The time is now: Vote for the UK’s saddest sad boy
Hundreds of sad boys were entered, but there can only be one very sad winner
For years, the sad boy lived his life blissfully unaware of who he truly was.
There wasn't a name to describe his lifestyle – the frozen pizza boxes used as plates, the pint cans of Stella, the endless rollies smoked whilst trying to forget about the many girls over the years that had left him on read.
But then came the discovery of the sad boy house, and all of the little things he did that formed his sad boy personality. Sad boys all over the country woke up and realised their true identity.
But, it's easy to forget there are real people behind the sad boy movement, so we want to hold these individuals aloft and show them off, let them revel in their sad boy sadness.
From hundreds of entries, we've whittled them down to just a handful vying to be crowned the UK's saddest sad boy. Vote for who you want to win below.
Greg Williams – Newcastle, First Year, Mechanical Engineering
What are his sad boy qualities?
Greg wakes up around 1pm everyday in his pit of a room which has a few fairy lights hung up with Sellotape and one ‘how to roll weed’ poster. He has washed his bed sheets once all year and generally wears clothes he’s borrowed off other people.
For lunch it's plain white tortilla wraps with Nutella spread (no plate or cutlery required as that would mean actually washing up). Evenings are spent solely on Fortnite and the girls in our house are shouted at if they interrupt him.
What are some of the most sad boy things he does?
Greg leaves his fag paraphernalia all over the flat, and is on the Xbox every evening. He never does the washing up, and is obsessed with Koppaberg, having one with his dinner every night.
Andrew Mason – St Andrews, Fourth Year, Maths
What are his most sad boy qualities?
My pres playlist hasn’t progressed past 2008 to the displeasure of everyone around me who want to play Lil Uzi and 21 Savage: "It all sounds like Call Of Duty guns to me".
Going to St Andrews has been vital to his sad boy development, studying maths in a small town with more golf courses than night clubs. Andrew also plays football for the third worst university team in Scotland.
What are the most sad boy things he does?
Will play Fifa until 3am and sleep through his lectures the next day, repeating the same process in an endless cycle.
What is their sad boy house like?
Has a classic sad boi bedroom, with the standard Pulp Fiction poster along with a drinking games one. But, the piece de la resistance is his “New World Order” poster with Kim Jong-Un, Trump and Putin all riding on a nuke.
There are too many empty cans of vitamin T (Tennents) lying around for it to be classed as a sanitary place. It’s improved though, he used to have a stack of pizza boxes 8ft high that had to be disposed of to pass a housing inspection.
Lewis Hollebon – UEA, First Year, Politics and History
What are the most sad boy things he does?
He adds thyme to everything because it “makes things taste better”, and goes out for a meal to treat everyone on his monthly payday, only to come back wine-drunk and broke.
His fridge shelf is either completely empty or filled with out of date crumpets.
Ellis Jones – Birmingham, Second Year, Mechanical Engineering
What are his most sad boy qualities?
If he's going out it will be endless cans of Gallahad – Aldi's own brand four lagers for £2. Being in Birmingham definitely helps him fulfil his sad boy potential, as well as living a 60 second walk from Tesco and the nearest chicken shop.
His sad boy garms are not limited to wearing the same jumper every day, he usually wears one of at least three or four sweatshirts actually. His favourite one is either the beige Adidas one or the baggy Reebok Welsh rugby one.
What is his sad boy house like?
He's incapable of keeping his uni room clean, which is probably why girls rarely ever come back to it after a night out. Its most redeeming features are a welsh flag which is only ever hung at half mast at the most, and a washing up basket overflowing with clothes he can never be arsed to actually wash.
Konnor Keeble – UCA Farnham, First Year, Film Production
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Connor only eats canned spaghetti hoops and smokes more than Winston Churchill.
What are the most sad boy things they do?
He's learning to play guitar in order to write his own sad boy songs and become a Soundcloud sad boy to rival Post Malone.
Calum Brown – Glasgow, Second Year, Economics
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Always found smoking a rollie and wearing a Slazenger jumper, coupled with daily tinnies to “take the edge off”.
What are the most sad boy things he does?
Sitting on the sofa for days eating ready meals, drinking tins and playing Fifa.
What is his sad boy house like?
Endless empty loo rolls, crumbs everywhere, a bath that doubles as an ashtray and a large collection of posters and flags on the walls.
Connor Walford – Leicester, Second Year, Medicine
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Replies “cba” when asked to do any activity. Can't breathe after a night out despite not having asthma, and only drinks tinnies – usually K Cider. He once drank his own urine by mistake and spends his entire life on the Xbox.
What are the most sad boy things he does?
Connor gets emotional every night out and always goes to the smoking area to talk about his feelings. He wears a scrum cap on every football night out and once bought 36 VKs on a night out as well.
He leaves wet towels on his bed and complains his bed sheets are wet later. Often spends entire days in his dressing gown and rarely leaves the house.
What is his sad boy house like?
An all-male house of eight boys. There is an entire wall with hundreds of night out/funny photos of all the lads.
Josh Ribbans – Leeds, First Year, Maths
What are his most sad boy qualities?
He's much happier staying in on a Saturday night, drinking red wine, eating frozen pizza, and watching the same Louis Theroux documentary he always does. He tags himself in relatable memes because none of his friends will.
What are the most sad boy things he does?
At pres, he's often found in his kitchen in a dressing gown drinking the cheapest cider or lager he could find at the shop.
On a night out, he'll usually drink whatever is the cheapest alcohol per unit before getting too tired to stay out and ordering himself an Uber home. Pres are always the best part of his night.
Olly Voice – Bournemouth, Third Year, Accounting
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Always has roll-ups but still has the cheek to ask for fags
What are the most sad boy things he does?
He constantly feels sorry for himself over no girls loving or liking him, stresses that he hasn't done enough work and moans about his receding hairline.
Olly’s other sad boy habits include crying when drunk, dressing like a roadman and taking three pills in a rave – always.
Harry Bessant – Sheffield, Third Year, Economics

Bonus sad boy points to Harry for sending us a picture to use that was taking on a potato
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Harry has a deep love of Fortnite and claims to be good at Fifa. He nibbles at any comments directed towards him and also has a love of Reebok, widely considered as an attempt to appear edgy.
What are the most sad boy things he does?
Harry’s most sad boy habit is having a liver and bacon ready meal before washing it down with Sainsbury’s own-brand ale as a treat.
Tim Henley – Royal Holloway, Philosophy and Politics
What are his most sad boy qualities?
Tim splits his time between longing for a girlfriend and crying about his ex. A girlfriend cures a sadboi.
He "rates" Pizza Express supermarket pizzas when he has the money but if not Chicago Town will do. On a night out he tends to stick to whisky and coke.
Tim has two pot plans and a cactus that are both dead and also some "wavy lights" so it’s not so shit IF a girl comes round.
A real quote from Tim to finish off: "Yung Lean's lyrics are actually mad and each album has a different vibe. His stuff changes in the mood you're in for sure and you can always relate to it somehow."
Tom Leaver – Lincoln, Second Year, International Business Management
What are the most sad boy things he does?
Falls asleep in the club. Eats three packs of chicken super noodles and a takeaway pizza every day.
What is his sad boy house like?
If you can find a section of the floor that isn’t covered in pizza boxes or Pepsi max cans I’d be shocked and upset.