The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Noah Katz apologised for a now-deleted Instagram slide this morning
The Sugarhouse will host its 40th Birthday Bash on 2nd December
Nothing in the world is scarier than a morph suit tbh x
‘And by the way, I’m goin’ out tonight’
D.O.D will be performing at the Halloween event instead
We’ve given the people too much power
There’s nothing wrong with a pair of trusty cat ears
Mystery Greggs for £2.59? Sign me up
Oh no, it’s the terrifying thought of graduating!
Does anyone know the difference between the 1 and the 1A? Anyone?
I’ll never stumble into the nearest takeaway again
Why are you stood in front of the fridge? Move
Sugar staff for PM x
A car crashed into the nightclub shortly before 11:30pm last night
The fire was visible from the 100 bus route this morning
Maybe it’s time to drop everything and transfer to Pendle
Can you tell the difference between Bowland North and Bowland Main?
From city tours to lectures, there’s something for everyone!
What’s the difference between the 1A and the 100 again?
Come to our open meeting on Tuesday 11th of October!
The club will be open almost EVERY NIGHT of Freshers
The Good University Guide now places Lancs at 12th in the UK
But who got the most nominations?
Isaac would be proud
Please say Olivia Colman, please say Olivia Colman!!
Omg Charlie has a younger brother!
‘You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think signing up to chase people around campus wielding a spoon is weird’
They appear in all four graphic novels but are missing from the show!
Embarrassing themselves is in the FTO contract
There’s no argument, Pendle merch = best merch
The statement arrives after students asked for the conflict to be referred to as a war
‘I want to say that I have never been so proud to be Ukrainian’
The event was in ‘support of Ukraine and condemnation of Russia’s military action’
Let’s be honest, most of them are just Bradley Walsh
Duck slander is NOT tolerated at this uni
The incident took place in Rylands Park on Thursday morning
We can’t all be High School Musical now, can we?
I’m judging you if you’re a Dairy Milk
If you’re still seeing ‘Glee Cast’ in 2021, you should know you’re not alone
‘LUSU is continuing to engage and support Women+’
The manifesto claimed that strikes could be ‘potentially fatal’ to students
The motion was passed following the club’s response to the Big Night In campaign
Multiple organisations have plans for Guy Fawkes Night this year
Greggs is overrated? Bounty behaviour
Yes, you get a free T-shirt xx
The ducks didn’t appreciate me invading their space
‘What we can do is educate students on the club’s history’
Staff, students, and ex-students gathered to remember the 49 lives lost in 2016
‘It takes less than five minutes, but the data that we get will be so useful’
Can we finally have our mates round?
I find your lack of faith in my ability to pass my exams disturbing
‘I’m dying to see how this one ends’
Read the standing orders. READ THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM.
Spoiler alert: there are two with ducks
How could you complain when you’re this close to Greggs?