The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
If you aren’t excited you should be
Because that would be boring and self-involved, two things I definitely am not
You can win a Garden Party ticket and the money goes to charity
You’ve always wondered.
In Pictures: ChariTea Garden Party 2016
Remember everything it’s achieved
All you need to know about Cambridge’s Benches
The pheasants are revoluting
LUKE HEPPENSTALL-WEST is sickeningly positive about a show that blew him away despite being totally extravagent
College authorities succumb to the people’s demand for glorified, semi-ironic organised fun
It’s Week 5 and everything is terrible and we are terrible.
They’ve almost quadrupled in size in just 2 weeks
Robinson has been plunged into crisis after a week of disrepair and laundry woe pushes students to the edge.
He’s coming on Friday 23rd October
First up against the wall when the revolution comes
“When I realised I might have got into Cambridge I thought: ‘It’s either the home or the college work.’ I chose the work.”
He’s overcome all the odds
“What university do you go to?” is possibly the most stressful question a Cambridge student can be asked.
This is the most important thing you’ll ever read m10
It was a bastion of modernity before
A unique and personal night of luxury and sensual enjoyment, apparently
Give it a watch
LUKE HEPPENSTALL-WEST thoroughly enjoyed pretending to be one of the kids who were too cool to hang out with him in school
LUKE HEPPENSTALL-WEST is suitably impressed by this year’s charity June Event
It’s not another Grindr
Apparently it’s just optional, harmless fun
It caused quite a splash
Problems with consent will be with us for a long time. Let’s do what we can to challenge them.
A tragedy for beard lovers and people whose favourite colour is orangey-yellow everywhere
Footlighter and Rice Enthusiast ADRIAN GRAY returns to our screens with a tale from the troubled heart of lad culture.
He wants to make the city safer
It will be somefin to look forward to
LUKE HEPPENSTALL-WEST explains the issue with Free the Nipple – in spite of its good intentions.
I demand the male papilla be sexualised
There always was something sinister about that place
He is currently on police bail
ALFIE PARKER tells us why staying behind is the way forward
It’s all go for our jailbreakers – follow live updates for all the latest goings-on. It’s getting interesting…
“I didn’t do anything about it for two years. I felt I had no right to be depressed”
Are you a student? Do you go to Cambridge?
Don’t you love a bit of academia after a night out?
“Like Blind Date but less awkward, and in a team”
HARRIET HALL gives sage advice about surviving your trip for a trim.
THE TAB hears all of your relationship woes and gives helpful advice
Why we actually do need consent workshops, and why we need them to be good.
FRANCESCA WOOD tells us what we all already knew, deep down
The sexiest snowfolk in Cambridge: VOTE NOW
We dive into the depths of Dive, a techno night coming to a King’s Bunker near you
Tuition Fees are so progressive we should start charging 11 Year Olds to go to school
It’s only fair