A definitive ranking of the best places to study on Bournemouth University campus
For the students who are currently drowning in work
With Freshers’ Week long gone, the majority of students, myself included, have started to discover the wave of anxiety surrounding the many readings and assignments you are expected to do.
To determine the best spot to get work done, I have tested a range of popular study spots on Talbot Campus and ranked them, so you don’t have to. Here are the best places to study on Bournemouth University’s campus:
Fusion Building – 7/10
Probably one of biggest buildings on campus, the Fusion Building provides a modern and bright area with a range of seating. There is a range of food and drink options where you can grab a coffee for a hardcore study session.
However, this means it can get busy and loud during peak times in the day. Whilst those red chairs are extremely comfy, I wouldn’t recommend writing an essay there. However, if I am rating it, based on a panicked skim read of a reading before a seminar, it would be a 10!
Atrium Café – 6/10
Next comes the Atrium Café, or the green café near the reception. This provides an airy and attractive environment that I appreciate, and most importantly there is a Starbucks. Despite my love for green, it is near the reception, meaning a lot of students walk to their classes through here. And if you are like me and spends time admiring people’s outfits and comparing it to our own, it probably isn’t the best place to focus on an assignment.
Student Centre – 5/10
The Student Centre is another popular location on campus, home to the popular Student Union. There is also another Starbucks (if you couldn’t guess my study sessions involve a lot of caffeine). It is close to a lot of the lecture theatres however as many events occur there and with students coming in and out, it can get very busy and loud. I would recommend it as more of a pit stop before your lecture rather than a study spot.
Sir Michael Cobham Library – 8/10
Finally, we have come to our last location – the library. Normally I can’t stand studying in a silent place like a library however, after studying there, I realised I was so wrong. This library has different floors, one specifically a study floor which is quiet. So, you can decide if you need complete silence or the quiet buzz of the lower floor. Along with the PCs accessible to anyone, the library is a great place to get ahead of the never-ending work.
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