Lent Gig Guide
GEORGE OSBORN gives a quick round-up of the must sees this term.
Some of the quicker witted ones amongst you may remember that I did a round-up of gigs you should go and see at the beginning of last term. Well done for noticing, I appreciate your efforts reading it. But still, I reckon it’s worth giving a quick shout out to a few of the decent gigs that are going on this term before the exam term brain fuck denies you of any ability of socialising for more than half an hour at a time in the summer months. So here are my top five gigs of the next term:
Vampire Weekend- Corn Exchange Sun 7th February
After the glorious afro-pop of their debut album, Vampire Weekend return to Cambridge to promote their (probably) wonderful new album Contra. Expect a relaxed atmosphere as their brand of indie, while being energetic and danceable, has an obviously cerebral edge to it that definitely warrants you paying actual attention to what they are playing as opposed to just bopping like a tit. It is sold out though, so get your best tout punching gloves out if you fancy grabbing a ticket.
Adam Green – Junction Wed 3rd February
Cambridge University is generally a place full of loveable weirdos, so if Adam Green were to become a student here he would blend seamlessly into the furniture of college life without much difficulty. His mixture of delightful croon and acoustic strumming may bring to mind Sufjan Stevens or Richard Hawley, until you listen to the smut of his lyrics. With hits such as “Chubby Princess”, “No Legs” and “Bunny Ranch” you are sure to end the night singing highly dubious lyrics and what more can you want than that?
Editors – Corn Exchange Wed 17th March
Chances are you will have buggered off home before this happens if you are in the first year so all I can say here is this: gutted. After a slight sway on their second album, Editors third album “In this light and on this evening” was a pretty hefty return to form and comes with a fantastic new synth led sound that should prove fascinating to see if they can master live. Again, it’s sold out but as long as you don’t mind paying touted prices that equate to a metaphorical monetary blow job then you’ll be richly rewarded by a band with more belting songs than I have toes. And I have 12.
Shockwaves NME tour – Corn Exchange Fri 19th February
As per usual, the NME awards band wagon rolls into town promising you an epic time for only a couple of bob. In fairness, most of the time only the latter part of the deal really happens at these gigs but last years line up included Glasvegas, Florence and the Machine and Friendly Fires so occasionally lightning strikes twice. If you fancy giving it a punt expect to see The Drums, The Big Pink, The Maccabees and Bombay Bicycle Club but don’t blame me if it’s shit.
Lostprophets – Corn Exchange Mon 15th February
Rounding up a pretty disappointing term for gigs, Lostprophets bring their shouty brand of upstart emo to a stage near you. Expect angst, gelled hair and a beltable chorus or two but don’t expect a life affirming experience here. As long as you get in and have a bit of idiotic fun then it’ll be alright but while you do spare a thought for the poor idiots who went and saw them at Reading and Leeds last year while Radiohead played the main stage in the same time slot. The poor earless bastards.
Well there’s my round up of gigs. It’s not the most spectacular bunch out there but if you look around online for a bit you might find something that appeals to you, with a big recommendation for the Green Mind promotional website who tend to book the better alternative acts around. Gigs break up the monotony of university life and for the price of a dominos pizza they are definitely worth a night out. So get booking eh?