‘Gassed to do my degree from bed’: Cambridge students react to no face-to-face lectures next year
Anyone else feel like taking a year out?
Last night, Cambridge University confirmed that there will be “no face-to-face lectures during the next year”. Unsurprisingly, there has been a wide range of reactions. From incoming freshers wondering if they should take a panic gap year to 3rd years planning on completing their degree from their bed, here’s what they had to say:
Outrage from many
“I’m kinda gutted about having confirmed online lectures – I like seeing people that I wouldn’t see otherwise and having random chats with my course-mates. Having to sit in my room with headphones for lectures is going to be super isolating”– Anna, 2nd year Geography
“Ngl idk if I would have gone to the lectures anyway but now that the option has been removed, I’m sad” – 2nd year English student
“Disappointed as for me the lectures were not only an educational but also a social activity. As it so happens, my best friends are from other colleges and I am concerned that now socialising with them will be harder due to the social distancing norms. However, I feel like a good portion of engineers may not even notice a major difference as they were a rare sight in the lecture hall anyway” – 1st year Engineer

Freshers be like
But what about my dollar?
“I’m devastated by this news. As an English student, our only real point of contact with other Englings is lectures – and now our only in-person teaching next year will be in small supervisions. I respect that the University is prioritising safety, but they can’t possibly expect us to pay full fees for a mode of teaching I didn’t sign up for?” – 1st year Engling
For some, the timing is all wrong
“Although Manchester uni has already made a similar announcement, they have just suspended in-person lectures in the autumn term. I think that taking such a strong stance 5 months ahead of the next academic year beginning is too hasty. I understand that contingency plans need to be made, but already blanket cancelling lectures for an entire year seems an extreme measure to take” – 3rd year MML
A few aren’t too fussed
“In the grand scheme of things it’s not that deep and think I’ll survive tbh” – Leila, 1st year HSPS
Online lectures are an actual win
“It’s about time they did this. In many subjects they don’t record lectures and don’t allow us to without a DRC permit. It’s sad that it has to be in this situation but recording lectures will make them much more accessible and easier to digest” – 2nd year MML
“As a Girton student, I’m over the moon. No more cycle rides in the rain to watch some rando ramble on for an hour about their very precise specialism that is usually irrelevant to the course anyway. Gassed to do my degree from bed” – 2nd year English
We have contacted the University for comment.