ outfit for Columbia talk
- ‘We will not be silent’: Penn students are protesting Trump for President
- I saw someone get shot at a New York ice rink
- What do foreigners think of the American election?
- The eight undeniable drunk girl personas
- To the guys who called my single mum a ‘stain on society’
- Louis Theroux’s Scientology Movie is his most daring work yet
- Dear my abuser: A poem to the man who made my life hell
- From the frontline at the second presidential debate
- Liverpool student uses sexual assault joke as chat up line on Tinder
- Meet the rugby fresher who invaded the pitch at the Millennium stadium, only to be shoulder charged to the ground by a steward
- Our short skirts are not responsible for the ‘impure thoughts’ of boys
- Being the ‘mental’ student at university
- Meet the Newcastle third year who was flown to launch Jack Wills in the US
- Donald Trump was the top result for #rapeculture during last night’s debate. Is anyone surprised?
- Exclusive: People were stuck in a McDonald’s because of terrorising clowns outside
- Trump says ‘grab women by the pussy’ – this is what women have to say
- Cambridge’s appropriation of the working class makes for bitter social division
- Obama signs bill to prevent police destroying rape kits
- These are the most influential babes this week
- Remember the three months last year when we were all obsessed with Justin Bieber?
- Exclusive: King’s Education VP wants to remove the ‘outdated’ national anthem from graduation ceremonies
- An open letter to Piers Morgan, from all women
- Was it my fault that I was sexually assaulted?
- It’s nearly taken 100 years, but Clarks shoes are finally cool
- ‘I wish I could abort my government’: We spoke to one of the activists at Poland’s abortion protest
- Compulsory consent workshop left empty as not one fresher turns up
- How the ‘killer clowns’ story unfolded
- EXCLUSIVE: Temple student calls out roommate for using racial slur
- A protest to ‘save London’s nightlife’ is happening this Saturday
- Who is responsible for the death of Britain’s nightclubs?
- There’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking up to Kim Kardashian
- British Vogue’s ‘real women’ November issue is a step in the right direction
- 25 movies every girl should watch before turning 25
- Bake Off’s Andrew: It sounds like Oxford students know how to party
- Hillary Clinton just put Trump’s body shaming to bed again
- A Harvard professor explains why clowns are so scary
- We need to protect Joe Biden
- Are killer clowns appearing on campuses all over America?
- Ezra’s Tunnel: A photoshoot
- Ezra’s Tunnel: A photoshoot
- The art of being black
- What happened when I found a newborn baby in a McDonald’s toilet
- I gave up sugar for a week and it was worse than quitting smoking
- Introducing the All Woman Project, championing a diversity revolution in fashion
- Meet Ben Froughi, the York student who protested against consent talks
- Saying Kim Kardashian ‘deserved’ her robbery is just another form of victim blaming
- You can now buy diet Prosecco
- A day in the life of a furry
- University is far too late to start teaching people about consent
- Being sexually assaulted doesn’t always make you a ‘rape victim’
- My week as a basic bitch
- A message to any women considering voting for Trump
- A play set in Ancient Egypt was cancelled because the cast was too white
- Consent classes at university are still a waste of time
- All the best of the best pink trainers that money can buy
- It’s taken five years, but I now realise that depression doesn’t define who I am
- Welcome to October! Here are all the super sexy costumes you can wear for Halloween
- How to wear underwear as outerwear: A shoot with Ann Summers
- Doctors told me I wasn’t ‘thin enough’ to get treatment for my anorexia
- Ignore what you’ve heard, the York consent talks were a success
- Rejoice! Even Playboy hates catcalling now
- Take The Tab’s presidential election poll
- These are the most inspiring babes of the week
- We need to improve the way we deal with young women’s mental health
- Young women are most likely to suffer from mental health problems, says new study
- Women coders are still being under-represented and overlooked
- Eight-year-old girl calls Tesco out over ‘sexist’ kids clothes in viral video
- ‘We can’t live in fear’: I arrived minutes after the Townville Elementary shooting
- 25 books every girl should read before turning 25
- The attitudes of young British people, according to the rest of the world
- All the terms women wish you would stop using
- Now even the NUS are accusing Malia Bouattia of being antisemitic
- Women are now officially buying more trainers than heels
- ‘Sexualising any athlete is wrong’: The women’s wrestling game has changed forever
- Taking the pill raises girls’ risk of depression by 25 per cent
- It’s growing season! How to respond when a loser asks about your body hair
- The Brown student convicted of sexual assault will be allowed back on campus
- I contracted a lifelong disease in college, but it doesn’t define me
- An open letter to Donald Trump, from a recovered anorexic
- The sexist double standard of being Hillary Clinton
- Cornell senior Tariq Kane is taking more than 30 credits this semester
- UA girls respond after being criticized for their outfits in creepy Facebook group
- ‘He looked me straight in the eye’: When a man jumped in front of the Tube I was driving
- How Pennsylvania’s heroin crisis arrived in my hometown
- Hillary schooled Trump in the first presidential debate
- Every woman knew how Hillary Clinton felt being interrupted and talked over at last night’s debate
- An alcohol psychologist tells us why gin makes you cry
- Switzerland wants to ban the hijab from passport photos. Don’t they have anything better to do?
- Every tweet about how Hillary killed it at last night’s debate
- Ringside at the first presidential debate with Trump’s biggest bros
- I accidentally spent 40 minutes in the boys’ bathroom
- What kids who have lost a parent want you to know
- I never realised how much losing a parent would make me question who I am
- Babes who killed it on the internet this week
- Stop telling black girls how to do their hair
- We all have opinions, but if you don’t like roast dinners yours is wrong
- Just because you don’t understand dyslexia, doesn’t mean it’s not a real disability
- Don’t let the media backlash distract you from what Emma Watson’s UN speech actually said
- Archaeology students have trigger warnings for when they’re scared of bones
- Give the Dirty Disco girls a break, they’re just doing their job
- The way we deal with mental health at university has to change, and quickly
- Women can now download an app to stop them saying sorry all the time
- My name is Will Smith and I’m a Bristol student
- This Princeton club is handing out consent pledges on the door of parties
- Geologists will earn the most when they graduate, says new research
- These students have moved in to Amy Winehouse’s old Camden pad
- My mental illness allowed me to recognize the unfair stigma
- The Tab’s 2016 Mental Health Rankings are the first of their kind
- Overburdened and underfunded: The mental health crisis at Britain’s universities
- Searching for meaning in the queue for the new Yeezys
- Wrangler’s new campaign demonstrates false feminism at its finest
- Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour leadership
- Hearing a Cornell student shout ‘Fuck Black people’ shows why we need Black Lives Matter
- Labour versus Tory: How these celebrities vote might surprise you
- My Asperger’s doesn’t automatically make me a reclusive card-counter
- Abusive boyfriends don’t sound very real – until you have one
- Who is CJ de Mooi, the former Egghead arrested over alleged ‘killing’?
- How are we still giving internet vlogger ‘pranksters’ enough attention to exist?
- Corbyn has what it takes to be our next Prime Minister – it’s time to back him
- It’s not just Fabric. The nightclub is dying
- Justin Trudeau said everything right about gender equality again
- Keith Lamont Scott, the man shot dead by police in North Carolina, was my neighbor
- We don’t care if it’s basic, we love everything about fall
- Exeter students write ‘The Holocaust was a good time’ on bar crawl T-shirts
- Who is the worst Harrovian of all time?
- These illustrations show what day-to-day life is like with anxiety
- As a previous resident, Khao San Road is not what Bangkok is all about
- A celebrity couple is getting divorced. Let’s stop using it as an excuse to pit women against each other
- Asian women are not your damn fetish
- I lost my virginity when I was raped by two of my friends
- Malia Bouattia created ‘one rule for Jews, another for everyone else’
- ‘I travelled to Tokyo just for a shoe release’: We spoke to sneakerheads queueing for Adidas NMDs
- Dear Marc Jacobs: An open letter from women of color
- Alicia Keys inspired me to go a week without makeup and it was terrible
- An ode to sexy selfies
- Brace yourselves girls, they’ve just invented a car ‘for women’
- When I was sexually assaulted, I lost my friends
- A pair of Durham newlyweds’s first home is a real life castle
- H&M’s new campaign is hair, curves, and everything it means to be a ‘lady’ in 2016
- We spoke to the student who sent the Kansas State blackface photos viral
- Misogyny needs to be recognized as a hate crime everywhere
- Why does everyone hate Caroline Flack?
- Why do you care when we’re having house parties, but not when we’re being raped?
- It’s embarrassing that MPs care more about censorship than students do
- UKIP’s youth wing has made ‘Make Britain Great Again’ hats
- People on Instagram are saying Tiffany Trump looks like Sid from Ice Age
- White and privileged: These are the City Airport Black Lives Matter protesters
- We spoke to the guy behind the gruesome video showing a Cocks not Glocks protester being murdered
- How to be an aggressive woman
- Harassment, poverty and low ambitions: Girls have it worse in the North
- Hey Freshers! Here’s how to not dress like a racist
- ‘That’s where I had my abortion’
- ‘I did not deserve to be raped’: Read Delaney Robinson’s account in her own words
- Read this insane email from what could possibly be the worst freshman roommate of all time
- The UNC football player accused of rape has turned himself in
- Theresa May says safe spaces are stifling free speech at university
- Library Baby’s mum just gave birth to her second child
- Bestival 2016 was so bad the organisers had to apologise on Facebook
- FSU fraternity rush cancelled due to hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak
- UNC sophomore Delaney Robinson was told: ‘Blackout drunk is not rape’
- Whitening my teeth with charcoal left me with little more than a dirty sink
- Men told these girls to put on more clothes, so they took them off instead
- UNC student will hold 2pm press conference to discuss footballer sexual assault case
- A response to HuffPo’s ‘Young ladies of the SEC, cover it up!’
- My sober night at a frat party
- Who is the worst Etonian of all time?
- We’ve won 56 medals, so why does nobody care about the Paralympics?
- The Great British Bake Off is obviously going to be really bad on Channel 4
- Just because you bought me a drink doesn’t mean I owe you my company
- Campaigners say it should be illegal to make women wear heels to work
- Emily Thornberry just used a ‘sexism’ argument to save face
- Everyone is sharing this interview of a Trump fan being quite deplorable
- Meet the JMU alum with cerebral palsy competing in this year’s Paralympics
- I had a breast reduction at 15 – it was the best and hardest decision I’ve ever made
- Oxford’s Bullingdon Club is facing extinction
- Parents tell us the advice they wish they’d had in their twenties
- Hillary Clinton fainted, once. That doesn’t make her an unfit presidential candidate
- ASOS forced to remove a picture of white make-up on a black model’s skin
- Loser asks girl for his money back two weeks after buying her a drink
- My dad killed himself: For me, every day is suicide awareness day
- ‘All the emotion drained out of his face’: Meet the kids who spent 9/11 with George Bush
- People are pissed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg coming to Notre Dame
- Charterhouse isn’t sexist, but the boys there definitely are
- This map shows all the sexual and violent crimes in your university town
- Abstinence-only sex ed is outdated and puts women at a major disadvantage
- Meet Nadia Manzoor, smashing stereotypes as the youngest female board member in the UK
- Living with a stammer is painful, scary and frustrating
- Front page news for the Daily Mail: Woman wears skirt
- My father died when I was 16, how was I supposed to grow up?
- What happens when you’re on a train that strikes someone on the tracks
- All the boys you’ll date before you give up on boys entirely
- I caught meningitis in the first weeks of term and it nearly killed me
- Are we really supposed to believe that UniLad (you know, the one who made a rape joke) care about sexual assault?
- The Black Lives Matter spokesman once blacked up as a minstrel
- We asked a tattoo artist how long it will take for your minimalist tattoos to go out of fashion
- Trump’s claims about America’s Black community are wrong and offensive
- Why don’t we learn how to say ‘no’ to sex?
- It’s official: Couples who get drunk together stay together
- Stop calling our neighbors ‘locals’
- Fabric is just another venue right? No, this is just the beginning
- Working at Sports Direct is as awful as it sounds
- Owen Smith’s comments aren’t ‘just political banter’ – they’re sexist
- Fabric is officially closing forever
- UMass doesn’t want you ‘whipping out anything’ for Harambe
- Why are we glamorizing former slave plantations?
- A psychologist tells us how to get over FOMO
- Gretchen Carlson’s harassment claims were dismissed. Now she’s getting $20m
- A guide to nailing your Bumble profile, by girls
- All schools should follow UChicago’s example on safe spaces
- What it’s really like to have an abortion
- Even young people aren’t backing Corbyn any more, poll finds
- A letter to the media about Brock Turner
- These images show the undeniable impact of mental illness on the brain
- I lost all my friends after voting Leave
- Inside London’s £20,000-a-year student skyscraper apartments
- Why we need to stop the student convicted of sexual assault coming back to Brown
- Can JK Rowling please stop shoehorning Harry Potter into current events?
- Literally everything you can use coconut oil for
- Everything you thought you knew about dyslexia
- Watch this terrifying video about leaving the NUS
- Notting Hill Carnival 2016: Best dressed
- Why I’ll never date another Male Feminist
- Revealed: Milo Yiannopoulos’ tour rider is as ludicrous as his politics
- Up next: Should a woman whose marriage has been ruined by her husband have her career ruined too?
- It’s 2016, going topless shouldn’t be illegal anymore in any state
- Virginia Tech is more than just ‘the school where that shooting happened’
- Revealed: The universities offering consent workshops this Freshers’
- PSA to The Modern Man: Just don’t hit on women wearing headphones
- All the teenagers at Reading Festival will make you feel really old
- These illustrations show the conflicting expectations women face every day
- Why is every bank holiday weekend an excuse to shame drunk women?
- A fitness model tells us how to keep in shape during Freshers’
- My week as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- You don’t just have to vote the way your parents do
- The rise of the anti-feminist
- I love my life as ‘the single friend’ – and so should you
- The rapper who collaborated on Tiffany Trump’s awful single says she has more songs to release
- The French burkini photos weren’t shocking. We feel this public humiliation all the time
- I was sexually harassed more in London than anywhere else in Europe
- It was just an ordinary party at Cornell. Then a student was stabbed to death
- I asked my exes to review me
- Jill Stein is not a meme
- An expert explains the history of hazing
- An expert explains the history of hazing
- Hillary Clinton has a catheter: The best election clickbait so far
- Gay and trans students: Why can’t we donate blood?
- The ultimate list of London tube line stereotypes
- I gave my Tinder profile an honest makeover to see if anyone would match with me
- A New York psychic predicted Trump winning the election in August
- Why is everyone so disgusted by the word ‘moist’? A psychologist explains
- Reader, I married him: What men presumably think happens when they catcall
- Student devastated by recurring cancer needs £10k for life-saving treatment
- I tried to eat based on MyPlate ratios
- I wore festival makeup to work for a week
- This is what diabetes really looks like
- ‘Getting the full college experience’ is more important than jail time – even if you rape women
- How working at a shooting range shaped my view on guns
- Why does Trump keep joking about having sex with his daughters?
- The KKK held a rally in my town in the Hamptons
- How TfL are keeping you safe on the night tube
- Men tell woman to take her clothes off on beach, supported by the full weight of the law
- Nurturing a Tamagotchi for a week was so much better than Pokémon Go
- Ada Wells resigns as EUSA’s LGBT+ officer
- It’s hot outside. Let us wear summer clothes in peace
- Overheated city workers tell us what they’d rather be wearing
- I tried to live by the ‘101 rules of being a male feminist ally’
- I tried ‘laughter yoga’ and it was the weirdest experience of my life
- Meet the man behind those honest Night Tube etiquette posters
- ‘I’m just a Pokémon fan like any other’: The life of the UK’s top competitive Pokémon player
- A Dad who went to V fest has exposed it for how tragic it really is
- At lots of schools, A-level results day wasn’t happy – it was heartbreaking
- Everything to expect when you go to Virginia Beach
- A brief history of women shutting down sexist interview questions
- An honest account of being a woman working in law
- Gary Johnson has an erection and he wants you to know about it
- My day as a 50s housewife
- Brace yourself, the freshers are coming: A-levels results night at Pryzm
- We spoke to Deliciously Stella, everyone’s favourite hangover food inspiration
- This couple met on Yik Yak and are now in a long-term relationship
- Do women feel safe on the night tube?
- Pole dancing should be an Olympic sport
- I tried out those ‘exfoliating hair removal’ pads to see if they really gave you shiny legs
- A sobering ride on the first ever night tube
- I don’t care that you’re a vegan
- Bannon and Conway take reins of Trump campaign, but it may be too late
- Making Roger Ailes his advisor is Trump’s most worrying move yet
- Roaccutane made me severely depressed, but it also made me the person I am today
- From the streets of Rio’s favelas, the Olympic party looks very different
- Your horror stories about people getting a bit too keen
- A lookbook guide to dressing for the 90s fashion revival
- We don’t owe you an explanation for loving our natural hair
- Meet the sculptor behind the naked Donald Trump statues
- So there’s a naked Trump statue with a micropenis in Union Square
- ‘People are so pissed off, and they don’t know what else to do’: Young Wisconsinites on Milwaukee riots
- Some thought the Olympic marriage proposal was romantic – I thought it was lame as hell
- Where are the jumping girls of A-level results day now?
- UCAS told a fresher to dump his girlfriend before he goes to uni
- Who is Austin Harrouff, the fitness freak sophomore who killed two people on Monday?
- A veteran explains why actually Hillary shouldn’t be executed by firing squad for treason
- What it’s really like to be an au pair, by former au pairs
- I finished high school and became a stripper
- Congrats class of 2015! Over half of us are still living with our parents
- An American’s observations of studying abroad in Cambridge
- How would the media have talked about Florida’s frat boy killer if he was black?
- I met my boyfriend in a nightclub – and now we’re engaged
- Convicted hate preacher Anjem Choudary was a ‘boozy womaniser’ at university
- I spoke to a 22-year-old Freemason on the 300th anniversary of the secret society
- I asked a professional photoshopper how he would improve me
- All hail the taboo-breaking Olympic swimmer unafraid to mention her period
- The Olympians GB would have missed out on if it weren’t for immigration
- Tumblr isn’t a therapist’s office, and we need to stop treating it like one
- Messed up your A-levels? So did these successful people
- 80 cars burnt out at Boomtown festival due to a fire started ‘by a cigarette’
- The NUS has to admit it’s out of touch with students
- Sorority girls tell us their biggest turn-ons and turn-offs
- How to get through freshman year with social anxiety
- I Tindered as a Trump supporter and got over 300 connections
- I lived like Kylie Jenner for a week
- Shave off your moustache! Nigel Farage has ruined them for everyone
- Simon Blake: The 41-year-old paid £100,000-a-year to run the NUS
- A brief history of the word ‘yaaaaaaasss’
- Is 23-year-old Joe Jenkins the next Nigel Farage?
- Meal Deal Talk has started a petition to keep meal deals under £3
- Questions you’re sick of hearing if you’re a Diet Coke addict
- ‘Is someone coming for us?’ Inside JFK’s imaginary terror attack
- Inside Trump’s Connecticut rally, where even the kids hate Hillary
- PSA to guys: Stop sharing those nudes of a female Olympic team
- I ate like an Olympic swimmer for the day and I’ve never felt worse
- How I was homeless at Columbia
- Simone Biles is adopted. I am adopted. Stop talking about how we are adopted
- We rated Londoners’ choice of meal deal, and most aren’t very adventurous
- Exclusive: The NUS are spending £60k on a demo, but they don’t know what they’re protesting about
- I tried face-shaving for girls
- A lecturer who beat up his girlfriend was allowed to carry on his job
- How to get a first, by people who did it
- A guy from my school raped a freshman girl – so why is he not going to jail?
- I went out in a revealing outfit and asked people what the hell they were looking at
- How to tell if you’re related to the aristocracy
- International students tell us why they’re terrified of Theresa May
- Working class students like us won’t go to uni now maintenance grants have been scrapped
- Coffee with Paolo from The Lizzie McGuire Movie
- What it’s really like living with MS
- Two thirds of 18-24 year old women will be sexually harassed at work. These are your stories
- Congrats girl! Fiancé of former Miss California scoops his 25th medal
- Is it any wonder students are suffering from mental health issues when debt is this high?
- We asked people from other cities what they think about Londoners
- A Newcastle grad has just become the Duke of Westminster at 25
- Americans guess the meaning of grime slang
- A response to the guy who thinks my Instagram pics are slutty
- We don’t care what you think about our piercings
- Pokémon Go players are having their phones stolen by thieves on bikes
- Why the Yale College Republicans decided to endorse Trump
- I tried ‘cupping’, the suction treatment Olympians can’t get enough of
- The NUS finally issue statement condemning racism
- Exclusive: Elected NUS delegate calls Jewish man ‘subhuman rat’
- We spoke to the plus-sized bloggers changing the face of British fashion
- Adam Peaty’s girlfriend on ‘the most emotional moment of my life’
- I did the 100 coats of foundation challenge
- Belfast student gets tattoo on his thigh, saying: ‘Birds are mad’
- I gave my dad a makeover and he looked amazing
- I owe everything to my Grammar school education
- Meal Deal Talk Facebook group descends into antisemitic abuse
- Your worst holiday romances revealed
- We asked couples who moved in together in their 20s what they were thinking
- Anxiety and panic attacks ruined Freshers’ Week for me
- An effective and foolproof guide to internet stalking without getting caught
- Trump is polling terribly with young people
- I lived in the world’s largest grown-up halls for a week
- 25 inspirational female athletes under 25 at Rio Olympics
- The most awkward things that happen when you go away with your family
- The minority vote and the youth vote are important – but so is the homeless vote
- What’s the best worst nightclub in the UK?
- Bindis are not just a fashion statement
- What would happen if Donald Trump was a woman?
- What it’s like to be married at 22
- Here’s what the cast of Skins are up to now
- How selfish are you?
- How to get a girl’s number without being creepy (a guide by girls)
- Taste testing supermarket meal deals with a gourmet chef
- Girls tell us what their biggest relationship deal breakers are
- Young Brazilians are even less excited about Rio 2016 than we are
- Supposedly millennials have less sex. I’m not convinced
- We should all be like girls at festivals
- Hillary is unmistakably, without a doubt imperfect – but that doesn’t mean she can’t lead
- Trump’s supporters shouted ‘Black lives don’t matter’ at me
- Why I’m ditching Western beauty standards and embracing my afro
- Where did it all go wrong for millennials?
- The differences in how we talk about male and female athletes are staggering
- A terrorism expert tells us the threat level for this year’s Notting Hill Carnival
- Forget Rio, rednecks hold their own Olympics every year
- Slut-shaming Melania doesn’t make you anti-Trump – it makes you a misogynist
- If your Freshers’ Week friends were characters from Harry Potter
- Why is there still a stigma around women having tattoos?
- Wave goodbye to maintenance grants, the last stepping stone helping poor kids into uni
- Exclusive: Pupils at Emma Watson’s school weren’t allowed to approach her
- The Meal Deal Talk Facebook group is the most savage place on the internet
- Please can we all just agree to stop wearing pool sliders now?
- Every soul-destroying thing that happens in the summer after you graduate
- The science behind breaking the seal
- Guys tell us how they react when they see misogyny happening
- Meet the veterans who think Trump is a terrible choice for President
- The struggles of being the pale friend
- Could Snapchat be considered ‘art’?
- In defense of ghosting guys
- Why Metro’s ‘Mistakes girls make on a first date’ is completely ridiculous
- Remember when pundits literally laughed at the idea Trump could win?
- We spoke to Molly Brown, the youngest girl ever to row across the Atlantic
- Oh hello there, Hillary Clinton’s nephew
- Hillary’s aides silenced Bernie hecklers using GroupMe prompts
- How did my son end up halfway across the world trying to kill Donald Trump?
- This is what transgender people really think of Caitlyn Jenner
- What I learned about depression from reading my old diary entries
- I ate without culturally appropriating for a day and it made me miserable
- Uber drivers on all the annoying things you do when you’re drunk
- Durham students launch port company
- Food or sex? We asked millennials which they’d choose
- GIRLI tells us about sexism in the music industry
- As a young woman, watching Hillary claim the nomination moved me to tears
- Meet Alicia Blagg, the 19-year-old from Leeds diving for Gold in Rio
- The reality of growing up as a fundamentalist Christian
- A new video shows Malia Bouattia praising an Anti-Israeli group’s resistence
- The struggles of being a perpetually hairy girl
- Boarding school made me the person I am today
- A quarter of Architecture students are treated for mental health problems
- I asked friends from all over the world what they think of British people
- Watch Bernie Sanders delegates walk out of Hillary’s acceptance speech
- Ladies, go to a male strip club – you’ll love it
- BREAKING: Bernie Sanders delegates will walk out of Hillary Clinton’s speech tonight
- Should you put your sorority on your résumé?
- An eating disorder made me lose myself completely
- We are hiring three editors for our New York office
- Wheelchair-bound student stands for first time in five years to receive his degree
- The rise of statusbombing
- I lived like a true millennial for a day and it sucked
- Alice Brine explains what is wrong with victim blaming in 200 words
- Graduate goes viral with her response to a lecturer who said there was ‘no space’ for black writers
- Barack Obama: ‘The American Dream is something no wall will ever contain’
- ‘I will sue Trump and beat him,’ says USA Freedom Kids manager
- Is there a way of improving hook-up culture?
- Cuntry Living isn’t a feminist safe haven, it’s toxic
- We tried out the worst cheesy chat-up lines on boys in the club
- I’m fighting a fatal liver disease, but Theresa May still wants to deport me
- Everything guys need to stop saying to queer girls
- Bernie delegates just lost it and stormed out of the Democratic Convention
- It’s official: Hillary Clinton is the first ever woman to win the Democratic nomination
- As a Southerner, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed my first gun show
- Women shouldn’t feel guilty for not wanting kids
- Crazed Bernie or Busters at the DNC just called me a ‘corrupt capitalist’
- What students coping with mental illness want you to know
- I work at a Trump establishment and it is exactly what you would expect
- I spoke with the potential future Pope about sex and menstruation
- Atlanta vs. Nashville: Where is the real music capital of the South?
- These are the biggest crybabies of the Democratic Convention
- I did every irritating tube habit and watched Londoners get angry
- ‘Nature gave me these tattoos’: Meet the girl whose entire body is covered in birthmarks
- It’s sad to see what Bernie’s fans have become – I used to be one of them
- No-one enjoyed the first day of the DNC more than Donald Trump
- The DNC is a convention of Bernie fans who prefer Trump to Hillary
- I am at the DNC in Philadelphia and I cannot find a single Hillary supporter
- Virginia’s ‘abstinence only’ sex education is damaging and unrealistic
- The best date you can go on is with yourself
- Bernie delegates shout down CA secretary of state at DNC breakfast
- I’m a woman and I don’t find catcalling offensive
- Being the ‘cute girl’ stinks sometimes
- I shaved like a woman for a week
- Is avocado oil the new coconut oil? We asked a dietitian
- Hillary picks Tim Kaine as running mate
- How to keep calm when talking politics, by an anger management expert
- We asked 16-year-olds what they expect uni to be like
- These are the brands not telling you if their clothes are ethically made
- I went on a big birthday night out dressed as Prince George
- I gave birth 12 hours before my graduation ceremony
- I watched in open-mouthed horror as the curtain fell on Donald Trump’s Republican coronation
- Peter Thiel came out as gay on the RNC stage and no-one knew how to react
- New York’s Night Court is the weirdest tourist attraction in the world
- We talked to Gary Johnson at the RNC
- I’m Indian, don’t white-wash my culture by wearing a bindi
- I asked my old holiday romances if they remembered me fondly
- Scorcher style: How to stay fashionable in the heatwave
- Meet Mike Pence, the man who has to make Donald Trump electable
- Ted Cruz refuses to endorse Trump and says ‘vote your conscience’
- What it’s like going to a music festival on your period
- A guy I met on Tinder demanded I sign a ‘relationship contract’
- Rocking a bold outfit is the new LBD
- We spoke to a trainee vicar whose church is a Pokémon Go stop
- Our parents told us what living in London was like 30 years ago
- It’s official: Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for President
- Pokémon GOP: I tried to catch ’em all at the Republican Convention
- The Westboro Baptist Church just got shouted down at the Republican Convention
- The RNC is basically Rush Week and Trump just got his bid
- I was at the center of Friday’s Turkish military coup and thought I wouldn’t see another day
- The men who elected Trump are the worst humans on earth
- I spent a day as a Brit abroad in London
- Being in a sorority made me the feminist I am
- I asked guys about popular fashion trends and their comments were hilarious
- Is contouring actually worth the hype?
- What I’ve learned being conservative on a liberal campus
- NUS bans Jewish students from picking Jewish anti-racism representative
- I’m Indian, I don’t think white people wearing bindis is offensive
- I tried different Instagram aesthetics to see which got more followers
- ‘You value sovereignty more than solidarity’: What the French think of us after Brexit
- These Republicans came to the convention armed with handguns and AK-74s
- Meet the Republicans armed with AK-74s at the Convention
- My mental illness does not give you the right to label me ‘crazy’ ex-girlfriend
- This is how hard it is to keep an abortion clinic open in the GOP convention state
- With Cleveland on high alert, Trump plans speech that will echo Nixon
- What London rent prices could get you elsewhere in the UK
- Asking people at Farr Festival to define house music
- Istanbul students in midst of Turkish coup: ‘We’re scared and confused’
- Three months after my father’s suicide
- The UK’s biggest chillers on what David Cameron should do now
- What it’s like being Andrea Leadsom’s son right now
- How many members of Theresa May’s new cabinet can you name?
- Who the hell is Mike Pence?
- The problems with #AllLivesMatter
- The night I became part of the minority
- Cleveland Police are gearing up for carnage at the RNC
- Don’t assume I’m a lesbian just because I play lacrosse
- My sexual past is messy, depressing and extensive. It doesn’t make me a slut
- Gillean McLeod is a 60-year-old model showing women age is just a number
- Yes, I’m liberal and yes, I’m still a patriot
- I lived like Donald Trump for a week
- Meet the London fashion grad who photographed Grindr matches for his final project
- ‘Theresa May, sashay away’: We talked to the protesters outside Downing Street
- Which of these sexy old white guys will be Trump’s running mate?
- Why #LeanInTogether sends a powerful message to women
- We asked young women who dgaf what inspires them
- Your guide to this summer’s tennis outfits
- We sat down with Miley Cyrus’ favorite jewelry designer
- What it looks like when you curl your hair without heat
- QUIZ: Who said it, Donald Trump or a famous dictator?
- Stop saying ‘A lady never tells’: Women need to start embracing their sexuality
- Who would be your ideal Prime Minister be?
- It’s time we stopped fetishizing mixed race girls
- Why I will never date a younger boy
- ‘Divided and now United, this is our America’
- We spoke to an expert about the future of abortion in the US
- ‘Porn is a public health crisis,’ says GOP
- For the first time since moving here, I feel unsafe as a black woman in this country
- Getting expelled from boarding school was the best thing that ever happened to me
- I went on a Pokéwalk because I want to be the very best, like no-one ever was
- The fresher who predicted Brexit and Theresa May’s rise to power
- ‘Sloppy seconds’ is just another form of slut-shaming
- Americans have forgotten their own sovereignty
- An ode to Bernie Sanders: The dream America wasn’t ready for
- Everything I wish I’d known before my first pole dancing class
- Dartmouth professor sentenced to five and a half years for child porn possession
- Why you should love a ‘dad bod’
- The Dhaka attack happened in my uncle’s restaurant
- Theresa May is Britain’s new Prime Minister. But does anyone really like her?
- How to survive your first friend’s wedding
- As a Black woman, #BlackLivesMatter isn’t enough
- What it’s like growing up in Bracknell, ‘Britain’s number one chav town’
- Abuse doesn’t end when the relationship does
- Speaking to Mhairi Black about Brexit, feminism and ‘subtle sexism’ in politics
- 50 years of hurt: Celebrating Portuguese victory in Portugal
- I found myself at the center of a shooting scare last night
- Christian leadership silent amid violence and racism
- On the ground at the Black Lives Matter protest in Union Square
- I trusted Console charity after my sister committed suicide – now I realise they’re financially corrupt
- We asked primary school children how they’d run the country after Brexit
- The best reasons to sleep naked
- The most ridiculous excuses you’ve used to get out of a date
- Inside the rape case which changed Germany’s ‘no means no’ laws
- How to dress for a festival, by Depop’s top influencers
- Hybristophilia: The secret world of people who are attracted to serial killers
- We asked guys to try winged eyeliner – here’s what happened
- Instead of celebrating her 20 year career, the Daily Mail have rated Victoria Beckham’s boobs
- My daughter is shunned because I wear a hijab
- How I realized I was worth more than my body
- I went on dates with older guys to see if age actually matters
- How a conversation with a friend changed my stance on abortion
- Ali Abbas lost his arms and his family when Blair invaded Iraq
- Welcome to Atlantic City, the resort town bankrupted by Trump
- The next UK Prime Minister is going to be a woman
- Brexit has made my hometown unapologetically racist
- Some Welsh people are cloning vouchers to get unlimited free Budweiser
- Poignant photos of 2003’s Anti-War Protest, the biggest march London has ever seen
- We asked an American Airlines pilot how terrorism has changed his job
- University wasn’t for me. Now I’m about to make my first million
- A day in the life of a competitive female weightlifter
- We spoke to the creator of Simpsonwave, and it’s about to end
- Speaking to dejected Wales fans after the Euro semi-final
- Nobody can pass the British citizenship test
- A professional flirting coach taught us how to be irresistible
- One in 10 young people who voted Leave regret their decision
- I graduated last year and now I’ve got my dream job directing music videos
- Jacqueline Wilson inspired a young generation of female readers
- My ‘sexy’ photo does not make me unprofessional
- How conservatives shut down my local abortion clinic
- I voted for Bernie but I’m sick of the Bernie or Bust movement
- How men on Tinder reacted when I included ‘feminist’ in my bio
- #HeterosexualPride is #Bullshit
- A guide to being pale at the beach
- ‘He’ll move onto humans next’: Meet the man on the hunt for the Croydon Cat Killer
- Is it ever OK for white people to have dreadlocks? We asked you
- ‘Throwing like a girl’ – and other things female athletes hear
- Clinton’s top aide admits that daily schedules were destroyed
- QUIZ: Can you spot the fake Yeezys?
- We got a medic to explain why they rejected the junior doctors’ contract
- I actually tried to recreate BuzzFeed’s ‘Tasty’ recipes
- What it’s like to live with your ex-girlfriend
- BuzzFeed’s Kelsey Darragh on life as a female comedian
- A petition to remove the contraceptive pill ‘Rigevidon’ from the NHS has nearly 5,000 signatures
- The gap year memoir of a ‘skinny white girl in Africa’ has angered a lot of people
- Obama and Biden are boycotting colleges soft on rape
- UW-Madison sophomore found dead in Rome
- I tried leg contouring to see if it was as ridiculous as it seems
- Can you pass the 2017 British citizenship test?
- Breaking: Hillary Clinton interviewed by the FBI for three and a half hours
- My friends and family in Bradford voted for Brexit because they were misled
- What the Supreme Court’s abortion decision means for women
- Meet the student who is challenging rape culture with her photo series
- I tried to kill myself and I don’t regret it
- Trump’s neighbors are hoping he wins – so their apartments are worth more
- Ridiculous stories of parents being hopeless with technology
- What to wear to Wimbledon (other than tennis whites)
- Please stop telling me I’m ‘oppressed’ just because I wear the hijab
- A chat with the owners of London’s oldest pie and mash shop
- Breaking: Adnan Syed has been granted a retrial
- We asked the organisers of anti-Brexit protests what they hope to achieve
- ‘For days I slept on dead people’
- A practical guide on how to dress for the Great British summer
- Someone started a petition to make Huaraches illegal in public
- 7 things Corbyn’s supporters are betting on
- Donald Trump will almost certainly lose
- What it’s really like dating someone in the military
- Every person you meet among the madness at Glastonbury
- I lived by an 80s lifestyle book for a week
- I deleted all my social media and this is what happened
- Meet the mallies: The best of the best of male feminists
- What your Greggs order says about you
- Why you should start shaving your face
- We found cocaine traces in Trump Tower
- Two Nottingham rowers in court for raping a girl and sending ‘trophy pictures’ on WhatsApp
- We went to the London anti-Brexit rally with angry young people in the pouring rain
- The meme-myths about veganism are just that – myths
- EXCLUSIVE: We spoke to ‘Dead of Summer’ star Amber Coney ahead of today’s premiere
- Mac ‘n’ Cheese kid Luke Gatti gets arrested again
- Margot Robbie admits she loves Infernos in Clapham
- I’m young, I’m not a racist, and I still voted for Brexit
- Going without makeup for a week was the best thing I ever did
- If you went to Glastonbury this weekend you walked the equivalent of four marathons
- Our parents tell us why they voted leave
- Is affirmative action bad for Asian Americans?
- Brian Cox rejects ‘safe space’ policies and criticises universities banning speakers
- The problem with ‘happily ever after’
- I went to Trump Tower to see if their taco bowls really are the best
- #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet is the latest pro-Trump craze
- I was 14 when I was first prescribed a lifetime supply of steroids
- These are all the ways you’ve ever saved a guy’s number
- Historic win for abortion activists as SCOTUS strikes down Texas restrictions
- Nazi golf balls, Swiss cheese and ‘one big love fest’: Trump’s visit to Scotland
- Young people screwed themselves over by not voting
- I partied at an Icelandic festival in 96 hours of continuous sunlight
- An open letter to my LGBTQAI+ friends
- Already Brexit is striking fear into my European colleagues
- Lindy West: ‘Find the nice people and just don’t care what the dicks think’
- Research finds that picking Sanders for VP would be Hillary’s best shot at the White House
- What Brexit means for the 2016 Elections
- Experiencing the biggest sports parade in US history
- I wore only Jack Wills for a week and everyone hated me
- It’s time to realize makeup tutorials are total nonsense
- Peter Tatchell for The Tab: ‘NUS safe space policies don’t solve anything’
- Supreme Court rules in favor of race-conscious college admissions
- I’m Black, and going to a Donald Trump rally was the scariest experience of my life
- Rubio flip-flopped and is now seeking re-election
- EXCLUSIVE: The ‘go cook my burrito bitch’ guy speaks out
- This young mother had her son at 14
- Why I never told anyone that I was sexually assaulted in middle school
- The ultimate guide to becoming a grime girl
- Look how unhappy everyone at Glastonbury is
- We caught up with the creator of the Trump-loving ‘freedom girl’ group
- ‘I tried to pray the gay away’: My experience growing up gay in the South
- Some horrifying pictures of what Glastonbury currently looks like
- No one takes me seriously about wanting to be a politician
- I set up a profile on Farmers Only, a dating site just for farmers
- We asked a British beef farmer about the rise of veganism
- An open letter from 96 Vice Chancellors on why you should vote to remain
- Meet Donald Trump’s college fans
- We should have known the horror of the Vanderbilt rape case from the start
- As the Cavs ended the 52-year Cleveland Curse, my dad wept
- Who is Jack Buckby, the fascist dropout that contested Jo Cox’s seat?
- This is what a juice cleanse does to your body
- I lived on Huel for a week
- Brandon Vandenburg found guilty of encouraging teammates to rape his own date
- My dad is one of the greatest feminists I know
- Rape numbers at many party schools are strikingly low. Why?
- I narrowed down my Facebook friends and found my husband
- Football in the South isn’t just a sport, it’s part of our culture
- How I ended up accidentally crashing the Tonys
- NUS President blames education cuts for young people joining ISIS
- When did Southern gentlemen stop being gentlemanly at all?
- I asked my Bernie friends if a Warren ticket would sway them to Hillary
- I asked guys how they feel about women making the first move
- My clothes do not give my consent
- All of the ways African prints are making their way into modern fashion
- We asked a speech therapist how to break your annoying uptalking habit
- Sexist things you’ve definitely heard if you’re a girl who games
- The outfits at the Belmont Stakes were so, so Belmont Stakes
- My dad shaped me into the woman I am today just as much as my mom
- A student was spat at and called a ‘black monkey’ on a London bus
- Woman calls out H&M sizing after largest jeans on offer don’t fit her
- The psychological reasons behind why we cheat
- I had coffee with my school bully
- ‘You’re pretty for a black girl’
- Inside the growing trend of #LGBTforTrump
- I refuse to be scared back ‘into the closet’ after what happened in Orlando
- What happens when a 20-year-old goes to buy an AR-15
- What it is like to be a Hijabi in college
- How many more people need to die before we make a change?
- Welcome to Cirencester: The Oxbridge of the agricultural world
- Every annoying thing people will ask you during Ramadan
- Disliking a woman is no excuse for misogyny
- Being an extroverted introvert at a party school
- Update: Milo’s talk in Orlando has been canceled
- Other cities should follow London’s lead in banning body-shaming ads
- Millennials aren’t lazy, we just care more about finding meaning from a career
- Royal Holloway student’s Facebook status goes viral after complaining about catcalling
- The 25 most successful fashion bloggers under 25
- We asked people at Parklife which way they’re voting in the EU Referendum
- I asked my single friends how to nail being single
- Supporting Donald Trump is the latest fraternity trend
- I walked around Houston with a Trump/Hitler mashup poster
- Why I decided to get a breast reduction at 20 years old
- I came out to my dad at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
- Life as an overachieving girl with depression
- Bernie fans, please hold off on the Democratic exodus
- ‘I’ve been called a racist, sexist, and a homophobe’: Meet the college women voting for Trump
- A weekend in France with England fans at the Euros
- It was a normal night out in Orlando. At 2am the terror began
- I made a Tinder profile using only pictures of me in a hotdog costume
- Tyson Fury was seen raving at Gottwood this weekend
- Your summer guide to explaining why you’re still single
- I was attacked by a gang on my gap year in Spain
- My hometown and my community have been assaulted. Love is the only reply
- ‘Weapons of war have no place on our streets’
- No, you can’t touch my afro
- The thing sororities don’t advertise during rush: their ridiculous double standards
- What it’s really like working for Chick-fil-A
- Meet the Berniecrats who are now voting for Trump
- Growing up a tomboy made me the woman I am today
- How I sold my life, soul and sense of self-worth on Groupon
- The reaction towards Miss USA is all the proof we needed that America is still racist
- You can now make sweet potato toast
- Improving mental health services at universities should be an urgent priority
- An average person tries Instagram looks and doesn’t totally fail
- Bernie or Bust could lead to a Trump presidency
- I’m black, I’m from the South, and I’ve never been discriminated against
- My dad has Alzheimer’s. He can’t remember who I am
- President Obama has endorsed Hillary Clinton
- Move over Coachella, this is how Governors Ball does festival fashion
- What would you tell your younger self?
- Body of missing British climber Aiden Webb found in Vietnam
- Two nights in California: How Bernie’s revolution ran out of continent
- Polo in the Park was like Reading Festival but with money
- We asked the older generation why they’re voting to leave the EU
- It’s 2016 and lesbians still can’t come out of the closet at work
- The Stanford rape victim won’t forget, but will we?
- When it comes to protesting, college students need to stop settling for complacency
- A Swiss tries Greggs for the very first time
- The clubbers who went out in Ayia Napa and woke up in Syria were joking all along
- Staff at JP Morgan no longer have to wear suits
- A bouncer told me I was ‘too fat to be the same person as my picture’
- I went to Busted’s comeback tour and, sadly, it just wasn’t the same
- I went running in just a sports bra and spandex and it changed my self image
- The Stanford rape survivor on why she is remaining anonymous: ‘For now I am every woman’
- How the Puerto Rico primary could influence the entire election
- We asked Southerners what words they think of when they hear ‘The South’
- What it’s like being a female player
- What to wear to Bestival: Return to the Future
- Meet the finalist with job offers from three magic circle law firms
- How the Grime Girl became the new Sloane Girl
- Listening to loud music through headphones could lead to tinnitus
- Sexism is everywhere, even when you work in a café
- Caroline Lucas for The Tab: Why young people need to register to vote today
- The elderly couple who went to Fabric say it was ‘fantastic’
- I walk home alone by myself – stop telling me to be afraid
- This is how depression affects the way you perceive social situations
- Posh and poor: What it’s like being on benefits at private school
- Horrendously misogynistic memes are still flooding the internet
- Does texting count as cheating?
- God knows who is behind this ‘Brock Turner for 2016 Olympics’ Facebook page
- The fried chicken shops you need to try in South London
- Why I hate Beyoncé
- I worked night shifts at a meat packing factory, and it was hell
- Young people will be poorer if we leave the EU, says David Cameron
- What it’s like to live outside the gender binary
- A 22-year-old British grad has gone missing in Vietnam
- Sorry, I don’t want to be part of your girl squad
- David Cameron exclusively for The Tab: Why you should vote to remain in the EU
- Warning signs that you should avoid a guy (by a guy)
- The UK vegan restaurants you have to try before you die
- Getting angry at your job means you’re less likely to quit
- All the people you need to cut out of your life
- Don’t listen to the haters, go ahead and post that sexy photo
- It’s official: Messy people are more intelligent
- Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have broken up
- ‘Growing up asexual is not easy’
- A night with the squatters at Chariots Roman Spa
- I stopped saying sorry for a week and this is what I learned
- Why do guys think it’s acceptable to catcall women when they’re running?
- There’s an online game where you can try and get into Berghain
- Our reaction to Amber Heard’s allegations is frightening
- Spaghetti models and sheep drawings: How the NUS spend your money on sabb training
- I’m glad I didn’t go to Oxbridge
- Harambe’s blood is on the hands of everyone who’s been to a zoo
- Why Lost Village is the festival everyone will want to go to next summer
- Storm the Bastille! The NUS want to abolish prisons
- Tiger sanctuaries are evil, and they’re finally being shut down
- How much Latin can you remember?
- That ‘cube personality test’ everyone is sharing is actually a pickup artist scam
- Rhodes Must Fall founder has received ‘a flow of death threats’
- Your old Beauty and the Beast VHS could be worth £800
- Brummie is the ugliest accent in the UK
- I asked my friends why they think I’m single
- The NUS black students’ conference have voted to ban prisons
- You can now buy the morning after pill on eBay for £5
- Music festivals on terror alert
- Everything Mizz magazine taught us about life in our twenties
- Review: The best supermarket gin and tonic tins
- NUS disaffiliation: The story so far
- The best cheap supermarket prosecco, according to a wine expert
- How to be single
- Which Made In Chelsea character are you?
- My ADHD makes me frantic and scatty – but I wouldn’t have it any other way
- The many faces of George Osborne
- Putlock has been blocked by internet service providers
- It’s back: How to buy a bottle of prosecco from Sainsbury’s for £2.63
- Can you guess the price of these Waitrose ‘Essentials’?
- Forget London, I’m moving to Bath
- Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has given the majority of his frontbench team roles to women
- The definitive list of all the most annoying people in the world
- The world’s biggest bouncy castle is going to be at Bestival
- I switched my iPhone for a Motorola Rzr
- The “chillin, meetin, tourin, votin” poster proves that politicians can’t speak to young people
- What’s the ugliest accent in the UK?
- 57 per cent of graduates would vote to remain in the EU, says new poll
- What not to say to someone with depression
- Predicting Jose Mourinho’s first season in charge of Man Utd
- Are these the most pointless Uber journeys ever?
- How much of a commitment-phobe are you?
- What living with a bi-polar parent taught me about mental illness
- Shaving my body hair doesn’t make me any less of a feminist
- I make £40,000 a year selling trainers on Depop
- You can buy a t-shirt with Harvey Price on it for charity
- The negroni is the drink of the summer, but does anyone actually like it?
- Screw London, I’m moving to Manchester
- Eric is a one and a half year old French Bulldog who loves to skateboard
- Anyone with anxiety should watch this psychedelic video
- We need to talk about sexual assault at festivals
- A man’s guide to mansplaining (by a man)
- I’m not just vegetarian because of concerns about animal welfare
- How the rape case against the RAU four collapsed
- Malia Bouattia: University should be free
- Veganism has risen by 350 per cent in the last decade
- Anyone who thinks Dubai is ‘soulless’ is ignorant
- How I learned to love my body
- Flexitarianism isn’t a cop-out
- Why tuition fees should be increased
- Three quarters of you want to stay in the EU
- How much of a bad person are you?
- George Osborne 13 years ago: Tuition fees are unfair
- Rhodes Must Fall founder: ‘No such thing as an oppressed white person’
- I spent my Friday night in a 24-hour Tesco superstore
- A Polish couple in their 70s went to Fabric this weekend
- Would you vote to leave or stay in the EU?
- Saying ‘you’re not like other girls’ is not a compliment
- Taking Modafinil can reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill
- ‘He didn’t feel like he deserved to live’: My boyfriend committed suicide
- Does Tesco’s new ‘avocado spread’ live up to the hype?
- They’re banning 10-packs of cigarettes on Friday
- This is how it feels to watch a loved one suffer with Alzheimer’s
- We took SATs to see if they’re really that hard
- I gave up my phone for a week and would recommend it to everyone
- QUIZ: How obsessed with Asos are you?
- Should you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
- We went to the premiere of ‘BREXIT: The Movie’
- ‘Sleep on any texts’: How to handle your break-up with (some) dignity
- A petition saying women shouldn’t have to wear high heels at work will be debated in Parliament
- The new Calvin Klein underwear advert isn’t OK
- Test how appalling your knowledge of European geography is
- Ten minutes with hairstylist Sophia Hilton from Not Another Salon
- Alex Mytton from Made in Chelsea has made a video making fun of girls in summer
- How to get more followers on Instagram: A guide
- Keep your Xbox One – gaming peaked with Pokémon
- I’m a coeliac, and my disease is not a fitness fad
- New study shows that narcissists and psychopaths like to stay friends with their exes
- Facebook’s ‘suicide support groups’ are causing much more harm than good
- I was stalked on public transport
- Azealia Banks dropped from Born and Bred festival lineup after calling UK rap ‘a disgrace’
- Health food blogs turned me into a protein-deficient wreck
- Why are we shaming girls for using Snapchat filters? They don’t make us basic
- Tesco has launched an avocado spread
- This is what it feels like to have a panic attack
- My pushy parent didn’t ‘ruin my life’ – she made it
- New Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has called Donald Trump ‘ignorant’
- This is what Goldman Sachs thinks life in your twenties will be like
- People who still listen to music on an iPod aren’t weirdos
- My Modafinil horror story: ‘It had been cut with deadly chemical PMA’
- Spare a thought for the people who get sunburnt easily
- Waitress reduced to tears by Rhodes Must Fall co-founder has called him ‘a bit of an idiot’
- There is a petition to put a suffragette statue outside the Houses of Parliament
- How single are you?
- People in Amsterdam tell us why it’s the most fashionable city
- Spencer Matthews opens up about his late brother
- There’s (yet) another taxi app going to war with Uber
- Nope, you can’t go abroad to dodge student loan repayments
- We spoke to Francesca Baker, the author of ‘Eating & Living: Recipes for recovery’
- Oxford University enforces real-life trigger warnings before lectures
- Happy Birthday to Sir David Attenborough, the greatest nature filmmaker of all time
- What Eastern Europeans really think about British culture
- William Hill took hundreds of customers’ money without telling them
- Why Sadiq Khan’s election as Mayor is so significant for British Muslims
- Sadiq Khan ‘has won’ the London mayoral election
- How to pamper yourself after exams
- A new study undermines one of Jeremy Hunt’s big arguments for changing junior doctor contracts
- I went to an outdoor gym and it made me feel like a caveman
- Justin Timberlake has just released the obligatory ‘song of the summer’
- Oxford University will not expel Rhodes Must Fall founder
- All the things you learn about life from your bang average state school
- Snapchatting your trip to the polling station is silly, self-absorbed and insignificant
- ‘What’s the weather like up there?’ and other things tall people are fed up of hearing
- Not everyone in Kent is a ‘racist’
- The Midlands is a place, don’t tell me I live in the North (or South)
- I went on the pill to treat my acne and it almost killed me
- Why are fish and chips in the south so bad?
- So you’re going to a rooftop party for the first time
- These are the highest paying companies in the UK this year
- Stop trying to explain football to women
- League tables are useless, only reputation matters
- Every awkward thing Zac Goldsmith has done this year
- ‘I felt overwrought, all the time’: How the pill affected my mental health
- How to blag free drinks
- The one who brings a ‘novelty’ mug from home – and other people you will work with
- Find out how shocking your knowledge of British geography is
- Ntokozo Qwabe is a discredit to the Rhodes Must Fall movement
- There’s a petition for the Rhodes Must Fall leader to have his scholarship revoked
- ‘I tore up the rose she’d sent’: The secret stories from your most awkward break-ups
- How much money do you owe your parents right now?
- London now has a halls of residence for grown-ups
- Running has pulled me out of my anxiety and misery
- Why I’ll never, ever get married
- Britain is going to be hotter than Barcelona and LA this weekend
- These are the things that made me realise I had depression
- Remembering American Adventure, the closest we got to the USA in the Midlands
- I’d rather hang out with my parents than go clubbing
- Rhodes Must Fall founder makes waitress cry ‘typical white tears’
- The new tie-dye: A fashion shoot
- How to check your boobs: A guide
- Aussie street style: Melbourne
- We asked our mums if they hate having us back at home after university
- Apparently, this is how you should avoid workplace stress
- Sorry, I just don’t get Lena Dunham
- The NUS has had better weeks, but I promise we’re changing
- Capitalism is dying – and we’re all becoming socialists
- QUIZ: How vain are you?
- Staggering results show three-quarters of students want to leave the NUS
- There’s going to be an investigation into sexist advertising
- We’ve found the best alternatives to Naked palettes
- What trainers should you be wearing?
- ‘I think they’re too drunk to care’: What it’s like to work as a caterer at weddings
- How to make a long-distance relationship work
- For the love of God, stop using your phone at the table
- Can everyone stop talking about Lemonade now
- Prince Harry just made a joke about how he’d never be king
- Students across 25 universities threaten to leave the NUS
- Meet the girls who are addicted to avocado
- Louis Theroux’s latest documentary shows he is the best filmmaker in the world
- We asked normal people if they were sympathetic to the junior doctors
- QUIZ: Can we tell where in the UK you’re from?
- Dating app Bumble is trying to put an end to ghosting
- I’m the grandson of a Kindertransport survivor. The decision not to help 3,000 child refugees depresses me
- I’m not a ‘worse’ person because my parents aren’t married
- An ode to the men who wear shirts over T-shirts in clubs, the heroes of our time
- Women are building an interactive map to mark where they’ve been sexually assaulted
- ‘Do you know people from TOWIE?’: Things you shouldn’t say to someone from Essex
- ‘Taking antidepressants doesn’t make me weak’
- What I learned while dating a musician
- There is a test to determine whether you have ADHD
- No-platforming people could be ‘illegal’
- Malia Bouattia: ‘I’m not an antisemitic Isis sympathiser’
- This is a definitive list of clothes you shouldn’t wear after you’ve graduated
- Going to Brownies was the best part of growing up as a British girl
- The youngest multi-millionaires on this year’s Sunday Times Rich List
- The things going to an all-girls school taught me about life
- The weird and wonderful things you learn from working at Waitrose
- The lessons you learn when your partner has depression
- All the questions you’re sick of answering if you don’t play sport
- The NUS doesn’t want to help you, it wants to coddle you
- ‘Solutions’ that people with depression are sick of hearing
- Every stage of your month after payday
- Here’s every mad thing that happened at the NUS conference
- The musician Prince has died at the age of 57
- The things going to a private school for boys taught me about life
- ‘I dealt with rape jokes every day when I worked in an all-male office’
- What you learn about the human race when you work in a restaurant
- We asked people why the Scots are so sexy
- Some NUS delegates think it’s wrong to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day
- Who bought all the Sports Direct mugs in the kitchen?
- Good of Nick Clegg to campaign to legalise drugs, now he has no power
- Malia Bouattia elected NUS president in face of controversy
- The constant public comparisons of women’s bodies are driving me insane
- Which British monarch are you?
- Watch future NUS president Malia Bouattia endorse violent struggle
- Which Hogwarts house would you be in?
- A government jobs website was advertising roles that pay below the national living wage
- The Galleria: Hertfordshire’s idea of childhood entertainment
- I’ll stop wearing pink when they make a better colour
- These are the most and least attractive accents in the UK
- If you think migraines are ‘just headaches’, you’ve never had one
- How can Jewish students trust the NUS if Malia becomes President?
- If you’re over 60 you shouldn’t get a vote in the EU referendum
- We asked an expert which jobs the robots are going to take first
- Private school made me a socialist
- I spoke to blogger Stephi LaReine about wearing what you want
- How creepy are you?
- Girls shouldn’t get free entry to clubs
- Green juice, Flyknits and Lululemon: The rise of the boutique gym girl
- We went to an event about Millennials run by some of the biggest brands in the world
- Being gay doesn’t give you an excuse to be sexist
- I’m a Catholic, and I think the Catholic church is out of touch
- Understanding Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
- Jamie Laing is really, really worried about money, guys
- It’s official, you voted Huaraches the ugliest trainers ever created
- Interview: London Mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan
- Is London’s nightlife turning into Berlin’s?
- Five Guys makes me feel like a kid again
- Three quarters of you think people accused of rape should be anonymous
- The Tab endorses Malia Bouattia for NUS President
- ‘This is what it’s like to be a first-generation kid’
- If you thought you hated the human race while shopping in Primark, you should try working there
- This is how much sleep your profession gets
- Why we’re voting to remain in the EU
- There’s nothing wrong with ordering a ham and pineapple pizza
- Jewish Soc Presidents have asked NUS Pres hopeful Malia to explain herself
- Should people accused of rape and sexual assault be anonymous?
- These campaigners are photographing women who leave Ireland to get an abortion
- I have freckles – and Match.com’s new Tube ad is total nonsense
- Malia Bouattia wouldn’t condemn ISIS. Now she’s running for NUS President
- Which UK Prime Minister are you?
- Is glow-in-the-dark exercise the future of fitness?
- Students with richer parents earn more than poorer ones studying at the same university
- ‘Doctor Strange’ looks like the Marvel film Christopher Nolan never made
- Kersal Massive: The greatest viral video of all time is 10
- There is an app that can replace the pill and it’s just as effective
- An expert’s guide to getting tickets in the Glastonbury resale
- Stephen Fry condemns the “self pity” of abuse victims and “infantile” student activism
- We tried the ‘giant’ avocado which is five times the size of a normal one
- The RAU ‘rape’ case shows why the accused should be anonymous
- Interview: London Mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith
- Fifteen minutes with DJ Monki
- Game of Thrones is coming and there’s a brand new trailer
- Cringe of the Week! Meet Jay Shetty, the philosopher helping millennials change the world
- Young Muslims talk about the ‘chasm’ between them and the rest of the UK
- It’s tough when you don’t ‘get’ Harry Potter
- Scientists now have images that show the impact of LSD on the brain
- There was nothing quite like being a Queen’s College girl
- Every girl you will ever go out with, ever
- The case that accused the four RAU students of rape has been dropped
- No more porky pies: Inside the weekend’s Panama protests
- There are fundamental problems with the way in which we treat eating disorders
- There is a new trailer for the next Harry Potter film
- Every boy you will ever go out with, ever
- Stop body-shaming the women having a good time at Aintree
- Made in Chelsea won’t be worth watching without Spencer Matthews
- The day I tried to become a Scientologist
- Glastonbury’s ticket resale dates have been announced
- I’m a vegetarian but PETA doesn’t speak for me
- Are Von Dutch caps actually making a comeback?
- A man ran through my house party covered in blood
- How intense are you?
- What it’s like to be a life-long Leicester City fan right now
- Lancaster now offers a PhD in comic books
- An open letter to the people who ruined chips in this country
- Who is Giulio Regeni, the Cambridge student who was found dead in Egypt?
- Inside the fast growing world of male yoga
- Abused hedgehog is now recovering and ‘eating for England’
- This is why Kappa is the best vintage sportswear label
- Being an atheist at a faith school messed up my mental health
- The pill gave me a blood clot in my brain. I could have died
- David Cameron just said he likes watching Glasto at home in front of a warm fire
- A short defence of footballers who dive
- The Tab’s sleep survey
- I’ve spent almost every night this year living in an Airbnb
- Northern Ireland’s abortion laws make me ashamed to be Irish
- Sir David Attenborough just confirmed he’s the coolest 89-year-old of all time
- Students will be doing ‘jazz hands’ at the NUS Women’s Conference
- We asked a flight attendant about the worst things she’s seen
- Why I’ve given up bikini waxes forever
- Someone burgled George Galloway’s campaign bus last night
- It took my parents four years to tell me I had ADHD
- I don’t want to have children, but that doesn’t make me selfish
- Is the Loch Ness Monster in the River Thames right now?
- PPE grads are supposed to change the world, so why do they always end up in banking?
- Skream is riding around London DJing on the back of a rickshaw
- Do you even know what gluten is?
- I was in Cafe de Paris when Jack Wilshere was thrown out
- Zac Goldsmith doesn’t know a thing about the Central Line
- Why it’s not OK for white people to have dreadlocks
- 22-year-old Portsmouth man missing
- Edinburgh’s SU is ready to protect you from problematic hand raising
- We are shocked by Trump’s stance on abortion, but yesterday a girl was sentenced on our doorstep
- Are dreadlocks a form of cultural appropriation?
- We will always fill the floors of terrible nightclubs when Mr. Brightside comes on
- The rise of the Burberry Nova check print
- I am living proof that antisemitism is still happening
- What the private school/state school divide at Magic Circle Law firms looks like
- On tour with the UK’s biggest wrestling show in 35 years
- How to spot a gin drinker
- The science behind why you look hotter in group pics
- Every person you will ever live with
- The Leave campaign has taken the lead in EU polls and it could be our fault
- Street style: Istanbul
- I survived an overdose at the age of 14
- Cringe of the Week! Totally normal girl Taylor Swift falls off a running machine
- Is there a single ‘essential Waitrose’ item that’s actually essential?
- Tropical house is the music of our generation: mindless, meaningless and complacent
- #BabesForTrump is the weirdest thing on the internet
- An interview with David Bowie’s best friend, George Underwood
- Donating your organs is the easiest way to be a good person
- Sir David Attenborough is running for Mayor of London
- Remembering Aquasplash, the child-swallowing deathtrap you couldn’t get enough of
- My dad works at Tata Steel and he might lose his job
- I was adopted from a Sri Lankan village and returned to find my birth mother
- A day with the super-recognisers – the police unit who put thousands of faces to names
- Justin Trudeau is totally perfect
- Why I’m voting to leave the EU
- NUS defends motion to ban gay men from holding a position
- Meet Instafamous beauty blogger Sophie Hannah Richardson
- People who need lie-ins aren’t lazy and science backs them up
- This is why you act like a sociopath on the Tube
- Secrets no-one tells you about living in an all girls’ house
- David Cameron has a pair of Union Jack Beats by Dre headphones
- I hate it when men cry
- Look at all the weird texts Avicii got when he gave fans his number
- A York University graduate took a photo with the hijacker of the EgyptAir plane
- Trouble was the definitive TV channel of my teens
- Wayne Rooney should never play for England again
- What it’s really like to live on the Falkland Islands
- Firing a teaching assistant for being a lingerie model exemplifies today’s double standards
- Let’s be clear: Kale is revolting and makes everything it’s with taste worse
- Only idiots think comics are for children
- I went to Oxford and don’t get the Oxbridge obsession
- Wentworth Miller taught us that body shaming doesn’t just affect women
- There’s a talk on overpricing and gentrification and it costs £20 a ticket
- ‘I left teaching because it was stifling to be monitored 24/7’
- There’s a petition to stop David Cameron from coming back from his holiday
- What the way you played Sims as a child says about you
- Some teachers literally laughed in the education secretary’s face
- Hey Spice Girls, you should definitely have a reunion
- Watch Ben Affleck’s face crumple when he hears the bad reviews of Batman vs Superman
- Remember all the ways we used to drink as teenagers?
- The Megabus is terrible but it made me the man I am today
- I gave up refined sugar for Lent
- Seriously, people who wear glasses are fit
- Cringe of the Week! Donald Trump dances on a stage for four minutes
- A rundown of the ugliest trainers ever created
- As a millennial all I want is an end to these articles about millennials
- It’s always the fun people who drink vodka squash at pre-drinks
- A law firm had a party that got very Wolf of Wall Street
- Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff died today, aged 68
- I celebrated the Holi festival of colours in New Delhi today
- It’s finally OK for men to cry
- Boris Johnson is urging the LGBT community to vote to leave the EU
- When you live with a couple, you’ll always have a favourite
- Super Hans from Peep Show is DJ-ing at festivals this summer
- We asked a psychologist why people find posh accents attractive
- This guy was crowned the greatest Fifa player in the world last night
- There’s a new Bridget Jones trailer
- People working for charities in their 20s are the modest heroes of our generation
- Some jobs Justin Bieber could do instead of greeting his own fans
- Batman v Superman proves Hollywood doesn’t understand comic books
- LSE’s Islamic society segregated men and women at a dinner. So what?
- The NUS say gay men are not oppressed enough to have LGBT+ representatives
- Women still earn 5.5 per cent less than men
- George Osborne laughed when he was asked to apologise to disabled for funding cuts
- That joke about pugs being out of fashion isn’t funny anymore
- We asked a stylist if you should actually wear socks in summer
- Chris Smalling has the exact same voice as Moss from The IT Crowd
- Stormzy’s first gig in New York went exactly how you think it did
- Eating less meat could save 5.1 million lives every year
- An American comedian has destroyed the idea that millennials are lazy narcissists
- Apparently, stupider people have more friends
- We spoke to The Carnabys about trying to make it in music
- Brussels: First-person accounts from the Belgian capital
- Don’t use the Brussels attacks as an excuse to talk about Brexit
- A list of things from the 90s we need to get over
- We spoke to Jessica Skye: Ministry of Sound DJ, Nike Trainer and Fat Buddha Yoga founder
- I spoke to the woman behind the ‘Texts From My Abuser’ Twitter account
- I paid a grand for art school and I still can’t draw
- The most tragic hometown club Winkers is closing down
- Being disabled is hard enough – don’t make it worse
- Djokovic proves exactly what’s wrong with the male take on gender equality
- A brief history of celebrities being weird on Twitter
- Over half of graduates have suffered from a mental illness
- Justin Bieber asked a fan to put his hair in a ponytail during a concert
- We asked people in the queue for the Smiler how terrified they were
- When you think about it, weddings are basically just bigger 21st birthday parties
- King’s School Canterbury is serving lobster sauce for lunch
- Is ‘Britain’s Brainiest School’ a business or a place of learning?
- Imagining if George Osborne were your dad
- There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking wrestling in your twenties
- We drew all the stereotypes about ‘millennials’
- How to nail pastels this spring
- Have you seen Beam’s light up trainers?
- Why we should vote to stay in the EU
- They scrapped the tampon tax – now start giving them out for free in loos
- It all kicked off at Waitrose Chelsea over a wheel of Camembert
- How to get out of a boring conversation at a party
- Prince Harry wants to go to university. But where should he study?
- The male contraceptive pill is coming: Would you take it?
- How opera got cool
- Mental health by profession: Results
- What Budget Day is like if you’re a normal person called George Osborn
- One in five people would rather set £10 on fire than buy Coldplay’s new album
- A list of Tory MPs who voted to slash disability benefits while claiming huge expenses
- Do hangovers really get worse as you get older?
- Meet the actor shaming sexist directors by sharing their worst casting calls
- I asked Robert Peston about Trump, Corbyn and if our generation is screwed
- This is what Germans think of Brexit
- Tinder accidentally deleted thousands of matches last night
- Effy Stonem was the only role model we’ve ever needed
- US campaign experts say the ‘Pollyhop’ storyline in House of Cards isn’t totally ridiculous
- Someone’s made a video about living in Dalston
- What you learn about the human race when you work in a pub
- There are a lot more people going to terrace parties than can fit on a rooftop
- What does your job say about your personality?
- Tesco is giving all its unsold food to charity
- Donald Trump: The joke that isn’t funny anymore
- Versailles is the BBC’s latest failed attempt at copying Game of Thrones
- Gap years are not a ‘waste of time’
- Girls in gender-neutral clothes are fit
- Calling anorexia narcissism doesn’t help anyone
- The unrealistic life lessons we learned from American TV dramas
- Is it racist to fear immigration?
- The future of food: Meet the creators of ‘human fuel’
- The Tab’s mental health survey
- There is a website that simulates the experience of dyslexia
- We need to stop antidepressant shaming
- Someone created an Instagram account called ‘Hot Migrants’
- Daniel Cordas is making the most incredible custom sneakers in the UK
- Flirting on MSN was the ultimate rite of passage
- Canines of the week: Here are the sassiest dogs of Crufts 2016
- They’re being a bit joyless about the Night Tube
- Amazon UK reviews of Donald Trump memorabilia are as weird as you’d expect
- Zayn Malik has released a new single and it’s better than his other one
- Men now know stuff they didn’t know about women and they are LOVING IT
- Justin Bieber has taken it too far with his tour merchandise
- An MP criticised Jeremy Hunt for his ‘kamikaze’ approach to junior doctors
- The Premier League is capping the cost of away tickets at £30
- Wireless Festival isn’t cool – so how come this year’s lineup is so good?
- My love affair with Stefan Janoski shoes
- Legalising cannabis makes sense – just look at America
- Sport needs players who are arrogant, infuriating mavericks
- Topshop cleaners complain that they are being paid ‘poverty wages’
- I can’t help it: I’m addicted to the Kardashian apps
- A wine hangover is worse than a beer one, officially
- Imagining Morrissey’s first 100 days as the Mayor of London
- The emojis we really need to hold a conversation in 2016
- MSN screen names were the height of teenage self-expression
- There was a conference on a private island about how to stop Donald Trump
- Police are investigating gangs selling tissues on the Underground
- Going through someone else’s phone is never OK
- Somebody managed to film inside Berghain
- New data shows our generation can expect to be poor, homeless and single for ages
- Sure, it’s a bit joyless to ban exclamation marks
- Memphis Depay’s dog is the very best thing about him
- The true story behind the viral photo of an abandoned leg
- Prince George is the most stylish man on the planet
- A masked group showed graphic animal abuse videos to people on the tube
- A graduate working for MP Sadiq Khan has been suspended after offensive tweets resurfaced
- Young people have plenty of reasons to be optimistic – so cheer up, guys
- The group Anonymous has allegedly hacked Donald Trump’s voicemails
- Moonpig appear to have messed up on Mother’s Day orders and people are not happy
- Tinder is trialling a new feature for matchmaking mates
- Women are sharing the postcodes of the locations in which they were sexually assaulted
- We asked an expert if London could fall
- There’s an app called LikeSo to help you erase the word ‘like’ from your speech
- Laughing gas banishes traumatic memories, apparently
- The Mooncup is overrated: My week with the feminine hygiene ‘life changer’
- Besides being offensive, the new Brixton McDonald’s is really ugly
- Some politicians want you to call your grandmother, now
- And now the health experts are saying drinking six coffees a day is good for you
- A brief history of footballers who’ve been on Question Time
- America needs an honest, credible President. America needs Frank Underwood
- What does your coffee say about you?
- We are just one month away from Drake’s next album
- Rum and Ting is the saviour of spirit-and-mixer drinking
- Learning to drive is pointless – cars are on the way out
- How Ludovico Einaudi became the soothing, low-key soundtrack to our generation’s lives
- We should have left the crying/laughing emoji in 2015
- Secret Cinema is doing 28 Days Later for its next London project
- What it’s like to be a ‘fixer’ for the super rich
- Jeremy Corbyn really, really rates Eastenders
- J. K. Rowling has promised there will be a further two Harry Potter films
- Someone just got an interview at a top law firm by sending a manager two packs of Haribo
- Technology does not drive us apart – it brings us closer together
- The 24-hour Tube will be starting in spring
- Sadiq Khan just said he’ll cap the number of Ubers on roads if he becomes Mayor of London
- It’s 2016 and The Sun has rated the cleavage of some of the actresses at the Oscars
- Could Frank Ocean’s new album finally be coming out?
- The author Louise Rennison has died
- Dachshunds are the definitive dog of 2016
- In defence of listening to terrible music
- Netflix is going to pay people to run its Instagram account and travel the world
- Monday is nowhere near as bad as everyone says it is
- The Isle of Wight belongs to a different century, and that’s what makes it brilliant
- An ode to Barbour: The best British brand there is
- There’s a company that’s promising to stop men from cheating on their stag do
- Cheryl Cole and Liam from 1D’s new relationship is fascinating – and weird
- It turns out that giving free drinks and cheap entry to girls is illegal
- The Rich Kids of London now have their own Instagram account
- Let’s not kid ourselves – Leo doesn’t deserve to win an Oscar
- Jonny Wilkinson: please get rid of that excuse for a beard
- It’s 2016, there are still people using ‘gay’ as an insult – and they really need to stop
- Forget DJ Khaled and start following Tim Westwood’s Snapchat immediately
- This scientific study will tell you who you’re most likely to marry according to your career
- What it’s like being Irish in England
- This is what someone with anxiety feels like in a big city
- Another old person said smartphones have ruined young people’s love lives
- Foals had to hitchhike with a pizza delivery driver to get to the Brit Awards
- There’s going to be a Cruel Intentions reboot and Sarah Michelle Gellar is returning for it
- We had a front row seat at the gross-out play at the National Theatre that’s freaking everyone out
- People who wear contact lenses every day have absolutely no fear
- Some boys made a hilarious list of questions they want to ask their girlfriends and I tried to answer them
- Quiz: What should you be watching on Netflix right now?
- Scientists have proved that love at first sight is real
- The funniest Tripadvisor reviews of London clubs
- Snapchat sent Kylie Jenner a present to say thanks for the videos and misspelt the word ‘Snapchat’
- A love letter to London, the best city in the world
- I will legally change my name to Jack Dawson if Leo doesn’t win an Oscar this weekend
- Facebook didn’t have the balls to create a dislike button
- The line-up for V Festival is actually really good this year
- You could ride London’s cable car for free on Monday
- Your old Harry Potter book could be worth as much as £28,000
- If you can’t dance to Pitbull you’re probably shit in bed
- Hackney has more CCTV cameras than the whole of Wales and still can’t tackle crime
- Stop saying Croatia is dead
- If you hate ‘Punch and Judy politics’, start planning your personal Brexit now
- ISIS are now trying to use Justin Bieber to recruit young people
- Netflix worked out people’s taste in films is more subtle than it thought
- Surrey crowned winner in the battle of the home counties
- Casillero del Diablo is the perfect wine for people who sort of give a shit about wine
- An acclaimed house DJ has turned Star Wars into a club anthem
- ‘Some students seem more interested in fighting other progressives than fighting real bigots’
- Apple is persisting in its war with the FBI
- ‘Eating disorders are unashamedly gendered’: a male sufferer tells his story
- I’m with the 25-year-old who had a go at her boss for rubbish pay
- The conversion of Justin Welby
- KLEEK app got me wasted at a really expensive London Fashion Week after-party
- ‘We crashed the NME Awards red carpet by pretending to be a band called Skullcandy’
- Brighton is the city London wishes it could be
- Stop using the phrase ‘this one’
- 55 per cent of girls have had their drinks spiked, says Tab poll
- The people who join Teach First are arguably the best thing about Britain
- If you have ever been trapped by a man, you might know how Kesha feels
- 9pm is Instagram at its peak
- Emma Watson is taking a year off to read ‘a book a week’, which sounds nice
- The miserable struggles of living above a restaurant
- How not to piss off your boss
- The new ‘example’ rotas for junior doctors are somehow even worse than expected
- Who would win in a fight: Donald Trump or Pope Francis?
- Harper Lee taught generations of little girls to argue
- ‘Generation Rent’ is taking over the London property market
- Remember the kid from the Frosties advert? We think we’ve found him
- How someone with ADD feels at work
- Half-naked PETA campaigners have crashed London Fashion Week
- The people queueing for Yeezys are sad, and probably won’t get a pair
- The FT has responded to the outcry over its piece about how ‘millennials’ should save £800 a month
- You should never, ever wash your jeans in a washing machine
- The battle of the home counties: Which is the best?
- Let’s call time on ‘social experiments’ which exploit the public
- I wish American celebrities would stop pretending to support English football teams
- Have you ever had your drink spiked in a club?
- It’s 2016: Why does Sainsbury’s still not have contactless?
- I just don’t get ‘going for cocktails’ and never will
- It turns out young Brits love Bernie as much as Americans do
- Glastonbury confirms P J Harvey will play this year
- Goodbye ‘nul points’: The very best thing about Eurovision
- The council is threatening to close down London’s feminist library
- The FT says ‘millennials’ should be putting £800 a month into a pension, which is hilarious
- Why Goldman is golden
- Old people are discovering Snapchat
- The FBI asked Apple to create a backdoor to the iPhone. Their CEO just said no
- Uber CEO confirms we can expect driverless cars
- Who would you vote for: Trump, Bernie, or Hillary?
- The mental and emotional stages of a dry spell
- Poor Ed Sheeran literally ruins every photo he’s in
- BBC3 was supposed to celebrate youth culture but it never seemed to be on our side
- I wore a ‘man braid’ for a week to see if it really is the next big thing
- A Brixton club allegedly refused entry to people who couldn’t name the DJs playing
- The seed in an avocado is really good for you, so I ate one
- American Crime Story blends true-crime drama with a Kim Kardashian origin story
- Coldplay just gave everyone a reason to leave Glastonbury early this year
- RIP Brixton Splash: This year’s summer party has been cancelled
- Stop saying Taylor Swift’s feminism is just a marketing ploy
- Within hours of being published, The Guardian’s dig at The Tab unravelled
- The first footage from Star Wars Episode VIII has already been released
- Harry Potter and the quarter-life crisis: what happened to the characters in their twenties?
- ‘Spreading us more thinly will push the NHS to breaking point’
- Generation spent
- CourtNewsUK is the best way to understand London right now
- This guy tracked all of his Tinder swipes to analyse how to get a date
- Wembley IKEA was the least romantic place to take someone this Valentine’s
- Is there room in Taylor Swift’s girl squad for her 18-year-old self?
- Now the NUS is making our whole generation look bad
- A Magaluf stag do dressed up like Adam Johnson and a group of schoolgirls
- Forget Galentine’s, I went on a date to The Shard on my own
- What your first year in London teaches you about life
- Finally, experts agree going braless is better for you
- Things that couples do that make single people want to scream
- My week in men’s clothes
- What’s the worst lie you told your parents?
- I love living in the ‘uncool’ part of Hackney
- London’s nightlife is nothing on a night in a country pub
- Getting wasted with Kanye West fans in Notting Hill
- Smithdown house parties are hell on earth
- Hangover anxiety is definitely real and it’s why you feel so guilty in the morning
- Craig David’s Valentine’s playlist is a banger
- Kingsland shopping centre is like a brilliant parallel universe
- There’s a new app that works out what kind of dog you are
- Your social media game is making you seriously undateable, says science
- Checking Facebook all the time is damaging your sleep
- The real reason some guys think all girls fancy them
- Boxing gets a bad rep. We’re not all thugs and brawlers
- Things you’ll only get if you went to Catholic school
- Start drinking espresso martinis before Shoreditch serves them in mugs
- Bankers who wear red ties are making the ultimate tacky statement
- We asked a load of guys called Pablo what their lives are really like
- Science says there are four kinds of couple
- The worst thing about turning 26 is a myth – you still get a railcard
- The half-night stand is the new one-night stand
- Desktop WhatsApp is a gamechanger
- We asked an expert and the quarter-life crisis is a real thing
- Everything you know if you’re a girl who loves football
- J.K. Rowling has set the record straight on the new Harry Potter ‘book’
- Realise how short life is as you watch this guy eat at every McDonald’s in London
- No I don’t want a coffee machine in my office. I want to go to Pret to get away from everyone
- Pete Doherty is still going, and he’s releasing another album this year
- Kidulthood was the perfect film for lost middle class teenagers
- Siri is trying to kill your Scottish, Irish or Welsh accent
- Sorry, but Dogspotting has gone to the dogs
- The full Top Gear line-up is here and they’re all wearing really bad jeans
- Justin Bieber wasn’t actually ‘Sorry’ for what he’d done
- What your Lent resolution says about you
- The best football gambler in the world is hiring
- The weirdest things you’re giving up for Lent
- Commenters on this article from 2001 predicted Tinder and Instagram
- More evidence that barristers are the hottest professionals in London
- This video shows how 200 new skyscrapers will alter London forever
- Spiceworld the Movie is on Netflix
- Where and how you’re most likely to die taking a selfie
- This woman invented a fake boyfriend on Instagram to get more likes
- People who say ‘Landan’ need to stop
- LSD is essentially a good thing, says science
- Oscar winners aren’t allowed to say ‘thank you’ in their speeches any more
- Every conversation you’ve ever had on your family Whatsapp group
- Uninstalling the Facebook app on your iPhone can save 15 per cent battery life
- Every awkward moment after a couple in your friendship group break up
- Experts say you shouldn’t ride elephants in Thailand
- More people should tell Chris Martin that he’s awful
- Sushi could be the key to getting a second date on Valentine’s Day
- Just have a normal pancake
- This couple met on Snapchat and got married, even though they lived 5,000 miles apart
- Match4Lara: They’ve found a stem cell donor
- I play Cupid for a dating app
- How what you watch on Netflix affects your sex life
- Just what is ‘dabbing’ and why do footballers keep doing it?
- North London is the best
- Football teams are now signing people who are really good at Fifa
- George Galloway: ‘I don’t regret pretending to be a cat on Celebrity Big Brother’
- The king is dead: Spencer Matthews has quit Made in Chelsea
- Why tech nerds are the coolest people in London right now
- Using a urinal is the most socially awkward part of being a man
- Quiz: What do these interview questions actually mean?
- Quiz: What job should you really be doing?
- Leave people who work in recruitment alone
- Everything you’ll understand if you’re a bloke who doesn’t like football
- The undiscovered genius of tapered tracksuit trousers
- Netflix has announced release dates for several big shows
- Valentine’s with your BFF is much better
- How to blag your way through the Super Bowl, according to a proper American
- What’s the best month to have your birthday?
- The people of Whole Foods
- 2016 is the year to finally accept vegetarians
- Beyonce has a new video
- The miserable week I spent at a stand-up desk – though I did burn 18,000 calories
- Is the Mighty Boosh coming back?
- Turns out Dulwich might be in Scotland
- Tim Peake’s supporting the England rugby team from space
- #RIPTwitter
- Don’t use the Six Nations as an excuse to slag off Plastic Celts
- We asked a sleep expert how to have the perfect nap
- There is nothing men fear more than getting a haircut
- All the things you learn when you work at McDonald’s
- If Notting Hill were remade today, where would it be set?
- The soul of London is visible through an unlikely window: Chicken Cottage
- Quiz: Are you a creative?
- You’re supposed to have met ‘the one’ by 25. But what if you haven’t?
- Sarah Koenig is back reporting on Adnan Syed
- Ben Stiller murdered the entire concept of the selfie last night
- You can trade in your cracked iPhone for a new one
- Get a tiny violin out for the depressed Twitter playboy who’s shagged 400 women
- You can give up now because we’ve found the stupidest diet in the world and nothing can beat it
- The number of sex attacks on the Tube has trebled in the past five years
- JP from Made In Chelsea has talked about his depression
- My first year on Facebook: we share our early statuses
- Call of Duty are being sued by the family of a man who once ‘burnt witches alive’
- What does hooking up even mean?
- Do you have a backburner relationship?
- If you’re eating at Voodoo Ray’s you’re doing life right
- The most irritating things about going to a restaurant
- Rape advocate Roosh V has now cancelled his UK meetups
- We live in a four-storey townhouse in Finsbury Park for free
- Being a Deputy Head Girl taught me everything I need to know about life
- All the things you hear when you are the messiest housemate
- The Night Tube is coming this summer
- ASOS remove listing of ‘Slave’ t-shirt worn by a black model
- Can someone tell married men to stop hitting on 24-year-olds?
- Having a glass of wine with Ben Judah, 2016’s answer to George Orwell
- Someone who has seen the Shard apartments says they are ‘extraordinary’ – and empty
- Uber tries to win over haters with a slightly prettier logo
- Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe on how to ace your dating profile
- Ketamine is getting closer to being a ‘miracle treatment’ for severe depression
- Things that happen if you live with your parents in your twenties
- Here is every single relationship milestone you should be reaching
- We spoke to London feminists about what they’re doing to stop Roosh V
- It is kicking off massively over at the Waitrose in Chichester right now
- People still send me pictures of their naked breasts for our Free the Nipple campaign — I asked them why
- Sky garden yoga is full of avocado-loving gap yah girls
- Carl Cox is going to play a house set at the House of Commons
- Understanding why irritating couples overshare on Facebook
- The sad decline of transfer deadline day
- People who drink more coffee live longer
- Do you have selfie teeth?
- Stop saying teachers have it easy. We don’t
- Why does every hipster in Shoreditch have the same bike?
- Every single desperate text you will send to your landlord
- What happens to every man who can’t grow a beard
- Things only working in a kitchen can teach you
- Science says there’s nothing wrong with being an only child
- Coldplay’s new video looks like Chris Martin filmed his gap year
- You now live in a world where business pyjamas exist
- Ever lost something on the tube? 300,000 things went missing last year
- Why you should never, ever live in Brixton
- Remember the art of pickup guy? He’s organised two all-male meetups in London
- What your sad desk lunch says about you
- The Grace Face is the pose everyone is doing right now
- Why living as a three is the perfect number
- How much should you be spending on rent in your 20s
- Extroverts are more likely to earn over £40,000 a year
- Sir Terry Wogan, 77, dies after battle with cancer
- A model is telling the girlfriends of guys who send her naked pics
- We’ve all got hope: Prince Harry is dating a normal PR girl
- Confessions: What’s your worst breakup story?
- We asked a psychologist whether left-handed people really are any different
- The people behind Rhodes Must Fall were the biggest pussies in the UK
- What it’s like being mistaken for Edward Snowden
- When will we learn to stop drinking four pints on a Thursday?
- Clubbers of the week: The London Exchange closing down edition
- What make-up artists really think of you
- The noughties was when teenage life was at its peak
- Explaining why you hate talking to people on the phone
- How to survive as a junior banker, from someone who’s done it
- You can now use GIFs on Tinder
- Lawyer suspended from her job for lying about getting a 2:1
- It’s not a proper house party unless someone’s playing millennial RnB
- The sad world of the people who love a London that doesn’t even exist
- There’s nothing wrong with dating an Australian in London
- PETA have really gone in on Canada Goose
- It’s now impossible to guess someone’s job from what they are wearing
- How to get 100 likes on your Facebook profile picture
- Nando’s have more calories in their chicken than KFC
- The real story behind those ‘Be like’ memes
- The ideal number of sexual partners is 10
- There’s a mural of Donald Trump in Shoreditch, so now people are egging it
- How to tell if you’ve met your BFF
- Cadbury’s Creme Egg Café is an ill-thought-out marketing stunt
- What’s your five year plan?
- Hell is a silent disco at the Natural History Museum
- I was roasted by The Basement for writing an article about how great it is
- Cyclists
- How our data is used and analysed by Netflix to create hit shows
- Meet Hannah from Brighton, the best game show contestant of all time
- Penguin books no longer require you to have a degree to work for them
- The man who dressed as a terrorist on the tube was meant to be a solider
- The Basement is the best place on the internet right now
- MI5 is the most LGBT friendly employer in the country
- A group of men dressed up as a suicide bomber and policemen on the tube
- Calm down, Val d’Isere is not the new ‘Magaluf on ice’
- GBK’s colonial burger isn’t cultural appropriation, and it’s not racist either
- The Daily Telegraph thinks it’s your fault for not having a house and a pension
- You need to earn at least £56,000 to be considered successful
- There were thousands of empty spaces on grad schemes last year
- How to be a west London PR girl
- Prince William’s new bald haircut doesn’t make him any less fit
- Gourmet Burger Kitchen’s Old Colonial burger is being called out as racist
- Why won’t Boris Johnson shut up about the Cereal Cafe?
- If you’re not too terrified, you can live with this man in a London mansion
- Nothing says you’re in your 20s more than drinking a flat white
- Bowie and Rickman showed us how it’s cool to be weird
- Netflix is banning you from watching other countries’ films and TV shows
- Why Manchester is better than London
- Girls in finance are under extra pressure to lose weight and keep in shape
- Snape was the tragic hero of Harry Potter, and Alan Rickman nailed it
- Tamal from Bake Off is backing the junior doctor strikes
- The Six Nations squad has been announced and unsurprisingly it’s very posh
- We shouldn’t take advice on how to be fun from our parents’ generation
- Your boss is now allowed to monitor your messages
- Long-haul flights are the worst thing in the world
- UniLad just overtook The LadBible on Facebook likes
- Coconut water is the most disgusting and overpriced drink on earth
- Giving up alcohol for January is actually really, really good for you
- Tinder has a secret rating system which ranks how desirable you are
- What David Bowie meant to me – from the fans at his Brixton street party last night
- If you work in London you spend practically all of your money on lunch
- Dalston Nando’s has run out of chicken
- What not to do in a coffee shop, according to a barista
- Find out the total time you’ve spent in the back of an Uber
- Throwing a tennis ball against the wall was the best part of every school day
- Match4Lara: 24-year-old needs your help to find a stem cell match
- The delay of the Night Tube is ruining my twenties
- Pulling on the way home is an underrated part of the night
- I’m sick of everyone telling me I’ve lost my accent
- What we need to leave behind in 2015
- Every stage of your hellish Home Counties commute
- Going to an all-girls’ school doesn’t mean you’re rubbish at talking to boys
- Is it OK to find The Undateables entertaining?
- I will never stop using my student card to get free food from McDonald’s
- Watching Making a Murderer doesn’t qualify you to judge if Steven Avery is innocent
- It’s never your successful friends who share profound ‘inspirational’ posts, is it?
- Everyone’s losing it over a 5m wide puddle in Jesmond
- Aidan Turner’s abs have ruined the BBC for men
- Top London restaurants sit ugly people at the back
- It’s 2016: Do we really need to be asked if we’ve been to Nando’s before?
- Chris Gayle isn’t flirting in the workplace, he’s intimidating women
- I make £30,000 a month by spending an hour on trading every day
- Facebook profile pictures that will and won’t get you a job in the city
- Have ISIS finally reached peak Four Lions?
- We asked young professionals their New Year’s resolutions
- If your parents bought you this for Christmas they are literally rinsing you
- No one handles sass better than Angry Peter from Come Dine With Me
- Chris Moyles spent New Year’s Eve telling me to ‘get laid’
- How to nail your New Year’s resolutions, with fitness model Zanna Van Dijk
- Our first reaction to tube suicides shouldn’t be calling the victims selfish
- Most people in London were only out from 11pm to 2am on New Year’s Eve
- If you haven’t skated together at Somerset House are you even a couple?
- Slopes style: Best dressed in the Alps
- MPs could be forced to move into halls of residence to cut living expenses
- When DJ Khaled sailed off on that jet ski I wish he’d never come back
- I watched the fire in Dubai from my balcony and it was terrifying