The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
100 per cent my type on paper
Time to reveal all
Your votes have been counted and verified
Big fish, little fish, the best cardboard box room
Do you have a double bed tho?
It’s happening tomorrow
Sleeping on the sofa is preferable
It’s happening on Thursday
Big fish, little fish, cardboard box room
Always makes ya Thurs-ty
She loved Waitrose obvs
Bubbles and Bumble
A dedication to unselfish students
Funking mental
He needs £400 to get him to the Alps
The end to exams we’ve all been waiting for…
They honestly LOVE The Trent
After concerns about supply of Class A drugs
They are Sophie ‘Habbs’ and Clemmie
Everyone’s going crazy for it
‘Tis the season to be Geordie
It’s going to be TABulous
It’s time to find your festive crush
Time to deck the halls with boughs of ivy
It was found in half of the locations
Get them at Jitterbug in Mono tonight
Newcastle’s most influential student of 2016
It’s a no brainer
They are turning Digi into even more of a jungle
All about that nugg life
‘In crust we trust’
Where else can you win a Henry Hoover?
The uni is cracking down
They ended up in Swingers
The club had previously been rewarded for their inclusivity by the SU
There’s a cash reward for whoever finds it
It happened last night
‘Double dates with your mates’
It’s fucking classic
It’s one of the best nights around
Put forward your hot mates
It’s supposed to be wanderful
Leazes being lit
One in 10 antisocial behaviour incidents are from Newcastle
The race is this Sunday
Fresh start to Freshers’
Daniel Wood passed away on Monday 12th of June
Dog and Scone opens on Saturday
Jesmond parties are infamous, apparently
Hummus or houmous?
It’s this Thursday
We’re building the team for 2017/2018
Going to be a banger
They even sell alcohol
Care-ful how you vote
Victorious in battle of the aisles
Officially your fresher queen
The votes came in SUNbury-side up
While you sit on your sofa, they make millions
Debauchery and garters make a return to Jesmond
Who will you choose to perform your maintenance?
See you later S(m)elly Oak and definitely forget Fallowfield
A pint in these unis will cost you a meagre £1.30