The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
With free ice lollies on the door
Game changer
‘I felt like I had been kept hostage in a zombie apocalypse’
I mean popularity contest
They’re running for Welfare & Equality officer this week
Hope you’re not shy
For the first time there are four female boxers
Here’s the shortlist for The Tab Newcastle’s Power List
The money was raised on Valentine’s day
Most of you disagreed with the Union’s suspension
Are our views actually represented by the Union?
It was following a ‘social event’ in November
Goodbye, dry January
It’s a £75 penalty
It’s next Tuesday
Almost 20,000 people watched in awe
It’s thought there were 200 people attending
The 20-year-old man died yesterday
A motion was passed at student council
Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?
Sassy and seductive
It was a comfortable win
Library staff seem resistant
It is not confirmed whether she was a student
It happened on Shortridge Terrace
He’s on placement at TfL in London
The shoes ‘drop’ tomorrow
It was the most fatal US terrorist attack since 9/11
‘We don’t believe our campaign encourages drug use’
But we’re still leaving
It’s flower power themed
Everyone stop what you’re doing
She’s a regular at Tup Tup
The President lost by a mile
It’s happening on Thursday
It’s on a farm tbf
Even though you don’t care, you probably should
Even though you don’t care, you probably should
He was with Marnie from Geordie Shore
He says they have ‘loose morals’
Shit’s going down
It happened in December
It’s caused long delays on the network
When the crowd say Bo, Selecta
They labelled us red
19,000 people are watching on Periscope
‘We bought two but one escaped we don’t know where it’s gone’
You could see the smoke from Gateshead
Chris Brink will have been a Vice Chancellor for 15 years
She lives with her competitor Olivia Pryor
My milkshake bring all the boys to the yard
He was wearing the victim’s jacket
She can eat a 24oz burger in under 10 minutes
Only 55% voted in favour
Now we know why it stank
One girl said it smelt like ‘Heinz tomato soup’
We’re joint 23rd with the University of Kent
He joked his dad took the Newcastle United job to keep an eye on him
Never knew there were chocolate Twisters
They’re nearly paying as much as our parents