Exclusive: Antisemitic posters linking Israel to 9/11 have been put up on Bournemouth Uni campus
The SUBU President has said investigations are commencing
Anti-semitic posters have been found glued on walls in the toilets of Poole House today.
A student found the posters in the toilets and posted them to Facebook, branding it as "disgusting antisemitism at Bournemouth University".
The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) have also called the posters "insidious" and "appalling".
One poster appears to blame Israel for the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York.
A second poster accuses Jewish people of controlling the British media and helping to brandish Syria and Vladimir Putin as devils, Theresa May as an angel, and the recent Syria chemical attacks as fake news.
In comments made on the Facebook post, other students said the posters were "disgusting", "racist and vile" and urged the student to report them to the Community Security Trust. Others questioned if there might be CCTV in the corridor leading to the toilets.
The Union of Jewish Students (UJS), told The Tab Bournemouth:
"UJS is dismayed to see that antisemitic posters have been found at the University of Bournemouth.
"The use of insidious antisemitic conspiracy theories to intimidate Jewish students is appalling.
"UJS will be working closely with CST (Community Security Trust) to support Jewish students in Bournemouth. We hope that the University of Bournemouth will act swiftly to investigate this incident."
Since the posters were outed online, SUBU President Daniel Asaya said:
"Sending solidarity to our Jewish students who have had to experience such blatant antisemitism on our toilet walls today. These disgusting stickers have now been taken down and I have contacted Bournemouth University for them to commence investigations and take action.
"I've also spoken with the President of our Jewish Society and will be having a meeting next week to take this further.
"No group or individual should feel intimidated or bullied whilst at University and SUBU will continue to condemn and fight against antisemitism, bullying and discrimination in all its forms."
SUBU has also released a statement, it reads:
"SUBU has become aware of extremist material which appeared in the toilets in Poole House on Friday afternoon. This type of activity will not be tolerated and anyone who is found to be involved in promoting extremist ideas will be subject to student disciplinary proceedings and reported to the police.
"Both BU and SUBU have signed up as Hate Crime reporting centres and information on how to report a hate crime and for support can be found here – where you can also find information about the range of support that is available to members of the BU community.
"If anyone has any information about the incident on Friday they are invited to contact Mandi Barron, Head of Student Services, in confidence at mbarron@bournemouth.ac.uk."
This isn't the first time antisemitism has been found around student areas in Bournemouth. A year ago, Nazi symbols and ‘Jews go home’ were scrawled across a wall in a car park in Winton.
We will bring you more on this story as we have it.
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