- Remembering Aquasplash, the child-swallowing deathtrap you couldn’t get enough of
- My dad works at Tata Steel and he might lose his job
- I was adopted from a Sri Lankan village and returned to find my birth mother
- A day with the super-recognisers – the police unit who put thousands of faces to names
- Justin Trudeau is totally perfect
- Why I’m voting to leave the EU
- NUS defends motion to ban gay men from holding a position
- Meet Instafamous beauty blogger Sophie Hannah Richardson
- People who need lie-ins aren’t lazy and science backs them up
- This is why you act like a sociopath on the Tube
- Secrets no-one tells you about living in an all girls’ house
- David Cameron has a pair of Union Jack Beats by Dre headphones
- I hate it when men cry
- Look at all the weird texts Avicii got when he gave fans his number
- A York University graduate took a photo with the hijacker of the EgyptAir plane
- Trouble was the definitive TV channel of my teens
- Wayne Rooney should never play for England again
- What it’s really like to live on the Falkland Islands
- Firing a teaching assistant for being a lingerie model exemplifies today’s double standards
- Let’s be clear: Kale is revolting and makes everything it’s with taste worse
- Only idiots think comics are for children
- I went to Oxford and don’t get the Oxbridge obsession
- Wentworth Miller taught us that body shaming doesn’t just affect women
- There’s a talk on overpricing and gentrification and it costs £20 a ticket
- ‘I left teaching because it was stifling to be monitored 24/7’
- There’s a petition to stop David Cameron from coming back from his holiday
- What the way you played Sims as a child says about you
- Some teachers literally laughed in the education secretary’s face
- Hey Spice Girls, you should definitely have a reunion
- Watch Ben Affleck’s face crumple when he hears the bad reviews of Batman vs Superman
- Remember all the ways we used to drink as teenagers?
- The Megabus is terrible but it made me the man I am today
- I gave up refined sugar for Lent
- Seriously, people who wear glasses are fit
- Cringe of the Week! Donald Trump dances on a stage for four minutes
- A rundown of the ugliest trainers ever created
- As a millennial all I want is an end to these articles about millennials
- It’s always the fun people who drink vodka squash at pre-drinks
- A law firm had a party that got very Wolf of Wall Street
- Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff died today, aged 68
- I celebrated the Holi festival of colours in New Delhi today
- It’s finally OK for men to cry
- Boris Johnson is urging the LGBT community to vote to leave the EU
- When you live with a couple, you’ll always have a favourite
- Super Hans from Peep Show is DJ-ing at festivals this summer
- We asked a psychologist why people find posh accents attractive
- This guy was crowned the greatest Fifa player in the world last night
- There’s a new Bridget Jones trailer
- People working for charities in their 20s are the modest heroes of our generation
- Some jobs Justin Bieber could do instead of greeting his own fans
- Batman v Superman proves Hollywood doesn’t understand comic books
- LSE’s Islamic society segregated men and women at a dinner. So what?
- The NUS say gay men are not oppressed enough to have LGBT+ representatives
- Women still earn 5.5 per cent less than men
- George Osborne laughed when he was asked to apologise to disabled for funding cuts
- That joke about pugs being out of fashion isn’t funny anymore
- We asked a stylist if you should actually wear socks in summer
- Chris Smalling has the exact same voice as Moss from The IT Crowd
- Stormzy’s first gig in New York went exactly how you think it did
- Eating less meat could save 5.1 million lives every year
- An American comedian has destroyed the idea that millennials are lazy narcissists
- Apparently, stupider people have more friends
- We spoke to The Carnabys about trying to make it in music
- Brussels: First-person accounts from the Belgian capital
- Don’t use the Brussels attacks as an excuse to talk about Brexit
- A list of things from the 90s we need to get over
- We spoke to Jessica Skye: Ministry of Sound DJ, Nike Trainer and Fat Buddha Yoga founder
- I spoke to the woman behind the ‘Texts From My Abuser’ Twitter account
- I paid a grand for art school and I still can’t draw
- The most tragic hometown club Winkers is closing down
- Being disabled is hard enough – don’t make it worse
- Djokovic proves exactly what’s wrong with the male take on gender equality
- A brief history of celebrities being weird on Twitter
- Over half of graduates have suffered from a mental illness
- Justin Bieber asked a fan to put his hair in a ponytail during a concert
- We asked people in the queue for the Smiler how terrified they were
- When you think about it, weddings are basically just bigger 21st birthday parties
- King’s School Canterbury is serving lobster sauce for lunch
- Is ‘Britain’s Brainiest School’ a business or a place of learning?
- Imagining if George Osborne were your dad
- There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking wrestling in your twenties
- We drew all the stereotypes about ‘millennials’
- How to nail pastels this spring
- Have you seen Beam’s light up trainers?
- Why we should vote to stay in the EU
- They scrapped the tampon tax – now start giving them out for free in loos
- It all kicked off at Waitrose Chelsea over a wheel of Camembert
- How to get out of a boring conversation at a party
- Prince Harry wants to go to university. But where should he study?
- The male contraceptive pill is coming: Would you take it?
- How opera got cool
- Mental health by profession: Results
- What Budget Day is like if you’re a normal person called George Osborn
- One in five people would rather set £10 on fire than buy Coldplay’s new album
- A list of Tory MPs who voted to slash disability benefits while claiming huge expenses
- Do hangovers really get worse as you get older?
- Meet the actor shaming sexist directors by sharing their worst casting calls
- I asked Robert Peston about Trump, Corbyn and if our generation is screwed
- This is what Germans think of Brexit
- Tinder accidentally deleted thousands of matches last night
- Effy Stonem was the only role model we’ve ever needed
- US campaign experts say the ‘Pollyhop’ storyline in House of Cards isn’t totally ridiculous
- Someone’s made a video about living in Dalston
- What you learn about the human race when you work in a pub
- There are a lot more people going to terrace parties than can fit on a rooftop
- What does your job say about your personality?
- Tesco is giving all its unsold food to charity
- Donald Trump: The joke that isn’t funny anymore
- Versailles is the BBC’s latest failed attempt at copying Game of Thrones
- Gap years are not a ‘waste of time’
- Girls in gender-neutral clothes are fit
- Calling anorexia narcissism doesn’t help anyone
- The unrealistic life lessons we learned from American TV dramas
- Is it racist to fear immigration?
- The future of food: Meet the creators of ‘human fuel’
- The Tab’s mental health survey
- There is a website that simulates the experience of dyslexia
- We need to stop antidepressant shaming
- Someone created an Instagram account called ‘Hot Migrants’
- Daniel Cordas is making the most incredible custom sneakers in the UK
- Flirting on MSN was the ultimate rite of passage
- Canines of the week: Here are the sassiest dogs of Crufts 2016
- They’re being a bit joyless about the Night Tube
- Amazon UK reviews of Donald Trump memorabilia are as weird as you’d expect
- Zayn Malik has released a new single and it’s better than his other one
- Men now know stuff they didn’t know about women and they are LOVING IT
- Justin Bieber has taken it too far with his tour merchandise
- An MP criticised Jeremy Hunt for his ‘kamikaze’ approach to junior doctors
- The Premier League is capping the cost of away tickets at £30
- Wireless Festival isn’t cool – so how come this year’s lineup is so good?
- My love affair with Stefan Janoski shoes
- Legalising cannabis makes sense – just look at America
- Sport needs players who are arrogant, infuriating mavericks
- Topshop cleaners complain that they are being paid ‘poverty wages’
- I can’t help it: I’m addicted to the Kardashian apps
- A wine hangover is worse than a beer one, officially
- Imagining Morrissey’s first 100 days as the Mayor of London
- The emojis we really need to hold a conversation in 2016
- MSN screen names were the height of teenage self-expression
- There was a conference on a private island about how to stop Donald Trump
- Police are investigating gangs selling tissues on the Underground
- Going through someone else’s phone is never OK
- Somebody managed to film inside Berghain
- New data shows our generation can expect to be poor, homeless and single for ages
- Sure, it’s a bit joyless to ban exclamation marks
- Memphis Depay’s dog is the very best thing about him
- The true story behind the viral photo of an abandoned leg
- Prince George is the most stylish man on the planet
- A masked group showed graphic animal abuse videos to people on the tube
- A graduate working for MP Sadiq Khan has been suspended after offensive tweets resurfaced
- Young people have plenty of reasons to be optimistic – so cheer up, guys
- The group Anonymous has allegedly hacked Donald Trump’s voicemails
- Moonpig appear to have messed up on Mother’s Day orders and people are not happy
- Tinder is trialling a new feature for matchmaking mates
- Women are sharing the postcodes of the locations in which they were sexually assaulted
- We asked an expert if London could fall
- There’s an app called LikeSo to help you erase the word ‘like’ from your speech
- Laughing gas banishes traumatic memories, apparently
- The Mooncup is overrated: My week with the feminine hygiene ‘life changer’
- Besides being offensive, the new Brixton McDonald’s is really ugly
- Some politicians want you to call your grandmother, now
- And now the health experts are saying drinking six coffees a day is good for you
- A brief history of footballers who’ve been on Question Time
- America needs an honest, credible President. America needs Frank Underwood
- What does your coffee say about you?
- We are just one month away from Drake’s next album
- Rum and Ting is the saviour of spirit-and-mixer drinking
- Learning to drive is pointless – cars are on the way out
- How Ludovico Einaudi became the soothing, low-key soundtrack to our generation’s lives
- We should have left the crying/laughing emoji in 2015
- Secret Cinema is doing 28 Days Later for its next London project
- What it’s like to be a ‘fixer’ for the super rich
- Jeremy Corbyn really, really rates Eastenders
- J. K. Rowling has promised there will be a further two Harry Potter films
- Someone just got an interview at a top law firm by sending a manager two packs of Haribo
- Technology does not drive us apart – it brings us closer together
- The 24-hour Tube will be starting in spring
- Sadiq Khan just said he’ll cap the number of Ubers on roads if he becomes Mayor of London
- It’s 2016 and The Sun has rated the cleavage of some of the actresses at the Oscars
- Could Frank Ocean’s new album finally be coming out?