In aid of Uni Mental Health day, here are some ways to look after your mind
Everyone needs some me time
Mental Health affects the majority of people. Shocking figures by YouGov show that one in four students experience mental health issues at some point during their time at University, with nearly half of those students saying that they struggle to complete daily tasks because of them.
I remember when I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I felt like my whole world had come crashing down; but I was also relieved because I wasn’t going ‘insane’ and there was something wrong. It is important to find ways to deal with your mental health when it has taken a hit. I learnt a lot during my counselling, including simple ways to deal with my own mental health.
Here are some ways to help you deal with your mental health at University:
Go to your local doctor/counselling service
Each University tends to have a counselling service that will help if you are feeling low, it is always worth taking a trip to them and even just having a little chat to someone you do not know, who can help majorly in giving you some relief.
Or, go to your local GP and they can refer you or put you in contact with a local counselling service.
At my lowest point, I was so happy that my doctor referred me to two different teams. This one lady who came to my house once or twice a week in-between my counselling sessions is the major reason that I am still here today, and I learnt a lot from her, so I have everything to thank for her help.
Mental Health helplines
I personally have not used these, but sometimes you really feel like you have no one to talk to, so these helplines can help. Whatever time of day or night, someone is on the other end of the phone to listen.
Samaritans: Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 116 123 or you can email them if you prefer not to talk on the phone at [email protected]
Mind: The UK’s leading mental health charity, their info-line can be called every weekday from 9am-6pm for any information on mental health support in your area.
Do something you love
One thing that helped me majorly was finding something I really enjoy and setting aside some time to do that within my week. Especially if I am feeling down, I will push aside anything else I am doing and focus on the one thing I love to take my mind off whatever is worrying me or getting me down. Usually I will have a bath, do a face mask and watch a film or some YouTube videos.
Make lists
Another way to help me deal with my mental health is making lists. I stress over the smallest of tasks and find that this all gets on top of me. I find that making lists of everything I want to do that day/week really helps. By setting myself the smallest of tasks, that makes me feel like I have accomplished something towards my final task. The important thing I always remember is that if I don’t get a task done – to not get myself stressed over that. I just put it on my list to do the next day.
Spend time with family and friends
University can be a lonely place, so make sure you find time to give yourself a break even if it is watching TV with your housemates. If you are worrying about your work then you most likely will not get much of it done, so it’s best to de-stress your mind and try again another time.
I find cleaning a great way to help relieve stress and calm me down. Even opening some windows, spraying some air freshener and making my bed helps me feel ten times better.
Exercise has been found to be very helpful in relieving stress and helping clear and better your mind. Even going for a small walk helps as getting some fresh air can help clear the mind.
Exercise helps release endorphins in your brain and help you feel happier, sleep better and concentrate more.
Everyone faces their own battles and life certainly is not the easiest, but with a little self-care time you can help your mind feel better. As much as good grades are important at University, your mental health and wellbeing is more important; so, look after yourself and find help where you may need it.
If you would like support, contact the Student Wellbeing Service at Bournemouth University on [email protected], or call 01202 965020.