The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Including our interview with headliners Shame
Gagging orders prevent bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct allegations becoming public
The incident occurred after the individual attempted to regain entry to the club
The message was sent as an angry reaction to the outcome of a football match
The set will involve some of Liverpool’s most exciting emerging female talent
This was the result of last week’s referendum
It beats getting a pub job tbh
Exeter is high on the list, shock
He clearly loved it last year
It’s every Saturday at Electrik Warehouse
Some of you have been hurt and we just want to hold you
The Office for Students told us the uni could be sued under ‘unfair terms legislation’
It’s part of their £3 meal deal
The society are using it as an example of the abuse they receive
The stickers are the latest in a spate of racist incidents on campus
And the situation is only getting worse with Carnatic being demolished
Go on, nominate your mate who knocked his tooth out in Heebies
Obviously they’re on a first name basis
He allegedly knocked the clubber out
Her family asked how she wanted to celebrate, Bongo’s Bingo was the answer
At it’s new venue you can get £1 tequila shots
Ceara’s request for mental health help went unanswered due to overstretched staff and industrial action
Peak if your uni didn’t make the list
Lecturers have been encouraged to vote in favour of the strike
Don’t trust those Christian Union people, even when they give you a free toastie
Nobody cares that you have a Maths A-Level
The price is 15 per cent less
The incident took place on Arundel Avenue
Football’s coming home and this is the best place to watch it happen
Don’t take me home…
It’s called Einstein
It beats every other major city
The bus will run every half hour
Including interviews with the headliners
One sad boy to rule them all
Kelis, singer of ‘Milkshake’, will be joining them
A man and a woman were injured
The smoking area isn’t even that good
Disappointed, but not surprised
Alternate title: we were hungry for a week
There were four incidents in one day
I mean the name alone
It’s somehow totally legal
He’s recording a live version of his hit podcast “Reasons to be Cheerful”
It has been moved back to the 8th March
It calls for a refund of £1079.16 per student
Answer the questions below to find out
They were tweeting to celebrate ‘Regicide Day’
It comes after Arriva North West have tabled a new offer
It was in the corner in the basement
The Union have described it as ‘a gesture of goodwill’
Armed police have been seen aiming their weapons into a car, before a man was put in handcuffs
Try finding out why they are actually striking first
It’s not all about Smithdown you know
Where do we even begin with the 699?
Enough with the hate, you’re only in Rankin because Crown was full
“Yeah, I met Stevie G in Liverpool One”
We’ve been getting smashed on Paddy’s Day since the 17th century
Michael Jordan was a human geographer so there