The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Luke O’Brien dissects the University’s response to the wintery weather.
Did you know both SUSU and the University have their own range of merchandise? Read on for some of the worst uni-swag that you can buy.
Tab Top Tips for finding student jobs, deals and bargains in Southampton
It’s a big name, but unfortunately it isn’t Craig David
Uni-Link can’t be arsed to go the extra few metres to NOC.
Botched Portswood drug deal ends in near-fatal stabbing.
After 9k fees Cameron et al are keeping the students on side with this one
The best way to spend an evening in Southampton without a quad vod
With a spate of attacks across Southampton, The Tab urges everyone to stay safe
EXCLUSIVE insider news from SUSU-will grad ball be at Oceana this year?
SUSU the Cat dishes insider dirt on this year’s elections
Luke O’Brien peers into his crystal ball to provide us with his take for results tonight
Luke O’Brien’s take on the media storm around Zack Young’s candidacy.
“I agree with what you’re saying…” BORING! Hopefully some controversy today for us livebloggers.
Memes changing the world on a very small scale
Luke O’Brien takes a punt at who will be successful this election period
Nine candidates last year, only one in 2012! Where’s Derek when you need him?
AU Ball will be held in St Mary’s Stadium, the first change in venue for the event for many years
The Tab got a sneaky peek at The Cube’s new layout and we like what we saw!
The top five most read articles this year on the Soton Tab
Shady business isn’t limited to Portswood, this time it’s suburban Highfield
Coffee lovers rejoice, Portswood gets a new caffeine hit
Luke O’Brien reckons that only mugs look for houses before Christmas.
The Tab has learned that the University of Southampton will be completely without IT for a whole WEEK in January.