Sakura’s closed, nobody cares

Another club bites the dust

One of Bournemouth’s most stylish nights out (their words, not ours), Sakura has closed its doors for the last time.

Given the higher prices and faux-classiness of Sakura it’s unsurprising the venue never managed to beat Halo in the popularity stakes, and reactions to its demise have been pretty muted.

One fresher told The Tab: “I went once but I was one of only four people in the club, so I got so drunk and broke my own face in!

“It was so dead we ended up dancing with the toilet attendant.”

What even is a sakura anyway?

Another student told The Tab she wouldn’t miss the over-priced drinks and ridiculously small VIP sections.

“It was nice, but nothing special. I always preferred a night at Halo.”

A first year Psychology student agreed and said, “I’m not really that bothered if it’s gone, it’s a bit out of the way and not really worth the journey”.

There were some people we spoke to that were sad to see the club go though. Psychologist Yazz Denny Brown said: “I went there on my birthday and the manager and other staff made it a perfect night. There was a real sense of exclusivity”.

Sakura struggled to tempt punters away from Halo across the road

Another told us: “It’s not like all the average shitty clubs around Bournemouth. The staff there would treat you better and the music was always great.”

According to Sakura’s owners, there are currently no plans for another club to take over the location.