The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The uni has said it is investigating an incident involving security and students
Acts have been asked to pay up to £70 to perform
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – it is a sign of strength, and one of the bravest things that you can do.
Justice was temporarily served
First Brexit, then Cambridge Analytica, and now a Brazilian bot cheating scandal. When will this madness end?
Two hours in and almost half of their likes have come from abroad
The department also has also promised to ‘review our internal processes’
He has been committed to prison for a total of 38 weeks
The account gained over 1,000 followers within 24 hours of going live
The 2016 ball was described by The Telegraph as a ‘drunken, drug-fuelled orgy’
Along with new buildings for Maths and Computer Science
It blames ‘unnecessary bureaucracy’ imposed on students
The couple have said they “can’t quite believe it”
Over 65,000 people have now signed the petition
They also chased other students and appeared to kick them
Only one member voted against
There’s a paragraph about him in a ‘sidebar of scabs’
The results were revealed in the riverside café
Two thirds of them are called Josh
Do I see you queueing for Flat White? Catch up, darling
This story will be updated regularly
And he is going to meet ‘members of the public’
They’ve become a national icon
Can Tesco Finest even compare?
He said women wearing short skirts is ‘like leaving your door unlocked’
Don’t worry: there will be counter-demonstrations
She doesn’t even do Economics
They’ve just released their first EP
The cordon has now been removed, lectures are continuing, and a ‘controlled detonation’ has taken place
Yes, of course there were food fights
A giant shock to one and all
Some earn up to £3,000 less
Just two per cent said they used Nightline
Ironically the question was about a leaking cylinder
But don’t worry he spent his savings on cocktails in Wetherspoons
We have confirmed cases at five universities and other buildings are under inspection
No prizes for guessing which subject it’s in
It’s not Cambridge, it’s not Oxford, it’s not even Aberystwyth
A third of students say they’ve taken them
‘Durham is an exceptional institution, and we believe it should be rated Gold’
‘Every Muslim should be a terrorist to anti-social elements in society’
The Cathedral is buzzing today
The Avengers crew have blown their disguise
The assumption is backed up by evidence
Opening in October with a half-price student promo
Durham’s favourite racist uncle talks alcohol, banks, and hitting Michael Crick
@cuthscomida: “Menu updates, tepid banter”
“I’m from Iraq. I can’t go to the USA any more.”
Which side of history will you be on?
Do you know Joe Banfield? Oh, you know, er … the one that looks like Harry Potter?