Fashion blogs
For my inaugural blog post, I have decided to acknowledge those who have gone before me and write about…fashion blogs. The internet has had a dramatic impact on the way […]
For my inaugural blog post, I have decided to acknowledge those who have gone before me and write about…fashion blogs. The internet has had a dramatic impact on the way that we buy and think about fashion. I remember being online at midnight to see Kate Moss’ first Topshop collection launch, and who hasn’t shopped at ASOS, even if it’s no longer strictly As Seen On Screen? So without further ado, I present to you four of the most interesting and influential fashion websites….
What Katie Wore What Katie Wore deserves a mention for being a labour of love. A year ago, a man called Joe decided to photograph his girlfriend’s outfits every day for a year. Since then, Katie has been mentioned in every fashion magazine going, and inspired hundreds with her quirky sense of style. I can’t help thinking though, that this must have been exhausting. We all have days when we’d rather just chill in our pyjamas… http://www.whatkatiewore.com/
The Sartorialist The Sartorialist barely needs an introduction. Originally, Scott Schuman just snapped the stylish people he saw on the streets of New York. Now he looks for subjects all over the world, and has photographed fashion royalty such as Karl Lagerfield, but the basic premise remains the same. It’s the simplest and most iconic fashion blog. http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/ Oh No They Didn’t! ONTD, as it is affectionately known, is not, strictly speaking, a fashion blog. It is, however, a no-holds-barred commentary on what Hollywood is up to right now, vastly entertaining, and not above calling A-listers out on their fashion faux-pas. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/
The Budget Fashionista The Budget Fashionista sets itself up as the fashion blog for “real women”. It’s a must-visit for every student, because as well as writing about fashion that is actually affordable, the writers are kind enough to include the discount codes for lots of respectable shops. Admittedly these tend to be American, but with the cash you save, you can afford the shipping! http://www.thebudgetfashionista.com/