Stop press: Durham students spend the least on going out

A giant shock to one and all

Coming as a surprise to perhaps no one but the locals who face crowds of drunken youths each night, it has been revealed that Durham students spend less on going out than those at any other uni.

Natwest’s 2017 Student Living Index found that students at Durham need on average just £18.40 each month to sustain their night-time ventures to the city’s pubs and clubs.

The Index, which has been produced from a survey of 3,407 university students across the UK, also found that Birmingham students spent £33.40 per month on going out – almost double those at Durham.

Durham lacks nightlife, some say – but one trip to Jimmy Allen’s is surely enough to debunk this claim?

Photo: Durhameme

Sabrina, a second-year student at Cuth’s, said: “If anyone thinks ‘Dullham’ is a thing, they should visit Klute at 11 p.m. on a Sunday night and think again.”

It has also been revealed that Durham has the cheapest pint of all UK universities, and that doesn’t even account for the £1.70 Carlsbergs at the college bars.

Sabrina, like many students at Durham, is a Klute regular, and also enjoys day-drinking prosecco.

Perhaps students at the uni really do live the same lavish partying lifestyle as their friends at Birmingham and Bristol – but don’t have to break the bank for it?

Natwest’s 2017 Student Living Index