Bournemouth uni students should give these 12 things up for Lent
I’ll probably give up nothing…
Lent is coming up.
We all make plans about giving up chocolate, giving up our most favourite thing that we sit and consume basically every single day (let’s be real). But, here are some ideas you may have not thought to give up for lent:
1) Cameo
We all love a Guilty Wednesday, but never end up at our 9am lecture the next day. Maybe it’s time we say goodbye to our beloved club night for Lent, or maybe just say goodbye to 9am Thursdays instead?

Cameo or lectures??? Think that's an easy decision to make
2) The multiple takeaways across Bournemouth
Bistro Pizza, Subway, Fresco, you’ll see me at a new takeaway every single time because my drunk mind cannot deal with not having chicken nuggets and chips after a night out.
Maybe that’s the reason I am piling on those pounds instead of using my gym membership, maybe it’s time to call it quits.
3) VKs
You’ll usually see me on a night out holding so many VKs I don’t know what to do. As much as I love how great VKs are, maybe we should say goodbye to them for Lent and save our bodies from the colour additives.

VK's in subway???
4. Slug and Lettuce (2 for 1 cocktails)
I once spent three nights in one week in Slug and Lettuce spending my entire student loan on their 2 for 1 cocktails… but how can you refuse? Practically makes it spoons prices, right?
Absolute bargain, give me 20 tah hun xoxox
5. Coffee #1
Probably more known to second and third years living in Winton as this is on the high street.
One of the places where, again, my overdraft gets spent, but how often do I go there to do work but actually forget my laptop? I leave spending £10 on a delish coffee and food but get zero of the diss done, cheers.
Oh well, the effort was there – that's what counts, right…
6. Lollipop
Another FAVE, I spent every week of my first year here, and somehow took 2 hours to walk home from Fire Station to Dorch??? Still puzzles me to this day. But with cheap AF VK’s, how can we refuse?

The iconic freshers night out
7) Conto Lounge
My hungover heart is won by Conto breakfasts and watermelon iced teas. That is all I have to say. Bad influence.
8) Dylan’s
Such a fabulous idea of Bournemouth University to have a bar at the uni, but how many times have you gone to have one pint and then ended up belting out bangers on the karaoke night and not living it down ever since…
9) Brightspace
Maybe we should just give up looking at briefs and our work online altogether? I mean how many people want MyBU back?
10) Fusion Breakfast
A 5 or 10 piece breakfast before lectures really sets you up for the day but maybe I should stick to all the food I’ve bought back home instead of yet again, rinsing my bank account on more food.
I can’t help it. Food is life.
11) Spoons
Don’t know what to do, bored, procrastinating work = every single answer is spoons. The amount of pitchers I have downed in my 21 years probably should go on my CV.

Especially when they are 2 for £12, absolute bargain tbh
12) Siso
For anyone who has the pleasure of knowing about Siso (calling all media/film/journo students), perhaps we should give up filling in those risk assessments and being shocked every single time we remember we can only have the equipment out for hardly any time.
So… for Lent, maybe I’ll be a good student, or I could try again when I graduate and have to sort my life out.