The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Leeds University’s dormant prince is no longer welcome
If it’s not on Facebook, did it actually happen?
Horse and carriage yet to be confirmed
‘I’ve always been a positive guy, but I’m beginning to lose faith’
It’s actually quite emotional
‘Kind of like Tinder, but on a Freshers page’
‘My first assumption was that it was dead’
Only the good die young
What is the definitive best colour for a Ralph Lauren shirt?
And if you laugh at them, you’re probably a moron too
It’s Toke, and he’ll fix it
It even has a ‘Pussay Patrol’ sticker
And why are we writing about it
He’s probably smarter than you
What’s cooler than being cool? The fountain outside Roger Stevens
The bloke on the saxophone was a highlight
And raise your maintenance grant by £400
Hessle View and Norwood Road are the safest
You’ll never be this pretty
‘The bartenders on Call Lane all think they’re rock stars’
It’s full of all those societies that you were too lazy to join
We got pissed so you don’t have to
Anything except a Hitler is fair game
A Guetta doesn’t always pay his debts
‘It was no accident. It was a full on drop-your-trousers, squat-and-dump’
No more Bed, two more bars
Apparently he does a lot of walking
Terrified St. Michaels Lane residents plagued by opportunistic thieves
Innocent drivers assaulted by men in masks
Rockers everywhere bang their heads in celebration
Researchers to pay students who smoke weed
The Freshers Fair is a minefield – choose wisely.
The Cockpit is set to close its doors for good after twenty years
The real question here isn’t whether Tequila should have been allowed to reopen – it’s whether anyone should care, argues Bobby Palmer.
The UK’s most infamous clubnight is on its last legs. We tell the story of Tequila, the Leeds institution that ran out of friends.
Britain’s most infamous clubnight is on its last legs. We tell the story of Tequila, the Leeds institution that ran out of friends.
Bob Palmer sacrifices his reputation with his internet provider to bring you the weirdest sex stories out there
We take an in-depth look at one of Leeds’s best nurtured species
Campus Safari turns its attention to one of the most populus and most basic species during first term.
Tab anthropologist Bob Palmer takes a look at that species that just never seems to die off
This week The Tab gets up close and personal with Uni’s most volatile beast yet.
BOB PALMER guides you, our beloved reader, on how to make the best of a bad situation.
We continue to take a look at the species Leeds seems to nurture
It may just be an excuse to get drunk but at least pretend to be interested in what’s on the TV
The Tab safari continues, looking at one of the bulkier species to be found around Leeds
Bob Palmer has a chat with the latest persona to dominate our twitter lives.
Our resident anthropologist Bob Palmer takes a look at one of the most common species found around Leeds
Bob finds out what Tarantino has to offer us: a welcome mix of American history, unbridled violence and flawless performances make it a very early contender for the best film of 2013.
Bob Palmer checks out what The Artist is all about