Why do C-list celebs bring out your inner psychopath?
We should feel sorry for the reality TV stars paid to frequent Bournemouth clubs
It seems like every week a different C-list celebrity rocks up at a club in Bournemouth, poses for a few pictures and leaves. Standard.
But why are students going crazy to meet these people?
These ‘guest’ appearances are talk of the town but whether they’re from Geordie Shore, TOWIE or Made in Chelsea, it doesn’t make any difference.
Paying to meet someone who has been on the telly just seems daft. These ‘celebs’ have no intention of getting to know the people they meet, they just pull the same awkward face in every photo and move onto the next excitable punter.
Last night, Jamie Laing decided he would have a fab night out Orange Rooms…and fab it was. For the hundreds of girls who flocked round his tiny VIP table.
From the few glimpses I got, it was clear he wished he was somewhere else. At some point in the night the bouncer deemed the situation was ‘too dangerous’ and has to escort Jamie upstairs, poor thing.
Here is a photo of Jamie Laing’s ear my friend got as he was escorted to safety
Celeb appearances bring out the worst in girls. After being pushed into the front of the VIP table, I could see girls throwing themselves at Jamie like he was a demi-god.
Girls behind me were screaming and trying their hardest to talk to him, or at least touch him. If he wasn’t famous would this be happening? No. He probably wouldn’t even know Orange Rooms existed.
In a way, I feel quite sorry for these reality TV stars. Sure, getting paid to visit a club may seem fun but having strangers hurling themselves at you sounds like a complete ‘mare to me.
The correlation between free drinks and freak-show is something C-listers have to endure at these types of event. So, to any TV stars planning on coming to Bournemouth: I wish you luck.