Van Mildert accused of ‘undermining democracy’ after Brazillian bot Durfess cheating scandal
Two hours in and almost half of their likes have come from abroad
In today's most scandalous news story, Van Mildert college has been found to have gained an unfair advantage in the quarter-finals of Durfess's popular 'college war' series.
Roughly 40 per cent of Van Mildert's precious love reacts have come from an unidentified group of Brazilian Facebook users, shooting the college's react-count up to 2,000 in just two hours – 1,000 more votes than rivals St. Cuthbert's Society.
With 24 hours still left to vote during peak procrastination season, Cuths' JCR President has called on Durfess to investigate, and it is unclear whether Van Mildert, home to little more than just ducks, will continue on to claim the win.
Catriona May, President of St. Cuthbert's Society JCR, has called on Durfess to "conduct an investigation into this catastrophic event. The culprit must, and will, be found."
She continued: "Van Mildert are undermining the value of democracy, we have to take this seriously".
Chris West, a third-year Biology student at Cuth's, told The Tab Durham: "Utterly shambolic effort from the bog dwellers, lack of sportsmanship all around quite frankly. After sly tactics from Mary's this is no surprise, snakes don't hiss, they cheat in college wars."
A spokesperson for Durfess told The Tab Durham: "Our decision on the matter is that it's fair game this time around.
"We don't know who did it, but they are bad people. From now on we will RON colleges that are found to cheat.
"Sorry that Cuths got hurt by the worst of this – but it's not over yet. There's thousands of students who can overturn the result and still twenty four hours to do it.
"Good luck Cuths we're rooting for you!"
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