Here’s what your Lancs bus route says about you
Does anyone know the difference between the 1 and the 1A? Anyone?
The buses are the backbone of Lancaster students (and the crux of all their problems). I swear I’ve seen more people queueing up for a seat on a Stagecoach 1A than I’ve seen queue up for Harry Styles concerts, and who can blame us? If you’re carless, the bus is the only way for off-campus students to guarantee a (mostly) rain-free commute to campus.
Some people love the bus (really!) and some people absolutely despise having to pile into a vehicle with eighty other people who are already angry about undoubtedly getting stuck in traffic by the Infirmary for a good fifteen minutes.
But whether you’re a bus boffin who sits on the 100 to Morecambe for fun, or you’d literally rather die than be cramped up on that back row with three sweaty strangers, we know exactly what your bus route says about you and your Lancs habits.
If your go-to route is the 1 or the 1A, you probably hate buses and want to minimise the amount of time you spend on them as much as possible. Despite not knowing the difference between the two routes, you’re still going to chase one of them down when you see them because you’re always in a rush to get to places.
You most likely play a sport or spend your Wednesday nights at a number of society socials. You might be quick to anger sometimes, but that only means you’re passionate about what you love. And what you love is a speedy commute.
If you’re an avid fan of the 100, you probably like to live life in the slow lane. You’re a cat person first and foremost and prefer eating in Barker House Farm and The Deli over grabbing a Greggs on the way to your lecture. If you could chat with the bus driver, you most likely would and you always remember to say thank you on your way out.
You prefer taking your notes by hand, or at least using a tablet so they can look prettier. You’ve definitely been to Morecambe once or twice, and you might even be a fan (of the town or the football team, it doesn’t matter.) Either that or you live in Bowerham.
If you’re taking the 41 or 42, you’re practical and don’t much mind if you’re on your own sometimes. Things don’t bother you if they’re tricky or a little off the beaten path, you just get your head down and get on with it. You’re probably in Lonsdale or Cartmel and are going to come out the other end of Lancaster with a first.
You’ve never missed anything in your life, be it a lecture, lab, seminar, or a big shop. There’s a meal plan pinned to your wall alongside your budget, your timetable, and your favourite aesthetic photos. It doesn’t bother you that you’re on a bus full of older people. They’re more your style anyway.
And if it’s the 4 that you frequent, you’re a little like the above 41/42 people, except for the fact that you go out of your way to let people know that you’re quirky. You’ve spent at least three months planning your Halloween costume and plans. You fell in love with mental health walks over lockdown and now you recommend them to every single person you meet (they work!).
You surround yourself with friends as weird and lovable as you, and you tend to have the best nights out because something a little bit strange always happens. You’re the person to go to for a crazy story, and everyone loves you for it.
I don’t get the bus, I drive
It’s fine, just say you’re better than us because you have a car.
I don’t get the bus, I cycle/walk
It’s fine, just say you’re better than us because you exercise.
I don’t get the bus, I live on campus
Just you wait.