The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Are you team Toope or team Virgo?
The Tab’s interview with Cambridge’s Senior-Pro-Vice-Chancellor in full
The Tab’s interview with Cambridge’s Senior-Pro-Vice-Chancellor in full
Anyone else feel like taking a year out?
Lectures and exams will be conducted virtually
‘Alone on the Dancefloor’ drops this Friday
They targeted the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program (CASP) research building
Let’s celebrate female and non-binary students taking action in our University and society
Many are isolating with queerphobic, uninformed or unaware individuals
The maths graduate is on conditional bail
Let’s take off the rose-tinted spectacles…
We interview Prof. Graham Virgo
Submit questions here!
Do we rate Toope and Virgo’s work?
They received an apology from their department.
All students will find out about their assessments on Tuesday
Ticket-holders should anticipate to receive a refund of 75 per cent of the original ticket price for the cancelled event.
Can our Easter exams be assessed on our ability to slay zombies?
An email was sent to all staff and students this afternoon
Cast your vote – how would you like to be assessed?
The event was due to take place on 29th March
Cambridge’s shining icons
The post makes fun of racial stereotypes
Guests crowded to watch Tinchy Stryder headline
The occupation ended at 9.30am today
The bops were due to take place over the next few days
The Ball will be held this Friday
They have asked the occupiers ‘to leave immediately’
Maybe we’ll have to shop at the big Sainsbury’s
“We are peaceful, angry people fighting for our lives”
Pineapple men, XR dogs and tricycles
The History Faculty told students to refrain from speaking out
Clare, Girton, Robinson and Jesus are the first colleges to adopt the scheme
A group of Chinese students were subject to racist discrimination at lunch in Downing Hall
Celebrate May Week in style
Let’s settle the debate once and for all
This is accurate
Exhilarating and disturbing, but most of all, truly relevant.
Girton and Homerton are more inaccessible than we thought…
You’ve probs met them on a messy Friday night out
An interview with the production team of ‘Thrill Me’
A beautiful exploration of love and grief
We spoke to the production team
Energetic and exuberant, but still sends a chill down your spine…